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Found 17 results

  1. Hi Line 6 team ! I have my HX effects for like 2 years and I play with it on all of my Pro Gigs (I'm a French Professional guitarist) This is a super versatile muti-effect, I love the ergonomy of this unit and the Stereo is insane ! So, today my Power Supply Line 6 DC-3h doesn't work anymore (RIP power supply :( ) and I can't find any dealers on France and europe to sell me the exact same model.. Where do I find this power supply ? Or can I switch with another brand with the same spec as the DC-3h power supply ? The trick is that I have a gig in 5 days so I must quickly find a solution for this bad situation ! Thanks for giving you one of the best multi-effect on the market ! Have a nice Day ! Lucas Linussio
  2. Hello. For the last year I've been on and off trying to fix my HX effects unit. I bought it second hand from my guitar tutor and used it for gigs. It was working great, no water damage, no bad sockets or anything. It lost signal during a show and came back, and then did the same thing again. After that it would boot and play completely normal for maybe 30 seconds and then freeze. It did this for a week or so. Then, it got to the point where it won't boot at all. It lights up and the panels shine but no text, no sound, nothing. I tried changing power supplies, all the software. It won't recognize the USB device. So it's essentially bricked. I've watched a ton of videos and tried all the power up combinations. I'm at a loss to be honest. I'd be happy to send it for repair if it was a reasonable price but just some clarity on what else I can do would be great, because I loved playing with this unit. Thanks, Padraic.
  3. I've been trying to figure out how to control my Strymon Iridium with my Hx Effect by utilizing the CC, alas, I'm a midiot and I haven't been able to figure out how. Is anyone using the Hx effect to use the Iridium's amp channels as a part of their signal flow? That's ultimately what I'm trying to do instead of relying on the effect processor's distortion pedals. I have the 1/4" trs- 5 pin midi cable.
  4. I'm experiencing a strange throbbing/oscillation when I use delays in 4cm. Here's a link to the sound: Anyone else had this issue?
  5. i am wondering if there's a CC message that can access to the snapshot mode
  6. Hi there....I tried to open HX Edit today. The last time I used it about a month ago it was fine. Today, my HX Effects unit doesn't appear. There's just the HX Edit screen with the menu bar, just no unit showing up. I had previously updated everything. I've got firmware 3.10, Line 6 Updater 1.2, HX Edit Installer 3.01. Like I said, about a month ago it was fine. I'm sure it's something simple, but I didn't change anything that I know please? Thanks, Jeff
  7. KakaoTalk_Video_2021-04-19-02-30-06.mp4 When I save a preset in hx edit or Hx Effects, all other presets change like this video...Plz Help me.... KakaoTalk_Video_2021-04-19-02-30-06.mp4
  8. Hi there. First time poster, long time lurker. I have an odd question about a very specific use case for the HX effects and using an external switch. But first, some context. Before the HX came into my life, there was the DL4. Well, lots of DL4s. I've long been in a love/hate relationship with the DL4 looper, and I've definitely driven a few into the ground. I love the looper because it's one of the few out there that has a dedicated "play once" function and that has other helpful, easy-to-access functions, like half/2x speed and reverse. I use my DL4 very much like an instrument itself. A sampler, if you will, where I'm able to "play" a short loop I've recorded in a rhythmic way. However, those foot switches are prone to breaking, and so I modded my DL4 so that I could plug in an external foot switch and use it to trigger the "play once" function. That way, if I destroy the switch with my frantic rhythmic tapping, all I have to do is swap out the cheaper switch instead of doing a big repair to or replacing the whole DL4. But even that system's not reliable, and the DL4 looper itself is pretty limited. Which brings me to the HX Effects. I was so excited to grab one, because it has the same DL4 looper algorithm and then some. The problem is, I've really struggled to find a way to hook up an external, easily replaceable foot switch to the HX to be able to trigger "play once". First, it doesn't seem that you can just plug any ol' external foot switch into the 1/4" external pedal jacks, because there's no way to configure the jack to control "play once". Second, I tried finagling something with midi, where I could use a Disaster Area DMC 3XL with an external foot switch plugged into that. The idea was that I'd be able to stomp on my "beater" external switch, which would trigger the specific midi message of my choosing to be sent to the HX, to control "play once". However, that failed when I realized that the firmware for the DMC 3XL won't allow me to customize to get the exact message I need (CC 62, value between 64-127). So, I'm kind of stuck. I really want to preserve the life of my HX Effects, and the simplest thing seems to be to hook up an external switch to trigger "play once" so I don't have to stomp directly on the HX. But something this simple currently seems impossible to do. Anyone have any thoughts? Any and all creative ideas welcome. Help! And thanks.
  9. Hi there, I'm new to the HX Effects and I have an amp with 2 independent channels (/13 FTR37). I'd like to create an ABY box at the end of the signal flow so that I could toggle between channels or combine both. I started messing with creating a parallel path with a random effect to create a split A/B block, then I was able to assign a footswitch as a controller for A/B (FS5). Things start getting complicated for me when I try to assign another footswitch for the Y function, since it is not possible to assign multiple controllers for the same parameter. I'm thinking about assigning FS6 to turn the A/B block on/off, so that when it is off, it passes the signal to both paths. Would that work? Also, regarding the outputs, I have the mixer setting the B path output to Send12, so it doesnt blend the paths. Is there anyway to accomplish what I am trying to do in a more elegant way, not losing the FX Loops outs, just using regular outputs L+R to do this?
  10. Hi! So I just got the jackson audio broken arrow v2 and I been trying to control it via midi from the HX effects, i triple check my midi channel trying to see if anyone here has some experience with it thanks!
  11. I've bought the line 6 helix LT second hand. I think its not the original power cable, instead they gave me a 10A 250V power cable, will it be healthy for the helix? or should I search for another power cable that's just 240V?? Because the helix LT Power Requierements are from 100-240V
  12. Hello, When using the 4CM with the HX effects, where in the chain would you put externals pedals such as overdrives, fuzz, phaser, or modulation? Between guitar in? HX effects send to amp in? I want to mix the 4CM with my other pedals and what typically has worked well for others would be helpful. I would like to save my second effects loop if I can. Thanks!
  13. sideface

