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Everything posted by joel_brown

  1. Hehe, these forums can be a little tuff. But in the end we give each other a tremendous amount of help. Even if we do sometimes get a little off topic. And yes I've had bugs in the code I've written. I also got yelled at when it was something I should have caught.
  2. Sheeeesh, what a bunch of guitarists....
  3. Sheeeesh, you guys take things so literally... However this person would not want me to be their boss. I have a very low tolerance for any type of website or software that does things like that. I clicked on it a few times thinking the same thing as the OP. It's a very minor thing but also very amateurish. btw - I don't come from the Apple generation, have over 35 years in the computer field, and have written code in about every language from Cobal to C++ and most everything in between.
  4. Hey pianoguyy, don't get all old school on him. I'm just thrilled someone is trying to play an instrument instead of making scratching noises on a record player and talking in rhymes.
  5. I agree with the OP. The person who put those links together should be shot. Why do companies continue to make things confusing for people ? I'm definitely not from the Apple generation and worked in the computer field for a lot of years. Oh, I know what happened. The person who wrote the EQ in Percentage code is now doing the website links.
  6. Basically if Input 1 and Input 2 are set to the same thing, it will make the input signal too high and hurt the sound. Plus a lot of squealing too, at least for me. Lowering Input Z (Impedance) really helped my tone cause it darkened up the sound the way I wanted. Basically got rid of the trebly tone I didn't want.
  7. Actually it wasn't the tweaking that took me the most time. It was the damn Input 1 Input 2 issue, Input Z setting, and lack of a decent EQ that made it take longer than other units I've worked with. I do like it when other guitar players, especially the die hard tube amp guys, come up and ask how I get such a nice tone. They just see the Marshall amps and don't notice the PODHD Desktop sitting there. The few that notice and ask about it, I just tell them I use it as a Digital Pre-amp and FX instead of a bunch of pedals. They just nod and look confused.
  8. The PODHD Desktop isn't manufactured anymore. There are still a bunch of new ones for sale on eBay for around $300. I even have a brand new Desktop in the box as a spare. btw - the learning curve is the same for the Desktop or HD500. It's basically the same thing, other than a few more connections on the HD500.
  9. The things that helped me the most is: 1) Input Impedance - 32k is what I use 2) Res - I reduced it slightly. 3) Input 1 Guitar, Input 2 Variax or Mic depending on which unit you have 4) Being careful not to overdrive levels anywhere in the chain. 5) Low Cut - I set it at 140hz 6) Not using too much overdrive or gain. 7) Compressors - not using too much and actually found that a compressor before and after the pre-amp helped. I also spent a lot of time working on the guitars themselves with pickups and capacitors. Then I used headphones to compare my sound to the sound I was trying to achieve from a CD. This was difficult because I had to find a spot in the song I was listening to where the guitar was isolated. Then multiple times trying it at volume and with a full band. It was a lot of work but in the end was worth it. Especially when compared to the amount of work and money it costs to buy a bunch of noisy pedals and do it old school. I've never seen an easy way to get the tone you want. Even a friend of mine who has an AXE FX said it wasn't easy for him either. There's just too many variables, including the particular tone and feel you're looking for.
  10. Giorgos02 I accept your apology, since I'm the one you called a liar. Most people wouldn't come back and apologize and I appreciate and respect that. I also understand the frustration the PODHD can cause. It took me a long time to get what I wanted out of it but once I finally got over that hump, I'm very happy with it. I have a pair of Marshall stacks to compare it against and very high standards. As I'm sure a lot of people have on this forum. Maybe some of us here could help you achieve what you've been missing.
  11. Unless you can get a 500 REAL cheap, go for the 500X. You may think you have modest needs until you see what you can do with this thing. Then all of a sudden dual amps with certain effects may seem like something you can't live without. Don't sell yourself short to save a couple dollars.
  12. It has to be better 'cause it couldn't be any worse.
  13. So have you ever had to restore a sysex dump ?
  14. He didn't ask about editing anything. He asked about backup and restore. I'm all for backups but have never had to restore software at a gig. Only had hardware failures. Which is why I carry spare hardware. That's why I was curious.
  15. I'm just curious. How many times in the past has the keyboard player had to restore your old POD with a midi dump ? I also have used Line6 gear since the red kidney bean. I've never had to restore a device. I have had a device partially fail when it was connected to a bad electrical outlet. Even then it made it through the gig, just had a bad 60hz hum until I got it fixed. I fully believe in backups too. I have 2 PODHDs, 2 amps, 2 cabs, and 3 guitars when I go to a gig.
  16. Patience - A seldom used word in modern society due to the large proliferation of smart phones and dumb people.
  17. First problem. Input 1 Guitar, Input 2 Variax. If you make Input 1 and 2 the same it doubles the signal and things get overdriven in a bad way. Where do you have the Master Volume on the HD500 ? Where was the Mixer Volume set ?
  18. Reduce the Input Z setting to 32k, or whatever works for you. That, plus all the other things everyone mentioned, made the difference for me.
  19. The POD 2.0 has a port to use the FBV pedals. It should work fine. EDIT: My old POD 2.0 has an FBV Pedal port on the back of it. But apparently some don't, according to the link above.
  20. My guess is, it's not a technological problem. Just not a big enough market to make it worthwhile.
  21. Not even close. It's more like becoming quicker in how you take the carb apart and put it back together using fewer steps.
  22. The PODHD has a Maximizer/Exciter ? When did that happen ?
  23. joel_brown


    I thought the PODHD reverbs were lacking at first. Then found that, like everything else, they need tweaking to get tone out of them. Now I'm very happy with them. Are they as good as the expensive reverb units ? No, but with a tweak here and there, they're very usable. By the time you get it mixed with everything else, it's hard to tell the difference.
  24. We've waited how many years for a Global EQ in the PODHD and we're complaining about a few more weeks ? I want patience and I want it now !!! hehe.
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