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Everything posted by grdGo33

  1. Nice! Yeah lots of good amps to chose from lol I really like the Archetype (PRS Archon), Placater Dirty (Friedman BE-100), Revv and Derailed Ingrid for lead/dirty tones. The IRs keep things simple cab side.
  2. I think you just have a volume issue. From your clip: 0:00 to 0:15 sounded perfect, albeit not extremely loud, and must have been a dark sounding amp/mic combo 0:15 to 0:30 likely cab off, much louder, brighter 0:45 likely with a cab + mic, sounds fine to me 1:13 That sounds like an horrendous transistor clipped signal. Likely your PGO or software are clipping the signal because it's just too loud. That is NOT the sound you want lol So yeah strangely you seem to prefer the last sound segment, what monitors are you using? If you equalized the volume of cab on/off (your clips without the cab are MUCH louder) you'll very likely prefer your clips with cabs. But yeah if you just turn off the cab, you'll likely get a huge volume boost, and generally people like what sounds louder, so maybe that's why it sounds better to you... But I think you just want more gain. Keep it simple. Start a new patch, just change the amp and cab to these: L6 Badong amp + 4x12 Uber 30 What do you think? If it's not loud enough, increase the amp's Channel volume up. Or Master, if you want more gain/drive. Don't add any distortion pedal yet. And actually, try the different L6 amps, even with their default settings they're all pretty good for high gain. Try with cabs; Uber, the 4x12 XXL, Cali, defaults also not bad. Lead 80 112. But yeah, IMHO, you 100% should be using the cabs for studio monitors. Just increase the volume or gain if you want more. Description of what the L6s are: And here's a link for the IRs, with 3 links/packages, you'll have more than 50 IRs, so it's actually a much simpler to switch between 'cabs' than wrapping your head around the PGO's cab+mic+distance!
  3. You can also post an mp3 sound clip, if your go is connected by USB it's pretty straightforward using Audacity or the such. Also, you can use the PGO looper to loop a short clip, and then change the settings with PGEdit; that way you don't have to fiddle with both the software and guitar. You can also try IRs, I made a thread about them not so long ago, should be on page 1 of this forum; just search for 'IR', the 'best' IR from it is quite good; very well balanced, should not sound muffled..
  4. Think that's just the nature of cabs. Without a cab, your signal is basically 'clean', all that the cab does is take the signal, and alter it so that it sounds like it's coming from a real guitar cab; and since they aren't perfect, they all just skew/distort/muffle the sound. My experience is that with no cab, it sounds horrible through studio monitors; as it really doesn't sound like the typical electric guitar sound that we're used to ... But if you're using high gain, it might be what you're looking for; just pure gain sound. Also; while your studio monitors aren't guitar cabs, they have the same effect; the 'perfect' signal gets altered when converted from an electric current to sound waves, so your speakers (also called transducers; convert electric signal to sound) will add a sound of their own; which is what the L6 cabs do. They'll distort/change the signal. The better the speakers, the more accurate; or in the case of L6 cabs, the more they'll sound like if you did not have a L6 PGO cab on. But the worse the monitors, the more they'll add their own sound to what you're hearing, and that might actually end up being the exact same thing as having a L6 cab on. To the point where if you have L6 PGO cab on + your low performing 'cabs', you're getting a double dose of cabs, which will sound bad. Did you try with clean also?
  5. Check what changes in your settings when you plug or unplug the go. So go in your sound settings, check every setting of every tab of your device, and compare with go on/off. Something must change, otherwise it would sound the same. Also check in your running programs if you have a program which alters your sound, dolby something maybe... Check if some programs are launched/killed when you plug or unplug. You can also kill programs using the task manager, don't worry at worse you restart your computer and they'll start back again.
  6. did you check your pc sound settings?
