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Everything posted by pianoguyy

  1. The 500 can totally do it. I was just asking what you wanted it for. Depending on your needs would determine what you needed to do... if you needed to do it at all (which I don't really think you need to)
  2. hey, had to ask. We've had people who thought this would power speakers. what I am going to suggest.... when you get a replacement unit, do the flash to make sure you have the latest programming. and make sure you install the default tones. and make sure you do the global reset to get all factory settings back to default. And then, don't change anything. just play guitar using the different patches. hear what they sound like. sure, the default patches are nothing to write home about. but you can hear the different tones that the machine makes. at least that way you will know - yes, the thing does work.
  3. use whatever wireless headphones you want. but bluetooth tends to lag. as to the wired headphones.... they do sell extension wires. turn your 3 feet into 20. and if you have an issue with the wires pulling out of your ear when it gets tangled in your shirt or trapped under the guitar... tape it to the back of your neck like the pro's do
  4. for whatever reason you want an amp on stage when running a modeler, that is your business. but why do you think you need to separate path? You have the house getting the direct sound. Good. Anything else is just your own personal monitoring station. Does it really need to have the same exact tone.
  5. Just a silly thought here, you know, because we have seen people like this.... What do you mean 'amplifying'. It is an amp modeler. Fake computer generated tones of an amplifier. Not an actual amplifier. There is no power in this device. You aren't powering anything with a 500
  6. Are you in the band Spinal Tap? I thought those amps only went to 11. You obviously meant 12o'clock. Not 12. There is a difference. Also, the physical knob positions mean nothing. The knobs are only used to create tones. Once a tone is set, those knobs could be anywhere. It doesn't matter. Every time you recall a tone, it will come back to the last saved position, not the current position.
  7. no. it wasn't any louder. in fact, it was not as loud as my commercially available mp3 files. it is quite possible that you don't realize that most devices will shoot your computer volume to 100%.
  8. well, yeah, that's the idea. getting the same sound all the time. please be more descriptive. we're obviously not grasping what you are trying to say.
  9. there's the numerous Windows 10 posts. and if you are connected to a computer, there are many 'do not use the expression pedal with EDIT turned on' posts.
  10. no one is going to hear the correct tone based on a lollipop live video
  11. I think most of this can be answered with one word ---- DUH You are using a 15 watt guitar amp to make sound at home in your cozy little bedroom and a 10,000 watt pa system to make sound in a dirty dingy bar . And it sounds different - DUH. As to the sound issues, always start with a flash. But I would also check phase issues. Your guitar amp, I assume is running a single 1/4" wire, but then your pa system is using one , maybe two, xlr wires. That is a problem depending on how you have your patches designed. And, yes, it could just as easily be the console.
  12. It's pretty sad that sometimes old gear just doesn't automatically start to sound bad the minute new gear comes out. I mean, doesn't the old gear know the rules. New gear is out, you need to start to sound bad.
  13. I don't know what pedal you have. But yes, you can turn effects on and off within a patch.
  14. A starting point is going to be first understanding.... A 1960 Vox AC-15 is not going to have the same volume as a 2001 Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Solo. The models reflect that. Also, low output single coils are not going to have the same volume as a bare knuckle nailbomb.
  15. Never touch the master volume. Set it and forget it. If you are talking about different guitars on one patch, you are talking about input volumes. If you are talking about different patches with one guitar, you are talking about output volumes.
  16. there's nothing to fix because there is nothing broken. each time it happens it is either user error, a temporary issue, or a random fluke.
  17. can you access CustomTone via Mac.... DUH. If you can access the internet, you can access CustomTone. But, without a working EDIT program, you are SOL. Those downloaded tones won't do you any good just sitting on your computer.
  18. why would you bother running it through the fx loop
  19. No matter what resolution you use, I don't think the EDIT program on a 17" screen will be viewable from "a few feet away" But, yes, the only way to resize the EDIT program is to resize the screen's resolution.
  20. the short answer is NO these automatic settings are some general changes best suited for each situation, but you are certainly not going to get the same sound out of your personal monitoring system when set to studio/direct as you would when connected to a combo amp when set to combo I absolutely suggest that people who use different scenarios create patches for each scenario.
  21. which is why i asked if he was new to the device.
  22. you are new to posting. are you new to the device?
  23. AND once you have them in there (using the drag and drop method), they will have the new extension if you need to save them.
  24. You forgot to include the HD Pro and HD Pro X. But it really is a useless step, because those 4 units don't need converted for each other. However, since you're trying to be helpful and mentioned the converter..... The converter also works with the Desktop, 300, and 400 units
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