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Everything posted by grdGo33

  1. Yeah it's annoying. Mine does the same on both knobs, about 10% of inputs are randomly lost, both directions. Think it's a common issue with that sort of hardware, never had a mouse (mainly logitech) that was able to capture 100% of mouse scrolls.
  2. grdGo33

    Factory Presets

    Went back to them a few days ago, maybe the first dozen ones. The thing is that, IMHO, the cabs really take over the sound. So 90% of what I'm hearing with the default patches are "Ah that's a 4x12 Marshall, that's a 4x12 Mesa, etc.", and there's really not so many sort of 'incredible' tones; they're kinda generic/bland; Anyway, I didn't find much super inspiring or amazing sounding patches there, but that also depends on your guitar, play style, etc. Rewatching this; There seems to be a couple of patches which seem interesting (5D, 7B, 9B, 18A), so I think that going through the presets, and copying the presets which seem to have potential to your user preset and then tweaking them might have more value than trying to use presets as they are. Or... Maybe just using IRs instead of the stock cabs which all too often seem to take over the entire patch sound... I really wish the stock patches were 'better'... I don't know, guess it's hard to setup good patches... Other L6 devices seem to have too many 'silly' unusable patches, this has more usable patches, but doesn't really seem to highlight the incredible capabilities of the PGO... Maybe it's not super realistic, but would have been awesome if you went patch by patch and went: "wow! That's awesome! How did they do that?!" That happened once for me, with the space patch lol Maybe the PGO's presets could have been a highlight of the different distortions and effects; like with snapshots; 4 snapshots to highlight the sound of a distortion pedal, with an amp, with a reverb, etc., so you could go preset 1, snapshot 1, then go: "oh I didn't know that reverb could do that! Oh! That's how this distortion should be used! Etc.!"
  3. Your question isn't very clear. Or just doesn't make any sense to me... If you're sending a dry/clean signal through USB and then applying distortion via software (not PGO) how is it the PGO's issue that " there's not much gain" lol Maybe this is related?
  4. Yeah, you can do it through the softare PGEdit via unassigning the stomp button in the stomp button interface, can also do it on go, but you have to go to action or something ... It's done in a quite unintuitive way which I don't exactly recall. A simpler way is to assign another pedal to the same stomp button and choose 'replace' while saving (don't merge!), your old stomp button will become blank, then you just re-assign the same block to another button and effectively have erased your loop stomp button.
  5. First, 'nd', that's not even like, a real word... Second, WE ALREADY HAS SHIMMER OMGOMG!!!1111oneoneoneone Ahem. It is called "Plateau" reverb. :p It be a shimmer! :D
  6. It's strange that they just didn't add an input volume on the input node... Also too bad that you can't set the volume pedal to go over 100%. You can also place the EQ at the start of your chain and boost the signal from your 'free' always on EQ block. Amps also typically have EQ settings so you can still get some EQ'ing with your amp, but yeah nothing could stop you using snapshots or that function where you attach values to buttons and have a button to do +10dB bass, +10dB mids, etc., and use EQ as a free boost.
  7. The cab simulation of the PGO simulates the sound through a guitar cabinet, it's intended to be used with recording software or through studio monitors, headphones, etc. But if you're using the PGO output to a guitar cab, you're already using a cab, so don't need to simulate a 2nd cab. If you're simulating a cab and play through a guitar cab, it's as if you had, for example: Guitar -> Marshall amp -> Marshall 4x12 cab -> recorded via microphone -> Mesa Boogie 4x12 cab. So yeah, that would affect your tone! ;) If you have a regular stereo system, just regular amp, speakers, etc., to listen to music, you might want to try plugging your Go through that. Already you'd benefit from Stereo effects, and you might get a better sound than through your guitar amp & cab. It's quite a bit more flexible that way, you're getting to 'really' use the Go's cabs or IRs.
  8. Is there such a setting? I was unable to find it also if there is and I'm also getting quite low volume output for DAW (Audacity)