  7. What? Likely bug then. using voxman's link, some amps cost 40%, and modulation or other effects can be as high as 30%, even some distortions are almost 20%, dynamics 15%, so it's still possible to run out without reverb and delay. Or not being able to choose a more expensive amp if you're using expensive effects. Plus it's not on/off, it's just whether it's in the block in the chain or not.
  8. something like that. Or, so say you're using Winamp or whatever, you choose pod go as your output device in your software's settings. and like I said;
  9. The point of that option is that FX loop doesn't have to be on :) I'd check computer side, you likely don't have any sound from the computer, also, if your PGo is connected via USB, I think you can play music directly to PGO through USB, that would probably be a better setup. Software like 'Audio Switcher' also allows you to quickly switch sound between different devices.
  10. Think I remember reading that the L6 powered cab was quite expensive... Also in some comparisons, think it didn't fare so well vs competition (ex; real cabs or whatnot). A lot of people seem to like the $200 headrush FRFR cab, just make sure you<re using balanced cables. But if you're using studio monitors, not sure how much of an upgrade that would be... What are you currently using as studio monitors?
  11. It's too bad they didn't include everything, even if the cost was that you could only run 1 effect at a time, and only with certain amps...
  12. PGEdit manual page 9. And yeah, could have been much clearer in the manual also. And that's the thing; some of the GUI/features are so idiosyncratic, even with the manual understanding some of the 'logic' behind some features is near impossible... (only made harder by the fact there is often simply no logic...!) The issue is a little bit like political correctness. If nobody ever says anything because they are afraid of criticizing a product, telling the truth, being called names, etc., you end up in current clown world where nothing makes sense, because since nobody ever corrected anyone and they just went with the PC narrative and with what was the polite opinion, reality & issues don't come to light, and things don't get any better, they just get worse and worse. Take Helix; not sure how many of the the faults of the PGo are inherited from Helix, but if more people had complained about what is wrong with the unit, maybe the PGo & PGEdit wouldn't have as many faults as they do now. Plus, maybe they'll be patched or improved.
  13. Well that's an entirely different discussion, but I'm glad to have it. If you need to read the manual because the software is so unintuitive or so badly designed, I do believe a rant at L6 is fully deserved. In this case, when you select amps, distortions, cabs, effects, etc., you're always provided a list to scroll through. But not in the case of IRs, as I said, with IR, it shows you a totally wrong value: "1024 - Sample IR", which DOES NOT EXIST, and then, as if you had selected this non-existent IR, you can scroll through this IR settings to choose different IRs? That's absolutely absurd design. I don't care if it says so in the manual, it's inconsistent and borderline moronic. And the fact that you need to read the manual to be able to select a different IR just highlights this absurdity of the design. Exactly like when you asked how you could import multiple IRs. Didn't you read the manual? You were so proud two seconds ago about having read it... haha! ;) :p If you knew how to add 1 IR, shouldn't it have been obvious and easy to add more than one at a time? It's the same type of bulllollipop you have to deal constantly with the unit. You try to do something the obvious way it should be done, and it doesn't work, and you have to read the manual to find out how to do it with the idiosyncratic badly designed software/GUI. As I said in another thread, might be the best unit at $450, sound-wise it's great, features are great, etc., but damn, even if it might be the 'best' of the pedal gear at usability, it's still poor... It's a little bit like going to some remote village, going to their best strip club and not seeing single hot stripper... Then asking what's going on; being told that of the 5 villages of the region, these are the best looking strippers and best strip club... Well that's L6 PGo for me... I don't understand how so many find it acceptable, and I can't understand how L6 can release a product with design/software of this quality... But anyway, I'm being slightly hyperbolic. Like the IR selection 'logic', I'd give 5/10, just blow passing grade... It works, it's usable once someone taught you how to use it or you read the manual, it's just not using common sense nor consistent with the rest of the system... It's like bad intern worthy design... It's not really acceptable work... Sure it works, but as Biden would say.... C'mon man!
