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Everything posted by enjalt

  1. Hi, I personaly use global EQ on the XLR Out only which I send to FOH. Doing this allow me to not constantly touch my presets and keep the same sound, and just ajust if necessary what I send to FOH for the sound guy
  2. It's the way that stomp mode work. After pressing bank Up/Down , you can select the preset you want (the display will blink until you select one) , Then The HX switch to stomp mode automatically
  3. If you really want to keep the stomp + Effect you can add a midi controller (for example a Morningstar product) since the HX products can't assign multiple functions on one switch via command center. That's maybe the best solution if you absolutely want to keep the 2 devices
  4. Sadly, The 10 switches mode is just available in stomp mode, BUT, with command center you can assign any snapshot on the desired switches. you could stay in stomp mode and assign snapshots on 10 switches mode. It may be the solution you're searching for :)
  5. It is possible, but you'll have to use command center on Every preset. Start to familiarise with the manual (See MIDI section..), to master your HX products. Keep in mind anyway that more you'll have preset , more the preparation will be heavy Why not just sell your HX Stomp and HX effects and change them for a Full Helix or LT? Your setup will be far easier
  6. I may be wrong but I think it's because you don't use the setting "10 switches" in stomp mode section "Global settings"
  7. If I'm correct. The Whammy's Expression Pedal can be cammanded via CC You have to send Midi CC11 -> Value 0 at Toe Up/ Value 127 at Toe Down
  8. So The first thing (I think) you should set up is your display with stomp + snapshot (each on a row) using Global setting -> footswitches -> preset mode switches -> "Stomp/snap" or "Snap/stomp". You'll have your snapshots on the first row ans the 2nd row in stomp mode or Stomp on first row and snap on second. That's your choice Then via command center you can assign each stomp switches with specific commands: In my example I'll give you some parameter to set on the second row, switches 1 to 3 Switch 1: Knob 1: "HX Looper" -> Knob 2: Function "Record" Switch 2: Knob 1: "HX looper"-> knob 2: Function "Play" Switch 3: Knob 1: "HX Looper" -> knob 2: Function "Stop" (page 63 on the manual) Then you'll have on a single display: - Your snapshots on first row - The looper functions on the second row
  9. did you put the looper block in your chain? You just have to assign the looper on the desired switch. (here's the logo) Then you have many options: - 1/ press the assigned switch then the display will change and you'll have the looper's functions. it will look like this - 2/ Via command center (check the manual for the programming) you can assign the looper's functions on the switches you desire. For example for record/overdub the CC is 60 and the values are "0-63" for "overdub" and 64-127 for "Record" or you can use the parameter "HX looper" and select the desired function. -> (check manual p59)
  10. If it can interest some people here, I found a way to quantize my helix's looper thanks to a miniature device: Helix's MIDI out to ClockStep MIDI IN and Clockstep MIDI out to Helix MIDI IN. Helix receive midi clock (in my case Clockstep is set to MIDI Channel 1 and Helix is set to MIDI Channel 2) The clockstep can CUE any MIDI messages and launch them at the top of the 1rst bar. The thing is (as the command center doesn't allow multiple assignation on one switch) I have to dedicate 1 switch to the "CUE" Fonction and as much as needed switches for the looper's functions (for example 4 switches for CUE, Record, Play, Stop). So I have to press before the next 1rst bar the "quantize" switch (to put in CUE the next MIDI Messages) and the "desired fonction(s)" switch(es). Regards
  11. You can find this on the manual Snapshot Reselect Determines the behavior when pressing a Snapshot mode footswitch again after loading its assigned snapshot. “Reload” (the default) simply reloads the stored state of the footswitch’s assigned snapshot again. “Toggle Previous” toggles between loading the previously selected snapshot and the footswitch’s assigned snapshot.
  12. I don't know if the tap/tuner switch is editable , but via the command center I think you can make want you want to. You can select a switch and program it like a Midi Controler. Check the command center section on the manual
  13. Hi. I think you should go check the command center. You just have to select the concerned switch(es) and select the "HX preset" -> "Preset" -> Next or Previous or the specific one you desire (01A-32D). The color is personalisable too. The thing is you must configure this on each preset you want to use that way
  14. Why don't you just split this way: 1A+2A for guitar 1B+2B for vocals This is by far more simple.... ???
  15. enjalt