  9. Why would they not be happy with the results? It's 100% how the PGO is intended to be used. The only drawback would be that you're not taking advantage of the PGO's reverbs, which are likely 'better' than your reverb pedals, as for instance the Ganimede, Plateau, Glitz, etc., reverbs are somewhat comparable to Strymon big sky ($479), blue sky (#299), $399 eventide h9 and others very expensive pedals. So if you have some of those pedals, by all means use them lol but for us poor chaps who went for the Go for its affordability, most of us won't have those kinds of pedals. But yeah if you're using just a Spring or Plate reverb or whatever, absolutely nothing wrong with using outboard reverb pedals, other than it won't be outputted to USB, etc. Or even then, use the FX Loop, add the loop at the end of your chain, and you can get your reverb pedal out to USB! I have some cheap Nano reverb with spring/room/well reverbs but haven't touched it since getting the Go. I'm just having too much fun with the Go's reverbs. :D They all seem to have a sort of particular niche of what they like or don't like... Still experimenting and trying to wrap my head around them, but having fun in the process! And yeah, unless you're using live, you can always just create more patches. I've found that when you're using heavy reverbs, your 'tone' becomes less important as the reverb takes more place in the soundscape; so any small tweak to your original tone is much less audible, so I guess there's like two cases; one where the reverb is the main focus; then the other effects becomes less important and the higher cost reverbs are necessary, or, when the reverb is more of a 'add-on' to an existing tone; then you don't need the big reverbs and can use less expensive reverbs without too much cost to your overall tone, since the reverb will have a more minor effect on the tone.
  10. Did you try: Also did you try with another guitar? Unlikely to be the issue but who knows.. I've used the L6 Litigator on a couple of patches with different distortions and don't remember any issue with it and distortion pedals. But as I had mentioned, if you tried with the default patch and had the same issue, the default amp isn't the Litigator, so it seems your issue occurs on more than 1 amp, and with all distortions? Another test you can do, try to set your amp and cab to 'off'. It'll sound like horsepoo, but you can test whether the distortion pedal's level affects the signal; whether it'll increase or lower the volume. If it behaves normally, then try with just the amp, then with just the cab. Maybe it has something to do with combinations of something. That's why I mentioned unplugging everything; KISS: keep it as simple stupid as possible (with as few parameters / unknowns / factors) to debug your issue.
  11. Are you going through the FX Loop? Really strange... I'd start with a new default patch, no IR, just the base setting. Then try different distortions, they should get your overall volume much louder. Do you get the same result? If so, I'd try unplugging everything and try with headphones. Reboot the Go if it still occurs.
  12. Ah ok yeah I think I remember seeing a Helix vid where the DSP was displayed in terms of % in the patch edit software, but I've never used the Helix. But in essence, they use the same 'dynamic' DSP ; each block has a cost in DSP % and you can't go over that %. The main difference seems to be more limitative rather than functional: The PGO is like baby mode, PGO just hides the % and only give 4 dynamic blocks. And the Helix is like grown up mode; here's the numbers, here's the key to use it however you want, have fun. PGO is much simpler right? Don't want to strain those big brained PGO users with big numbers lol
  13. Really? Didn't it always had 4 'dynamic' blocks where if you use too much DSP some of the effects will be greyed out due to high DSP usage? Or am I misunderstanding the 'dynamic' terminology? If you're talking about the # of blocks, I think the stomp got an increase in # of blocks, probably as was discussed in this forum for the Go: "if there's enough DSP left, why not just give us extra blocks to use it!". I think the PGO always had 4 blocks with the 'if' then greyed out and can't select x...
  14. Is there some USB output volume setting or something? I'm thinking now that not being loud might be normal... Here's a shot of the first 4 presets when hitting a couple of power chords, are yours much louder? It's not going through the FX Loop at all. I am using a USB extension though, 4 meters total, but I think the audio signal should be digital so shouldn't make any difference... Or could there be a driver issue? Reading hte manual, it references "Line 6 Pod Go ASIO driver" but I don't see it in the downloads section... In audacity I've tried both MME and Windows Direct Sound, even WASAPI, same result. (sorry this shouldn't be underlined, when I edit it's not but when saved it becomes underlined... forum bug...) Looper pedal is this
  15. grdGo33

