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When you have a product that can't be used (properly or fully or whatever you would like to qualify it) without the remote software that is available on IOS only (I mean not even on Windows or OSX), I can't imagine it not to be a deliberate (and hopefully thoroughly though) decision...


Now Line 6 has the right to release some gear that needs an IOS device to work properly if that's what they want even if that sounds crazy to me ... On the other hand, one could criticize them for not clarifying their position on that matter (unless I missed something) ... Is that so difficult to provide some information on their intention ? They can just say we have no intention to develop a "remote editor" for any other OS OR that they may think of it at a later time OR whatever. Honestly, I have difficulties in handling those "corporate" ways of never answering legitimate questions ... It's not like they are asked to provide their "signature" ...


The android audio latency doesn't matter at all for this kind of application ... An Android app can perfectly exchange data over bluetooth... In any cases, as said earlier, it's certainly not a matter of Android because they could have made an app on windows ... if not android.

And as a developer, I can't see any technical reason for not having a cross platform app except maybe for the itune specific stuff ... which they may think is the main selling point - who knows..


That said I don't want to sound like I am angry. I'm just debating ... expressing my views and, of course, would accept to be corrected...

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When you have a product that can't be used (properly or fully or whatever you would like to qualify it) without the remote software that is available on IOS only (I mean not even on Windows or OSX), I can't imagine it not to be a deliberate (and hopefully thoroughly though) decision...


Now Line 6 has the right to release some gear that needs an IOS device to work properly if that's what they want even if that sounds crazy to me ... On the other hand, one could criticize them for not clarifying their position on that matter (unless I missed something) ... Is that so difficult to provide some information on their intention ? They can just say we have no intention to develop a "remote editor" for any other OS OR that they may think of it at a later time OR whatever. Honestly, I have difficulties in handling those "corporate" ways of never answering legitimate questions ... It's not like they are asked to provide their "signature" ...


The android audio latency doesn't matter at all for this kind of application ... An Android app can perfectly exchange data over bluetooth... In any cases, as said earlier, it's certainly not a matter of Android because they could have made an app on windows ... if not android.

And as a developer, I can't see any technical reason for not having a cross platform app except maybe for the itune specific stuff ... which they may think is the main selling point - who knows..


That said I don't want to sound like I am angry. I'm just debating ... expressing my views and, of course, would accept to be corrected...


I have no idea about the technical issues with Android or anything, but I think people are forgetting that the app does more than just act as an editor for the amp. It does also play and stream music from the device to the amp. So that could be another layer of complication. I imagine, for one thing, that there's different ways Android devices handle the audio library on the device. Again, I don't know enough to say for sure - pure speculation on my part.

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I have no idea about the technical issues with Android or anything, but I think people are forgetting that the app does more than just act as an editor for the amp. It does also play and stream music from the device to the amp. So that could be another layer of complication. I imagine, for one thing, that there's different ways Android devices handle the audio library on the device. Again, I don't know enough to say for sure - pure speculation on my part.


As far as I know (but I may be wrong) any bluetooth capable device can stream music to the amplifi ... even an Android one  ;) ... so that's certainly not a concern...


Obviously, there is no such thing as the itune audio library on android. It is however certainly possible to configure the line 6 app to point to the root folder containing the music. 

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but what's the root folder?


One of the challenges developing on Andrion is the gazzilion hardware and OS configurations.


So if Line6 has a team that has been developing on iOS for the Mobile POD app, which does process the models, and then wanted to get this to the market asap...


just my 2 cents

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Not sure to understand what's your point ... Why not a windows and/or osx app then? It's not like I did not mention this fact.


Now to your specific arguments:

the app just need to let the android user specify the library root folder. If a music player can access music library on Android, there's no reason another app could not... in any cases, the feature that makes it possible to find an effect configuration based on a specific tune is not completely essential. It could be a "plus" feature available on IOS only.


The gazzilion hardware and os configuration does not make sense. As said before, we are merely just talking of an editor application that sends commands to some hardware over bluetooth. A GUI and the ability to send data over bluetooth is all what is needed. Moreover, line 6 could just limit the compatibility to a minimum version of Android (jelly beans and later ) the same way they are doing with IOS...


PS: as you have certainly noticed, I'm not a native English speaker. Keep in mind while reading that I may not always express properly what I mean ... thanks

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Fact: There isn't an app.