  14. Yeah to be clear, if you're going to use PGo superficially or just use its simple features, it's simple. But the issue arises when you're trying to use the more advanced options; - Configuring snapshots - Configuring "Quick Controller Assignments" - Trying to figure out why the FX Loops clips the signal or why does your looper through FX loop continues playing even if you turn off the FX Loop. Or just different annoyances: - Why doesn't Go use grids, instead of having to scroll through lists of 100 amps, 60 cabs, 50 effects, etc. - If you've assigned to a foot switch multiple values, why can't you control the on/off state from PG Edit - As I said, being unable to set a mic & distance and simply switching cabs (changes the mic & distance if you change cabs) - etc., But again. With simpler units, say you want 'the brown sound', you select the brown amp and voila. With Go, some amps have 20 settings. The Bias of the tubes, the BiasX of the tubes, the hum, ripple, sag ... ! Master + channel volume, because the Master influences the amp's distortion behavior. Do you really need all those values? Or Is choosing 1 amp, having a drive settings is good enough, if the amp/drive sounds great? Same thing for Cabs + mics + distance... Is that a plus for you, or would simply selecting an IR or "Marshall Cab 1" would be good enough? Do you really need all this added 'Helix' complexity? Of course, you don't have to use it all. But if you don't use it, maybe other units are better... It's a super powerful, but complex unit. Do you really need 50 cabs, 100 amps, 8 different tremolos (each with different settings), 8 flangers, 8 chorusses, etc.? Again, each with their own different settings, sounds, etc... It all adds to complexity. Sure, you can choose a chorus and use it, and it's simple. But if you buy the complex PGo, and there's 8 choruses, do you want to know how they all sound, how they work, etc.? Because if so... That's a lot more complex than another unit with less stuff & less settings for each... So sure, it's easy to use superficially, but if you really want to use the unit for its features, and understand everything, it's a lot more complex than other units. A LOT more. Base usability isn't bad per se. I guess it's pretty good to just set some blocks & change some values. But advanced features become tedious & could have been made much better... But they're still usable. It's a bit like old sh!t computer systems; where you can become proficient using idiosyncratic & counter intuitive systems. If you know how it works, maybe once you're used to it it's not so bad. But it could have been a lot more optimal, intuitive, etc.
  15. I think you didn't understand my point. The microphone arguably does a bigger difference than the cab, same for distance. The cab in itself is maybe 20% of the sound. If you use the same Mic & distance on two different cabs, it will very likely sound closer than if you use two different microphones at different distances with the same cab. So if you want to compare CABs, you need to use the same mic and the same distance. So that means you have to ALSO choose the same mic and same distance. And both mic & distance are 'lost' if you switch cab. So you DO need to select them manually, every time. Otherwise, you're comparing apples and oranges; totally useless comparison. Not really true for the "since day 1". As I remember, I was quite positive at the start, started a bunch of threads about amps, cabs, effects, etc., but the more I used the unit the more I encountered issues and annoyances and the more my opinion of PGEdit & PGo itself changed. Plus, even if I was the only one to complain (lol), that would not mean that the complaints are invalid. It's like gastronomy, because McDonalds fanboys do not complain about the quality of the food, it does not mean that the food is of great quality and flawless, and that the complaints of 1 guy would be invalid. In my case, having a background as a software engineer, I can hopefully pickup on a few things the average guitar player doesn't pick up on, when it concerns GUIs & software. Now that's crap. I followed 100% the instructions, and it crapped out on me. Bricked my unit. Happened to many others also: There's likely others, but firmware issues have been recurrent, and I 100% guarantee you it's not user error.
  16. You could also try Audacity or some other recording software to really pinpoint the issue to being cubase, or if it's general (driver) or whatnot. Also what drivers are you using? ASIO is what is suggested for low latency playback, anyway, I'm definitely not the expert here... But yeah if you get the same issue using the same driver, well, likely driver issue, if in Audacity using the same driver it works flawlessly, then the issue is likely cubase or cubase + driver... At least it would help you in your search to correct the issue.
