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Best single all-purpose amp model?


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As I need completely clean sounds with plenty of headroom, even when you slap a boost in front, it'd be the Cali IV Rhythm 1. Used that in real life for years and I like it's tone controls (not talking about the 5 band EQ, which of course is a very nice addition, though). Plus, given the right cab, it's a pretty much perfect pedal platform, allowing me to cover anything from completely jazzy clean to pretty decent rock riffage. I actually never used the other channels of it for the last 5 years.
In fact, I'm right now building a patch based on that very amp, using a self-baked IR, works out just great so far and will leave me with plenty of DSP juice (and an IR block as the last thing in the signal chain, allowing me to listen to my live patches in mono, just the way I'm using them). I'm even thinking about running everything (delay/verbs included) in front of the amp, it seems to nicely glue things together. Now I just need to find the right drive along the lines of my Egnater Goldsmith (which sounds just fabulous in front of the real MkIV), might have to go for an EQ/drive combination.

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Oh, I'll play - it's Sunday afternoon and it's raining :-)


The Deluxe is great, the Cali IV is great, but if like me you play a Strat quite a lot, you might fall for the wonderfulness of the Bassman. It's got that bit more mid body than most and it's expressive, if you know what I mean. Stick an Heir Apparent (half a Tone King) in front when you want drive, and light touch Ganymede reverb after the cab block. Maybe a bit of LA comp at the end of the chain. Clean up with your guitar volume pot as needed. Triffic :-)

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For me, it's the Derailed Ingrid paired with a 3 Sigma Soldano 4x12 IR.  Paired with any other IR and I suddenly don't like the amp model.  Drive is somewhere below half. I use either the Scream 808 or the Minotaur to give it a bit more gain when needed.  I'll also use Simple Pitch to act as a doubler, to somewhat mimic what an Eventide can do....think late 80's VH sound.  If I back off the volume, it cleans up nicely.  

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Would have to be the Placater Dirty!

Good drive sounds, the voicing switches help reshape your tone to how you want it e.g Fat and C45. 


Cleans up well when backing off your volume knobor using a volume pedal. Just stick a drive in front (I am using the heir apparent) and some reverb in the back(this varies but it is currently searchlights) and maybe a simple delay for some added fun and you have a pretty good platform to go towards different genres and not just Rock and Metal as it would be intended!

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