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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. Get the Jason Sadites presets and watch his "Dialing In" videos where he explains how he made the presets and why he did it the way he did. Don't expect them, or any presets made by someone else on a different system, to sound great on your system. Learn to roll your own.
  2. rd2rk

    HX Stomp setlists

    A Ford is a fine car, but it's NOT a Cadillac! OPP (Other People's Presets) rarely make everybody happy. Roll your own.
  3. rd2rk

    HX Stomp setlists

    Copy a bunch of "New Presets" from your existing setlist, then PASTE them over your existing presets until the whole setlist is NEW PRESETS. If you have NO free NEW PRESETS, do a reset: and start there. Once you've created a full NEW PRESETS setlist and exported it, there it is!
  4. Sorry, just saw your last post. Thanks!
  5. I suggested the other thread because C4TH is the ONLY HXFX user who tested and verified that it works with Snapshots, and that's the thread he posted on. Please use that thread to get him/her involved. Thanks.
  6. Go to this thread: I have spoken to multiple L6 support techs, and they don't really know for sure. Unless C4TH was on drugs when he tested his HXFX, IT DOES WORK! If you can't get it to work, please respond on the above thread and ask C4TH for help. There's at least 3 threads going on this subject. Let's use that thread and get a definitive answer!
  7. Actually, with no MV you should have the opposite problem - the power amp will be wide open! You'd need to use the Helix Volume Knob as a MV.
  8. If THAT doesn't work, time to open a support ticket.
  9. It sounds like you're leaning towards the LT. Proven tech, full function. If money is not an issue, GO FOR IT!
  10. You want a plain old fashioned shielded Guitar/Instrument cable. In Helix Global Settings>Ins/Outs, on the second page, the 1/4" Outs can be set for Instrument or Line. Set it to match the Behringer. On the same Global Settings page, set the "Volume Knob Controls" setting to XLR. This ensures a consistent UNITY GAIN output from the 1/4" Out. NOTE - the Helix Volume Knob is now OUT of the equation. You can also experiment with the "Guitar In Pad" ON/OFF. ON cuts the input signal slightly and MAY help with the noise. Using a BLANK Preset, turn the Theremin up slowly until it's no more than 2/3. Use the Behringer's Input Level control for final output level. Still noisy? Where did the noise start?
  11. As a bare-bones practice system, very clever. Too bad the G10 Receiver is the size of a brick, I have two of them! Now, why can't somebody create a version that's Stereo on one end for $200? Still have body packs and wires, but no worse than a typical wireless and IEM stage rig.
  12. Are you assigning the settings to Snapshot control? Page 35 of the manual (Helix 2.50 Rev D). Save the Preset before moving to another Snapshot. I do this even if Snapshot Edits is set to RECALL. Just to be safe.
  13. You're still not getting it. The Global Setting doesn't put you into some sort of Snapshot Only Mode, nor does it prevent you from using Helix preamps vs the Syn2 Preamps. In fact, it EXPANDS your options. All the Global Settings change does is prevent Helix from sending a Program Change of it's OWN CHOOSING by DEFAULT. It puts the power IN YOUR HANDS! You can use ANY Helix Preset with ANY Syn2 Preset! Your Syn2 Preset determines which Syn2 Preamp you're using. If you want to use a Helix Preamp instead, just set up a snapshot that sends the Syn2 BYPASS message and at the same time turns ON the Helix Preamp! "It would be cool to be able to have a preset one way and then one that has snapshot for the next. However, seeing that the change is in global settings, that kind of says it all....." While the footswitch configuration in Global Settings is the same for all presets as far as which switches you see on the Floor/Controller, you can get to any other configuration using the MODE switch, or by pressing the Up/and Down buttons simultaneously. Or maybe you're talking about something else entirely. I'm confused as to the conclusions you're coming to - both what those conclusions are and how you're getting there! At this point I'm going to make that awful suggestion that everybody hates to hear - RTM! Not only will it answer some of your questions, it will teach you the correct terminology to use when ASKING questions, to avoid confusion on the part of those trying to help!
  14. While all of that is true, it ignores the primary purpose of the device. If you want to go TOTALLY wireless, dance around the room naked while playing your guitar along with your favorite grooves, THIS IS IT! Maybe by next Xmas someone else will come out with something better, but if you want it NOW, it's the only game in town! However, I don't think the dancing around wireless and naked thing is what the OP is primarily interested in..... :-)
  15. When you're playing Helix>6i6>DAW with Record Monitoring OFF, You're hearing Helix Direct through the 6i6 - Input>Output. When you plug into the 6i6 direct to play with VSTs, you're hearing your guitar Direct through the 6i6, AND the VST through the Software Playback, thus two sounds. Mute the Input in the Control SW so that you only hear the VST from the Software Playback. IOW, it's the opposite of playing through Helix. When playing through Helix you WANT to hear the Helix DIRECT to avoid latency, so you DON'T mute the input in the Control SW, you DO turn OFF Record Monitoring in Reaper. You Don't want to mute Software Playback because then you can't play along to recorded tracks. When playing through VSTs you DON'T want to hear the Guitar DIRECT, so you mute the INPUT in the Control SW and turn ON Record Monitoring in Reaper on the VST track so that you DO hear the VST through Software Playback.