  17. I'd be scared if I were you... 1) the L6 updater and firmware update of the Pod Go are ... Rather bugged, and a TON of people get issues when updating, which crashes their devices, then they have to mess around installing other crap and retrying and retrying, so if you are not a computer guy, GOOD LUCK !!! 2) Pod Go is sadly unstable... It can just crash on you, so during a performance, that could be embarrassing. It's crashed on me a couple of times, but if it's for live gigs... Buyer beware... 3) How much do you enjoy tinkering? I'd say that for me, although I do kinda like my Pod Go, if I had the chance to rebuy, I might have gone with a different product. PG is powerful, but it's a pain in the butt to use. 4) Its GUI are borderline m0ronic in general, it's tedious to setup using the PG itself, less tedious from PG Edit but then you can't control PG entirely from PG Edit, so you must have access to PG Edit + PG to have a sort of non-r3tarded interface... (ex; Much more practical to edit via PG Edit, but you can't do quite a few things from PG edit, which requires you to still have physical access to PG do those things... So require the 2 'control interfaces' to have optimal control. Sad that PG Edit can't do everything it should...) So given 4 & 5, don't expect the PG setup to be easy and pleasant. Ex; if you want to compare cabs with PG, you have to select cab, scroll through 45 amps to select another one, you then have to select the mic, the distance of the mic, blablabla, and then you play your guitar, was it better before? So to check, you have to select cab, scroll through 45 amps to select another one, you then have to re-select the mic, the distance of the mic, blablabla. And that process took like 5 minutes. PAIN IN THE 4SS. And there's 60+ cabs, 15 mics, distance can be from 1 foot to 10 feet... GOOD LUCK WRAPPING YOUR HEAD AROUND THAT! So yeah, with 3 and 4 being the biggest annoyances, if I had the chance to redo my PG purchase, I probably wouldn't buy it again. I'd probably buy or check out one of these simpler units. But if you're a twiddler and a fiddler, and want max control over everything, and tweak your tone at the max, then PG likely wins. But below likely better for being simpler and just getting a great tone out of the box, without days or weeks of learning and fiddling... - Boss Katana. More limited than PG, but I'm wasting too much time tinkering with PG than playing. In your case the head version might be a good choice. - Yamaha THR or THX something... Basically size of a amp head, probably lighter, has built in speakers, lots of different sounds, what I'd probably buy instead of PG - Positive Grid Spark $250, small, light, good sound it seems, likely simpler and more usable and user friendly than PG .. - probably others, but these come to mind.. I think the above 3 could plug to PA, but I'd do more research for live gigging... Of course if you have to switch patches during gigging that wouldn't work, unless they have foot stomps or whatever, which adds to price, so then I would likely have to check out other pedal board unit, unfortunately, can't say I've done much research of the competition L6 PGo, so maybe it is still the best unit in the price range.... And if it is indeed the only one that can do everything it does, well, no choice... lol But Boss has a few GT100 and ME-80, anyway... Overall, I'd say my experience with PG has been a bit negative. Too many issues. Too many GUI & user experience absurdities which are inexcusable in 2020... Like 1st year college student programming garbage that shouldn't have made it to production, etc.ect. PITA to 'work' with the unit.. Good thing: Well it's Helix quality effects... If you can setup a few patches you like and just play guitar instead of tinkering with the unit and posting in the forums to be able to use the darn thing, PG is for you... But thinking of my last month of guitar, there's been way too much time and energy lost on stup!d L6 PG sh!t that I'd likely not buy it again. 5) I'd also add that more than a few people have noticed the PG killing amp tone. Ex: Turn off all effects, and the PG ruins the tone of the guitar, sounds worse than directly in amp... So bit disappointing So yeah, thinking... Maybe the PG is the 'best' at $450. Probably. Before buying, some claimed L6 interfaces were the best, so that why I went with it, so in some sense, if I'm frustrated with PG, I can't even begin to imagine how bad the others must be... Also this was rather negative, but just at least be aware of this before purchasing! And at worse if you're having issues with software and whatnot, pick a place where you have a good return policy. But hopefully, won't have such issues!