    Drum Box

    Hi, Just Wondering if in a future update, it will be planned to add some drum boxes functions on the Helix. Does someone heard any infos on this?
  16. Actually it's not totally true. You can use Path A full and 1/2 path B for your guitar and the other 1/2 half of path B for the mic (I assume the Mic Path will be Ok with not so many blocks)
  17. CC #1 – DRIVE ON/OFF (value of 127 = ON /value of 0 = OFF) CC #2 – BOOST ON/OFF (value of 127 = ON /value of 0 = OFF) CC #3 – CLIPPING DIODES (value of 1 = 2x SYMETRICAL DIODES) (value of 2 = 3x ASYMETRICAL DIODES) (value of 3 = 4x SYMETRICAL DIODES) (value of 4 = 2x SYMETRICAL RED LED's) CC #4 – GAIN CYCLE (value of 1 = 25% GAIN) (value of 2 = 50% GAIN) (value of 3 = 75% GAIN) (value of 4 = 100% GAIN) CC #5 – BOOST EQ (value of 1 = BRIGHT BOOST) (value of 2 = MID BOOST) (value of 3 = TAILORED BOOST) (value of 4 = FULL BOOST)
  18. Maybe just some compatibility problem with your pedals . I may be wrong but i've already seen some topics or posts about compatibility problems with certain brands of equipment
  19. Maybe check "Controller assign section" and verify the min values if they're correctly set at 0. Or check too if you don't have two volume parameters set by error
  20. In the assign section assign Exp Toe to activate the wah block, and EXP 1 for the value. Then when you're playing, activate the Toe Switch it should work. (bypass the wah block by default)
  21. IMO you'll need a preamp... The Helix have some but I doubt the LT have some (due to the lack of a Mic Input)
  22. as tu essayé avec le Line 6 Updater? qui est censé mettre a jour tes pilotes le cas échéant?
  23. il y a peut etre une solution. Par contre tu ne pourra pas la gérer grace a la sortie "phone" que tu ne peux pas assigner spécialement a une chaine . La sortie phone prend l'ensemble du preset en compte. Il te suffit de créer ton preset qui comprend: - ta basse et de l'envoyer a la console via les sorties XLR - Une 2 eme entrée via un Return où tu envoies un aux de la console (ta tranche de retour), et de brancher ton casque sur le 1/4" (a tester car je ne suis pas sur du rendu) En gros: entrée 1 A (Aux si basse active ou Guitar si passive -> ensemble de bloc pour ta basse -> XLR Out -> Vers console Depuis Aux de console -> entrée 2 A -> Bloc Return-> peut etre preamp ou bloc volume -> 1/4" Out -> vers Casque Edit: Après c'est beaucoup plus simple d'avoir un petit système in-ear, il en existe de très corrects autour des 200€
  24. Pas certain d'avoir compris non plus (tu pourras répondre en français si jamais) Tu as plusieurs solutions. Soit tu envoies tes sorties XLR a ton ingé son. Ensuite vos retours sont gérés par les AUX de la console (et potentiellement tu peux avoir tous les instruments via ta ligne retour). Soit tu cherches a voir juste ta basse dans un cab que tu as sur scene avec juste ta basse dedans. Dans ce cas tu envoies toujours tes sorties XLR vers ton ingé son. Puis tu utilises tes/ta (mono) sortie(s) 1/4" vers ton cab sur scène (après avoir configuré sur ton preset un chainage correct)
  25. Just assign 75 and 100 to your EXP 1 parameters "MIN Value" and "MAX Value"
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