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Everything posted by pianoguyy

  1. I can't answer the question because I don't accept the premise. The unit isn't design flawed, the issue is user error. I have heard horror stories from people who have had gear puked on. Yet, with 30+ years of being a full time performer, I have never had anyone puke on me during a show. But others will buy nice gear that they don't take out of the house because they fear that very situation and would rather perform live performances with cheap gear.
  2. Drag and drop works. But they will not be found if you try to use the "open file" menu.
  3. 4. The HD series was replaced years ago, but because of business stuff they are still keeping it around - and they will for quite awhile yet. In addition, a Helix Jr would be more like a M series (effects only) than it would an HD. Besides, if a company stops making a product, does a product automatically stop working? 4. Glad to know that that you are positive about the future of the 500x. Indeed, a company stopping the production of a product doesn't make it useless; however once a company stops production, prices tend to go lower both on second hand and retail of said product (unless we are talking about "holy grail" kind of thing). As you can probably tell, if I found the 500x cheaper two months after I bought it brand new just because L6 announced its discontinuation. They have raised the price. Plus, they have a very beneficial deal with the manufacturer. Maybe I don't understand how the instrument industry works, but it is difficult for me to understand why a company wouldn't make an effort to push its brand new technology to a bigger audience, more so after said technology has been on premium products for a couple of years. But maybe it is not the time yet. Most of the allure of the Helix are the non-musical things, like a color touchscreen. Those things can't be made cheaper to accommodate "smaller" devices like a Helix Jr. So, it becomes cost ineffective to "push the technology to a larger audience". Particularly when they have a long term manufacturing contract on the older gear. Think about it, if you could make a product for 10% of its retail price, or one for 90% of the same retail price... as a business you have to think about profit margins and make the cheaper one. X has an upgraded processor so the DSP limit is increased by about 20%. X has upgraded footswitches that are more reliable, and have the O rings. Thanks for clarifying the differences beetwen the X and "non X". But even though the DSP has been increased (that is the part that was discontinued), the unit does not run any faster, and you are still limited to a maximum of 8 effects and 2 amps. I am not exactly an "early adopter" kind of guy, and I understand a product like this achieving its "final state" after many years of support where all the glitches and bugs have been corrected and there is nothing more substantial to work on. Throughout the years I have learn that when buying retail, its best to buy on the mid term of the product of choice (maybe Apple have corrupted me in that sense). It is obviously difficult to predict when L6 is going to slash the 500x, but given its number of years and the fact that there is new technology I assumed that the product was close to be unlisted. I've researched some of the products you suggested. They sound like terrific products, however I'm looking for a unit that includes the expression pedal on itself. I am looking for an "all in one" station kind of thing. And as for the editor, I'm a Windows user and I wouldn't be too much concerned about compatibility. Is just that the presentation of the software and it's many changes (or its complete stasis) can sometimes tell you how much more the company is paying attention to such product and how much are they betting on its future. Music technology is not like other technologies. For example, MIDI music (keyboards) used floppy discs well after the rest of the world, and probably would still be using it had Microsoft (software) and Dell (hardware) not made the decision to stop including them as standard equipment. MIDI file size is very small. Who needs a 700mb cd or a 128gb thumb drive when 1.44mb can store hours of music. And the editor is designed just for that - editing. It is not a 'live performance controller'. It doesn't need to be a showpiece.
  4. 1. If you want an MFX, don't buy a L6 product. Buy L6 if you want to use amp modeling. Otherwise, you are buying a Ferrari to use as a golf cart. 2. If you can't afford the 500x, you can buy a 500 for a few quid less. Literally the same unit, but an internal part had been discontinued (by the supplier), so L6 added an X to the name to keep them separated. 3. The 500x is the best unit in its (retail) price range. 4. The HD series was replaced years ago, but because of business stuff they are still keeping it around - and they will for quite awhile yet. In addition, a Helix Jr would be more like a M series (effects only) than it would an HD. Besides, if a company stops making a product, does a product automatically stop working?
  5. pianoguyy


    Once you get the "intitial settings" properly set, the rest is easy. Step one: If you didn't use it with physical gear, don't use it in the virtual gear. How much more simple could it be to have a rig, and then use a "computer" to replicate that rig. Beyond the basics, sure, there are a plethora of options. But you are looking for a starting point. Advance stuff comes later.
  6. Well, um, that is actually how you are to do it. You don't want to put a [virtual] amp/cab/mic into a [physical] amp/cab/mic. You want a neutral system so that you can hear what you are programming.
  7. I once had an issue... It had ended up being my headphone adapter (3.5 to 1/4) which was causing my stereo signal to sum-to-mono causing phase cancellation. Beyond that, I have nothing to offer. I mean, it worked fine. Then you changed pickups in the guitar and then it sounded bad. Seems more like something to do with your wiring skills than a problem with the Pod.
  8. wouldn't the monkey be able to link everything needed
  9. First, I disagree with saying that it isn't documented. It clearly states l/mono. But, if it is happening with headphones, then you need to look at the design of your patch. There are some effects that do not allow for the l/r split.
  10. But the goal is to find the "happy medium". We already know he can't turn up the Pod. So the alternative is to turn up the speaker.
  11. clipping involves input, not output. Turn your Pod down, turn the amp up.
  12. No, you didn't do it on your 500. What you may have done was reverse the effects so that on was off and off was on. But you didn't light up 7 lights (8 less the 1). can it be done... most electric pathways have a + and a - so, if you were to take apart your unit and reverse the wires controlling the lights.... maybe that will work.
  13. don't use other people's tone suggestions. it works for them, not for you. use your ears, not your eyes.
  14. You, unlike most, have the right idea. Start by rebuilding your rig. If you don't use a Oberheim Voltage Controlled Sample and Hold filter in your physical rig, why in your virtual one. That's just silly. Do what you know. Even still, there's a lot to learn. This isn't a "plug and play" device.
  15. Which is why I asked (and he ghosted us) how familiar he was with operating the unit. Between fx loops and input device settings, many patches won't work if someone doesn't know a few basics about the device.
  16. I haven't bothered downloaded the tone because, really, who the f cares. But, i have to ask... How familiar are you with operating your unit?
  17. HD is a "brand" name. The new ones are HX. What it stands for really doesn't matter. They could have called it GTE because it is the Greatest Thing Ever. And then the new ones could be WoM because they are Waste of Money. Either way, all it does is group the similar units together. All HD units are "the same". *technically, it is a model family. But I didn't want to say the word model because we are talking about modeling technology.
  18. And you won't see them listed. Those are the trademarked names that can't be used.
  19. I don't use it. But the goal/purpose is to prevent accidental removal, such as you may find when you kick a cord. Think about your guitar cord. I am sure that you have stepped on it and yanked it out. The little plastic thing would be the equivalent of snaking the cord around your guitar strap. You can step on it and it no longer disconnects you. It is that extra layer of protection. That buffer zone that prevents a removal.
  20. Is the dynamic range improved ? - not applicable Is the digital sampling improved ? - not applicable Is the S/N improved ? - not applicable Why HD ? (my POD HD Pro X is already HD ) - you are buying the HD pack for your HD because the HD pack won't work on the non HD units. What are the real the specifications for those models ? I don't understand the question. Is there any detailed documentation about this pack that everybody buy at 49$ ?
  21. LOL. Why didn't you ask this before you spent money. The answer to all of your questions are NO. You bought a bunch more amps to choose from. That is all you bought. The packs are nothing more than amps.
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