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Everything posted by joel_brown

  1. Seriously ? Yet another "conspiracies everywhere" person.
  2. I frequently change presets while using the PODHD live. I find the lag between presets to be very very small and don't have any problems going from hi gain to clean to modulated.
  3. I use the same tone when double tracking. But sometimes reducing the low frequencies, around 160hz and below can help tighten up the sound. In the old analogue world, low frequencies didn't come through as loudly so it kind'a did this for us. This is also true for higher frequencies too, above 8k. In the new digital world, these frequencies come through much better. A little EQ goes a long way. I've done both methods. Copy/paste the same guitar track and put a 10ms delay between them. But nothing is quite as good as play the same part twice. In both cases pan them L and R. How much is up to you and what sounds the best.
  4. joel_brown


    Sustainiac pickup and you have infinite sustain without an amp.
  5. What's needed is A/B recordings posted in this thread. Otherwise the Bigfoot analogy fits. I heard/saw it just didn't get a recording/picture to prove it. I'm not saying you're not hearing it. The question is - is it real or ear fatigue ? Ear fatigue creeps up real quick and effects everyone a little differently. Bigfoot creeps up real quick and effects everyone the same... Also one question I didn't see asked is, are you using the same guitar ? I would think so but I have a few friends that constantly switch guitars all the time.
  6. It's on the Internet so it must be true... Actually in both cases I thought the tube amp was much better sounding but I think with some EQ and a little High Pass Filter adjustment they could be extremely close. But I still lug my Marshall tube amps around and plug my PODHD into it because I still can't get that roar any other way - yet. But I'm trying...
  7. "Back In My Day" learning songs sucked. A record player or cassette and trying for hours to figure out riffs and lyrics. Then you had to run out to the store and pay for an entire record or cassette, not just download the song you wanted for 99 cents. Wasn't it like 6 or 7 dollars for a record in the 70s ? That was a lot of money when you only made $3 bucks an hour. But it did make you practice a LOT and made you a better player. We didn't intentionally make scratching sounds on a record player and say silly rhymes then call ourselves musicians. Ok, enough of my Grumpy Old Man rhetoric.
  8. People who come hear and explain what problem they're having and ask for help are given lots of advice and assistance. People who come hear and just say negative things are usually stomped on a little. People are people... If you want help, say what the problem is and what you tried to do to fix it. There's plenty of people here who have the new model packs working very well in the short amount of time it's been out.
  9. Sometimes lollipop just goes wrong... No matter how hard you try to plan for it.
  10. Talking about backups for a gig. I bring 2 PODHDs, 2 amps, 2 cabs, 3 guitars. I do run in stereo since I have both amps/cabs there but I have plenty of stuff in case something fails. More than once I plugged something in at a gig and there was bad ground and fried something. So far haven't had a problem with firmware but I'm sure that's just a matter of time.
  11. It's a 5 year old product that didn't change until they couldn't buy the chips for it anymore. Then they added some better buttons since they had to make a change anyway. It's not like they've been changing it every 6 months.
  12. 1) Lower Input Z 2) Res to 0 3) ER to 0 4) Low Freq Cut 5) Input 1 and 2 different (not same) 6) Change mics and cabs 7) Try Pre versions Hey I went through the same thing and came close to giving up and selling the PODHD. I'm real glad I didn't...
  13. Ooops, I tried to vote his post down to neutralize the person who voted his up and clicked on the wrong post. That's it, no more forums till after coffee....
  14. Nice website to compare Line6 to Kemper, BIAS, Amplitube, etc.
  15. Hey I have a friend who bought lots of cool techy stuff for guitar, keyboards, drums, bass and he could play all of them but wasn't very good. However he had a lot of fun and that's all that mattered. Not everyone is going to be pro, there's a lot of hobbyists who like to just play with gizmos.
  16. And someone will probably collect old modelers too. I still have my old Roland GP-8. Mostly because it has no value anymore and nobody wants it.
  17. It's not something where you just pop the old processor out and put in a new one. From what I can tell, it requires the whole motherboard to be changed. At that point, it's cheaper to sell it on eBay and buy an X version.
  18. I don't believe what we have now will be worth anything in 30 years. How many of you still have a TRS-80 or Commodore 64 computer ? But I did have an old analogue drum machine that I was throwing away and as an experiment, I pulled it back out of the trash can and put it on Craig's List. Sold it the next day for $250 bucks. Still can't believe it...
  19. I thought it sounded pretty good for default settings. Thanks for posting this.
  20. And you don't need to use the L6 link to use the Pre versions. I use them with a Marshall amp and cab just fine.
  21. Does anyone really use the looper ? I use it for dialing in a tone so I don't have to keep playing the guitar. Other than that I find it useless. I'd really be happy to get rid of it if I thought it would give me more DSP for other things,
  22. Like 5-year-olds on Christmas Eve... Waaaah, why can't I have it now ? Now I remember why I didn't have kids. That and I could retire early so I can play more guitar.
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