Opinion: I can agree with you that an app for windows/mac/linux/android would be great.


Truth: it will either happen or it won't... i'm fairly certain that have or will be looking into the possibility.


your English is great, no worries... I'm quite certain you're not alone and no one here would be upset if lots of different apps became available!

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@fred lat


your English is great!


By no means am  I saying I do not want  Andriond/PC/Mac connectivity.


There is a USB port for "future use" One can only hope pc/mac connectivity.


But regarding development, iTunes on an iOS7 deviece is a standardized media player/implimentation.


What is the standard media player/implimantation for Andriond devices?

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Do you mean the USB has no use ... I had made the assumption the FX100 could be used as an audio interface through USB (like nearly 100% multi-effects those days)... After double-checking that sounds like USB is indeed not used at the moment which is a real show stopper for a modern multi-effect board if you ask me.


Dealing with music library on Android is quite easy. You just hat to put your ripped CD in the music folder. On one hand, it may be already too difficult for some but on the other hand it's quite flexible ... I personally don't want to sync my audio library using itunes ... I have ripped my hundreds of CD (that says something on my age :)) on a NAS and from there I can just copy/sync all or some on any android device...

And frankly, "the tone matching" feature could be available on IOS only ... 


The more I look into it and the more it (more specifically the fx100) sounds like an unfinished product unless you would like to think of it as an apple product:

- no audio interface feature

- Device is nearly not usable (I'm talking of the fx100 here) without an Apple device .... 

- it sounds like in a way or another you are forced to go through your music library even when you just want to create a patch ... basically things seem to have been built around the tone matching feature...


Is there really a market for people that think that the tone matching feature is the most important feature? I doubt so but who knows ... 

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I know it is not hard to put music on an Andriod device, my point is there is no standard implimentation, so from a developer's perspective, it is just one more layer of cmplexity.


I don't think it is an unfished product, it is what it is, I view it more as a proof of priciple intergrating iOS, and hopefully Andriod in the future, with the device.


Regarding the USB port, there are many thing it could be, but assuming it is something can only lead to frustration, currently there is no mention of what it does.


Granted, in this day and age there are ex[ectations/assumptions of options available on any paticular peice of gear, but that is all they are, assumpltions.


Now if the boix, website, or manual stated it was compatible with Andrion and you could interface with a computer via USB, and I purchased it on than info, well that would be a different story.


As far as tone matching, I'm not a huge fan, more of a novelty IMHO. I'd rather find my own tone.

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- it sounds like in a way or another you are forced to go through your music library even when you just want to create a patch ... basically things seem to have been built around the tone matching feature...


Is there really a market for people that think that the tone matching feature is the most important feature? I doubt so but who knows ... 

I've had my Amplifi for about a week now. I don't have any of my iTunes music on my iPad because I only use it for music creation. You don't have to use tone matching if you don't want to. You can create tones just like you can with any other Line 6 pod device. The only difference is that you can use the touch screen to edit, which is very nice.


One of the reasons music developers always flock to Apple is because all of the tools for music are built into the OS. Whether it's iOS or OSX, core midi and core audio are built into the operating system. This makes things so much simpler for software developers when creating music software, especially when it needs to communicate with an external device (i.e. midi keyboard controller, audio interface, etc.) I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that adjusting parameters on the amp requires midi. Even if it doesn't, using an existing protocol like midi sure simplifies things.


I'm not sure about the audio/midi capabilities on Android. Does it have anything comparable to core audio/core midi built in?


As far as the sound, the Amplifi sounds pretty darn amazing for the price range!

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Please note that I'm talking of the Amplifi FX100 (the pedal board) and not the 150 and 75 guitar amp line that has at least some use even if you don't have an ipad... (a guitar amp, a bluetooth enabled speaker)



Have a look at all multi-effects those days. They all act as an audio interface through USB port. In that respect I don't see what you mean by the "USB" could be many things... I mean unless the product targets people from Venus, it should certainly offer audio interface features at the very least ...

That's what I call unfinished...



Android suffers from audio latency and is not suitable for music/audio intensive apps ... 

But that's not really a concern for the amplifi which application is basically a remote command application... it just send commands over bluetooth...