  18. Is it a patch you've download and imported? If so, I remember some saying that the IR has to be in a specific slot, so just importing the IR to the 1st position wouldn't work, you would have to import/copy the IR to the position mentioned in the patch. If you've created the patch ... ! No idea, I had some IRs which threw errors when importing and could not be imported, but haven't imported some which didn't work. Maybe you configured the patch then moved/deleted the IR? I'd just re-select the IR and hope it never happens again... ----------------------------- Something I've noticed though with IRs is that it a bit annoying, is that they can't seem to be selectable from the Pod Go? I mean, if I'm editing a patch directly from the Pod Go, it seems like there's always just ONE IR, and it doesn't seem like I can scroll to see the list and select another one... Looked like you absolutely have to be using PGO Edit to select different IRs?
  19. Line6 does not appear to read this forum. But yeah there are many threads like this asking for more flexibility, Line6 has never answered any of them. I don't think I've actually seen a Line6 answer to any topic anywhere...
  20. Or just go Guitar -> PGO -> HX FX -> amp/console/PA instead of using the PGO FX Loop, you're saving a cable and there's not really any point in using the FX Loop, I think... Yeah especially at the end in the chain like you mentioned, you'd save a useless cable plus a analog/digital conversion. You can then use the HX FX for post amp/cab effects, and the PGO for pre amp/cab effects. Pretty cool :)
  21. O RLY? Search my post history for POD Go Edit: Can you press a footswitch from the app? (PG Edit = suffering) see if your theory holds up. lol That's the only pitch change I know of. What other pitch change is there? Partial pitch change? Do you mean just the mix; as in the % of 'dry' signal going through? Well at 3:20 you can hear how the Zoom seems to crap out and makes some fugly digital noise... But maybe like you said it has other modes where it doesn't... This one did a comparison with the digitech Drop, spoiler, doesn't find much difference. But the comments do mention the polyphonic thing, so maybe with clean chords it would be a different matter. But yeah as I mentioned, I really don't have a horse in this race. I don't use the PS, as I find they tend so sound artificial, but yeah, it appears that you are looking for a polyphonic pitch shifter, which the PGO isn't as was mentioned, so a no-go for you it seems! Happy to have learned about polyphonic pitch shifters, peace! :)
  22. Think I'm slowly figuring it out... The Looper pedal isn't actually that silent, it just appears to be 100% silent because of the noise gate... (duh!) My bad... So it does have its inherent noise. So when your guitar is plugged to looper to Go, there's no noise because of the noise gate. But when you introduce the looper pedal through FX Loop, FXL doesn't have a noise gate, noise gets introduced. Logical. But it doesn't explain why it clips when at the end of the chain. I think it might be because of some volume wizardry of the PGO. And yeah, just tested it, and it seems to be the case. PGO is weird with volume... If I use the looper at the start of the chain and play some chords, let's say it'll be 10dB. But if I play the same thing and record with the looper at the end of the PGO chain, then the volume is like 30dB. And it clips. Which isn't too surprising, as the looper is likely designed for instrument level, and PGO's end of chain volume is likely stronger than what a normal instrument would generate. So it's a patch volume level issue. I'm guessing that if you want to use a looper pedal in that fashion, your patches need to take into consideration SPL at the end of the chain, otherwise, it can 'overwhelm' your guitar pedals and make them clip. OR, set your FX Loop send to something like -13dB in my specific case, which results to a more normal input loudness for the pedal, and then it works without clipping. Which also means that you have to be careful with other devices output/input volumes. Lowering PGO's volume could result in improved performance. And going with many of the patches I've downloaded, where people max out the amp's channel and master volume, it's likely to cause similar issues when outputting to consoles, recording software (maybe), and even things like the return of power cab or amp or whatever.. etc...
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