    Factory Presets

    The Space one was really cool, otherwise, I scrolled through them when first getting the unit, and never really went back to them.
  16. It's not a question of 'blocks', it's a question of processing speed. Some effects are nearly free (ex; EQ uses like 0.5% CPU or whatever) vs some effects will cost 50% of the Pod Go's DSP, because they require a lot of processing. That's why sometimes you can't even use the 4 blocks if you chose an expensive amp or effects. What you could ask for though is dynamic # of blocks. So that if you're using low cost effects, that you could use as many as you have the processing power left.
  17. Which preset did you want to purchase? There's plenty of free presets, so unless you really want one of the paid ones, I'd start exploring what's available on the free side! Especially since purchasing presets is giving you issues... There's also a lot of guides on how to build presets out there, so might want to try these out also instead!
  18. grdGo33


    The L6 litigator was said to be quite similar to a Dumble: So not really familiar with the artist tones you're looking for, but I'm pretty sure the Litigator is what you want! (always tone varies with guitar and all)
  19. Yeah for sure... Also again being realistic; you should never purchase anything expecting to get updates or new functionalities... Go already does a lot, but yeah since it shares the exact same features as the helix (code/emulation), it would seem normal that new helix dev also gets pushed down to go, when possible... But it would not be worth it to upgrade to Helix though, they would be nice to have, but I wouldn't pay $1000+ for those new effects to switch up to one of the Helix products. For the Poly sustain, EHX Freeze does the sustain thing, but listening to DG's gilmour above and the poly sustain from the L6 video, it almost seems like there is some sort of modulation with DG & L6, anyway, maybe it's just the chords or guitar making the difference...
  20. So this PGO volume thing is somewhat annoying... Has there ever been some official guide or best practices for setting up the PGO's different volume settings? I'm using an external looper in the FX Loop at the end of my chain. If the output is too loud, the pedal clips. So to combat this, I've setup the FX Loop out to be -6dB and in to be +6dB (max), and I make sure that the rest of my chain is not so loud as to make the pedal clip. Everything works well that way. One issue though with that, when using Audacity to record, it's really not very loud ... As in, it should be much louder, I think... There doesn't seem to be a way to increase that volume software or windows, so I'd have to do it post recording, which may or may not be the optimal way to record... So yeah... Any advice or best practice guide to follow? It sucks that the FX Loop causes pedals to clip, you'd think there would be some sort of pedal level signal normalization in PGO for the FXLoop... And because of FXLoop Send supports -60dB but the return only go up to +6dB, means you can reduce the signal by a lot, but you can't bring it back to normal volume afterwards... Thanks!
  21. It's quite a bit of a let down if the Pod Go isn't going to get new newer effects. I bought the Go largely because 4 blocks seemed enough and it had pretty much every amp/effect of the Helix. But... It's not, but, it's a little bit like a bait and switch; as in; sure, it has most of the Helix effects, but if they're going to add more and more effects which will never get supported by the Go... :\ The gap is just going to get bigger and bigger. Like missing out on let's say 3-4 amps/effects is one thing. But then it kinda sucks when this becomes a dozen, with some of the more interesting effects being out.. I would have loved to get the poly sustain, but looking at its 53/69 mono/stereo DSP usage, yeah, seems like that's out... 21 Poly Sustain Line 6 Original delay hx 53.33% 69.47% na 4.2 Poly Pitch Line 6 Original pitch/synth hx 53.33% 60.65% na 4.4 Poly Wham Line 6 Original pitch/synth hx 53.33% 60.65% na 4.8 12-String Line 6 Original pitch/synth hx 50.67% 57.62% na 20.5 Poly Detune Line 6 Original modulation hx 48.00% 52.90% 10.21% 4.6 Poly Capo Line 6 Original pitch/synth hx 48.00% 54.59% na Legendary drive should be good, since it's just a tad bit above the double tank: 17.5 Legendary Drive Carvin VLD1 Legacy Drive (high gain channel) distortion hx 21.33% 41.33% na 6 tone sovereign Analogman King of Tone V4 distortion hx 20.00% 38.00% na 5 double tank Line 6 Original reverb hx 18.33% 19.00% 30.62% (nevermind I think the Legendary drive was one of the original effects not included in the Go...) If we go with DSP, We should be getting the Diesel amp and princess: 27 brit plexi jump Marshall® Super Lead 100 (jumped) amp-guitar 27.24% 41.23% 25.52% 40.83% 43.8 Das Benzin Lead Diezel VH4 (lead channel) amp-guitar 24.67% 40.00% #VALUE! #VALUE! 24.6 brit trem jump Marshall® Plexi Tremolo 50 (jumped) amp-guitar 24.80% 39.20% 23.82% 40.8 6.5 US Princess Fender® Princeton Reverb amp-guitar 20.00% 33.33% #VALUE! #VALUE! Glitch delay and shuffling looper should be good: 22 Glitch Delay Line 6 Original delay hx 6.67% 9.33% na 3 Shuffling Looper Line 6 Original looper hx 13.33% 26.67% na But yeah, really too bad for the sustain... I'm surprised it's really so expensive as an effect... Shouldn't it be like a delay? Just take 1s of sound, average it start/end and just loop... Anyway, not sure it works like below; the L6 demo had the sustain used with the switches rather than the wah/volume pedal. And yeah to state the obvious... Not even entirely sure we'll or when we'll get any of this new helix stuff... Or has there been any announcement yet?
  22. 3) I think the best place to adjust the volume is the amp's channel volume. You can do it on the cab, but depending where your FX Loop and other effects might sit, I think you're probably better to just set it there, rather to have a maxed out amp running a hot signal, which could screw up a pedal in your FX Loop or whatnot sitting between amp & cab. Also seems a bit more intuitive than cab... So yeah both would work, but I'd rather never touch cab volume, and just managing volume with amp. That way, it's always one place to check/adjust the volume.
  23. Good times... Pretty amazing you got a unit which was dead on arrival. Where did you purchase it from? I'm guessing someone bought the Go, tried to update its firmware, it bricked the unit, then the customer returned it, and the shop just sold it to you as if it was a brand new unit. It's either that, or Line6 has ZERO QA and they're shipping 'dead' units lol which I doubt...
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