As far as the FX100 is concerned, I can't see how a multi-effect pedal board that is not capable of acting as an audio interface and that needs an IPAD (or an Iphone) to work is amazing for the price range...Could be amazing eventually but not for the price range...

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Line 6 - How about some upfront information on if and when you plan to make this Amplifi system compatible with Android/Windows/Linux???? The "Later this year (2014)" is childish - I, like many other faithful line 6 users of many of your products, was excited and ready to by this new product of yours but were basically shut out and ignored with the introduction of it compatibility with ONLY the iOS - That, Line 6, was a real slap in the face to, I have to believe, is a majority of your customer who use Windows OS and have Android phones and Tablets - LINE 6 - Tell US Android and Windows users when we can expect LINE 6 will have the APPS for OUR operating systems??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????    

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"The report by Strategy Analyticsfinds that Apple's iOS market share fell to 11.9 percent from 13.4 percent in the same quarter last year. Accordingly, Android smartphone shipments in the last quarter made up 249.6 million units, up from 186.8 million a year earlier, dwarfing the 35.2 million Apple iPhones shipped"


"In the Android vs. iOS debate, Google's mobile platform has long won in terms of market share. So the news that Google's lead of the smartphone market has inched ever higher is a bit ho hum. But in any case, a new report shows that Android's global market share reached a record 84.6 percent last quarter at the expense of all other mobile OS platforms including Apple's iOS, Microsoft's Windows Phone and Blackberry"


When are Line 6 going to open up this product to the other 85% of the population?

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When are Line 6 going to open up this product to the other 85% of the population?


I hear what you're saying. But I'd be willing to bet that if you surveyed how many musicians have an iOS vs Android device the ratio would be different compared to the entire market.


Also there's this:


Pure speculation here, but perhaps Line6 wanted to be first to market with this type of product, so they had to make some compromises.


But I do hope they release an Android version soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

there has never been an official commitment to support android.

they are certainly looking into it...

you can add your voice/vote here:


When is this available for android!! You said it will be available for android and still no app, I'm not going to out to buy an iPad so I can use the guitar amp, this is getting silly now I'm just going to take my money else where soon

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  • 2 weeks later...

thats completely factual...

you can stream from an android device....

however at this time there is no app to control the amplifi with an android...


but you can pair up a bluetooth android and stream music to it all day.


Why does the AMPLIFi 75/ AMPLIFi 150 Pilots Guide state under Features,


"Bluetooth streaming audio device (compatible with Android, iOS and Mac or PC)"


That is misleading and against Trade Descriptions.

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So what most of you Android users are saying is that Line 6 has no right to make a product for the IOS market? If that is the case there are lots of IOS products out there. So get an IOS device or look at something else. Heck I hope Line 6 makes a Android and Mac/PC apps. but for now this is whats it is.  

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The last two new products from Line 6 rely on IOS for added functionality.  Amplifi and Sonic Port VX with Sonic port also having PC compatibility.  Also if you look at Sonic Ports USB its an Apple type hardware interface (such as the chargers on the new Iphone etc.)  Thats not surprising that they would focus on one operating system for parallel development.  The "hope" would be that at some point there will be at least some cross platform capability for the Amplifi.


I like the Amplifi a lot (I have the Amplifi 75) that I only use as a monitor/practice amp running an HD500x into.  I do notice some Blu Tooth stuttering out of my Android device which does not happen with my other blu tooth spkrs.  From the forums supposedly there is an update, however it is only available via the IOS app.  And for some reason even that is only supported by Ipad, Itouch, and Iphone and not even MAC.  (That is unless I have missed something obvious)


Interesting enough there are platform emulators available for MAC to run Windows so I wonder if there are any IOS emulators for Android to run IOS apps.  That would certainly be a step forward to solving the problem for Android users

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  • 4 weeks later...

uhm... if you look closely at the picture i posted you'll notice the little green antennas poking out from the amplifi...

as in...

yes... android support is coming!


I was looking for a smallish practice amp so I didn't have to hit my band room to practice with a little volume. Lack of Andriod is a no go for me. Still rockin' my HD tho!

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that's just a list of the models they've tested... pretty much like saying that a windows program will only work on dell computers...

it's highly likely that the release will work on many models not listed....

looks like 4.2+ is nearly a sure thing as long as the device has bluetooth and wifi...

anything earlier we'd need to wait and see.

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