    Hx effects

    Hello, I buy since 2 weeks the hx effects pedal board and install the hx edit on windows but when i try to load some patch i ve got soem issues like Failed to load presets timeout from device code 8212 And another when i click on some effect service does not support the request function code 8209. How can i solve this problem cause i appreciate this pedal board and i don't want to retrun it
  14. I’m wondering if anyone can help. I want to use the iridium with my hx effects but have the iridium in the fx loop so that my wet effects can go after the iridium. I connected everything in stereo but only hear it in mono... I have the outputs in stereo. How do I hear my stereo wet effects in stereo. I made sure each effect is in stereo. My iridium is set to stereo and connections are correct. Still hearing everything in mono. Am I missing something?
  15. jcwaldo

    HX Effects

    Hi...just got HX Effects. I get the impression that I should be able to combine two effects onto 1 footswitch, allowing me to be able to turn them on/off simultaneously, such as combining a delay and a chorus at the same time, but I'm having difficulty figuring it out from the manual. I'm sure this is prob covered somewhere but I couldn't find it. Would anyone mind putting the procedure into simple terms, please? Thanks!
  16. New owner to HX Effects! I'm using 4CM and trying to get better control of channel switching. I have an Orange TH30 head and I'm trying to figure a few things out. 1.) Can I globally set the channel as off or clean? 2.) This ties in to question one but is there a way to flip polarity for channel switching? 3.) And is it possible to not lose a foot-switch for channel changing? Basically I want the default to be the clean channel with foot switch not lit and then when "On" or "Dirty" the foot-switch is lit. I'd love if the HX Edit or somewhere in the screen allowed me simply build a patch/preset/snapshot and choose the channel the amp should be without having to program a switch for that. Make sense? Can anyone help with these? Thanks!
  17. Hello guys! I am using JSON viewer to view the effects blocks and setting to "import" my old Helix and Helix LT presets into HX Effects unit. I remember in Helix floorboard that I had many parameters in the same effect block changed by a snapshot. Example: Changing BASS, DRIVE and LEVEL for solo in the AMP block. Now I see that I can only use one parameter per block to be used with the snapshot feature. Examplo: DRIVE BLOCK, I only can set one parameter, in the 808, I can only assign GAIN or TONE or LEVEL, but not 2 or 3 at the same time. Is this a hardware limit? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance! Leo
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