  16. The Behringer input is set to LINE, is the Helix Output set to LINE? The Helix has a ground switch on the back between the XLR and Send/Receive jacks. How about the electrical system? Is the wall outlet properly wired/grounded? All devices - Theremin, Helix, computer - plugged into a proper power strip/surge suppressor/emi-rmi filter? Try eliminating devices one by one. Unplug Theremin. Still noisy? Plug the theremin directly into a guitar amp. Still noisy? Plug Theremin into Behringer directly. Still noisy? Plug speakers directly to Helix. Still noisy? Unplug all USB cables. Still noisy? Reconnect USB cables one by one. Still noisy? Pay a Sorcerer to check for Ley Lines? (running out of ideas :-) )
  17. On the front of your 6i6 is a BIG KNOB. That's the MIX knob of which I spoke. FULL COUNTER CLOCKWISE, what you hear is JUST the Helix. Full CLOCKWISE is just the DAW. If you're playing/recording along with previously recorded tracks, set that knob for a pleasant mix, or set it in the middle and use Reaper's mixer for the mix. When you're playing your guitar, set the Reaper Helix Track's "RECORD MONITORING" button OFF. Don't worry about what sounds "better". You're always recording the sound that you're hearing with the "RECORD MONITORING" Button OFF, which is Helix DIRECT (no latency) But if you leave it ("RECORD MONITORING" Button) ON you're hearing BOTH the Helix DIRECT, AND the Helix through Reaper and back out to your speakers WITH the Helix direct signal. This sounds like crap and adds latency that sounds like an echo. Here's another way to think about it. Unless you're playing through a VST such as NATIVE, you DON"T want to hear your guitar through the DAW EXCEPT during playback of the recorded track.
  18. When this is set to ON, Helix automatically sends a Program Change (PC) ON PRESET LOAD relative the the PC# of the Helix Preset. I'm assuming that you have a Helix Floor unit. Preset 01A = PC#000; Preset # 01B = PC# 001; etc.. Setting "MIDI PC SEND" to OFF disables this function, so that when you assign a PC# to an IC in Command Center, that's ALL that gets sent. I had a quick look at the Syn2 manual. There's no indicator for what preset is selected, so you need to figure out how to keep a record of what Syn2 Preset you want to use with each Helix Preset (default Syn2 preset called by Snapshot 1 when the Helix Preset loads), and which Syn2 presets are called by all the other Snapshots in a given Helix Preset. With 1024 Helix Presets, each having 8 Snapshots, each of which can call any of 128 Syn2 Presets, you NEED a system. If all you want to do is change channels on the Syn2 it's a LOT easier. In the IC Command dialog, select "Control Change". Set the CC# as follows.: Channel 1A = 56 Channel 1B = 57 Channel 2A = 58 Channel 2B = 59 CC#60 = BYPASS CC#64 = MUTE I've attached a sample preset. When it loads it sends (on Snapshot 1) PC# 0. The Syn2 manual is not clear on whether it numbers it's presets 0-127 or 1-128. In either case it'll call Preset 1. Snapshot 2 sends PC# 1 Snapshot 3 sends PC # 2 Snapshot 4 sends PC#3 Snapshot 5 sends CC#56 Snapshot 6 sends CC#57 Snapshot 7 sends CC#58 Snapshot 8 sends CC#69 The value sent with the CC#s is 127, per the Syn2 Manual. If you use a MIDI Monitor, you'll see that The Program Changes send on the BASE Channel (default 1), but Snapshot 1 (or whatever Snapshot you set to load FIRST) also sends CC#0 Value 0, but it sends on Channel 16. Only the first Snapshot loaded does this. That's necessary because of the peculiar way that Command Center processes Instant Commands. Don't worry about it unless you have another MIDI device listening on Channel 16. Yes, it's complicated, at first, until you learn the rules. Study the way that I've set up Command Center and hopefully it will make sense. Feel free to ask if it doesn't. Good Night! Syn2 - A.hlx
  19. As always, you're not giving up the whole story. If you're taking the 1/4" L/MONO OUT to the Input on whatever model Focusrite you're using, and the HXS Out is set to LINE and the Focusrite in is set to LINE and the Mix knob on the focusrite is full counterclockwise and the HXS Volume knob is full clockwise, then the Focusrite Hardware Outputs that your speakers are connected to should be linked directly to the Helix. If you MUTE the INPUTS in the software, you should get NO sound at all. But then, I don't know what Focusrite you're using, or what the SW UI might look like. It could be very different than that used with my 18i20. How about a screenshot?
  20. "MUTE" means NO SOUND so, no. You're using the Focusrite as your soundcard/interface to your DAW. That's a very old quote. Currently I use a G10 wireless. The 1/4" out goes to Helix, the XLR to the 18i20 (clean/Native track). Helix goes into the 18i20 via S/PDIF, but if your AI doesn't have S/PDIF use XLR Outs. Set the Helix XLR outs to match the AI INPUTS - INST/INST; LINE/LINE; MIC/MIC. Start with the AI INPUT Levels all the way down and increase as necessary for a good signal on your DAW track. Be sure the track monitor button is OFF (or you'll get an echo) and monitor the Helix signal directly.
  21. rd2rk

    HX Stomp setlists

    Once you've created your custom setlists, go over to Ideascale and search for the requests that have been made for multiple setlist capability, and vote for all of them. OR, you could just make a new request and further dilute the votes for the existing requests.
  22. rd2rk

    HX Stomp setlists

    Export your existing BIG setlist as individual presets (NOT as a setlist). Copy over your existing setlist with NEW PRESETs. Export the NEW PRESETS (BlanK) setlist (to save work later). Import the Presets you want in a setlist. Name it and Export it. Copy over with your Blank setlist. Repeat.
  23. rd2rk

    Amp switching

    And C4TH has confirmed that Instant Commands and External Amp Switching does indeed work on HXFX. Thank you C4TH!
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