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Found 8 results

  1. Hey I use pod hd500x and I can't make a guitar sound similar to the sound in the song apache (the shadows), I would love to receive advice and guides on how to tune the hd500x, My guitar is a Fender Strat model Thanks
  2. So, I have a Spider 3 120 and I tried using a distortion pedal with it, the input was this: Guitar - pedal input, pedal output to amp input I tweaked settings of both the pedal and the amp, cables weren't broken and neither was the pedal or its battery/power supply as I used all of them after with a different amp and they worked flawlessly. Any advice to get pedals (not wah/modulation etc) to work with the spider 3 120?
  3. Hi there. I have a Helix Floor, an sm-58 and an FRFR Headrush 108. have a gig coming up playing some 80's power ballads, with a questionable sound person : we have 3 vocalists in the bare minimum power trio + singer band. I know that you can have parallel paths for guitar/microphone. My question is, from experience, what can I do to simplify the sound person's job, and make my on-stage experience better. For example: 1. Should I mix in my vocals into the signal that goes to the FOH 2. Not mix in my vocals, but run my mic through the chain and out the FRFR 3. In general, what should I provide as outputs: e.g.: left XLR is vocals and right XLR is guitar? Just wondering what works. In theory, I know my options, but in practice, that's another story. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hey everyone, This is my first post as I'm new to the Helix, so thanks in advance for any help! TL/DR at the end... I've been playing professionally for about 13 years, all that time using my GT-8 into a PA (my version of an FRFR, I suppose, when I built it all those years ago). My main flow is musical theatre orchestra pits, so a lot of shows require a crazy amount of tones and switching. I recently got a helix while I was in a long run – I left the GT-8 at the gig and started playing with the Helix and building some tones. Fast forward to last week and I started rehearsals for a new show. It's a heavier-ish rock and roll show and they're setting us all up Fender Super Sonic heads that will go into Palmer load boxes. Here's the thing – I've been programming patches for this show, getting really insane into amps/heads/speaker cabinets/IRs for each specific tune (some of them are real songs from the '70s, some of them are songs heavily inspired by artists from the '70s, so there are some rather specific tones I'm trying to land on and that the composer and music director are looking for). Yesterday during the first load-in from the rehearsal space to the theatre, I semi-casually mentioned to the sound designer (when discussing saving space) that, oh, we could possibly get rid of the Super Sonic for my rig since everything can be handled by this amazing piece of technology I have at my feet. I'm not sure if he didn't understand what I was saying, if he's not familiar with the power of the Helix, or if he just has a very specific vision in his brain, but he more or less squashed that idea right away. I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers – especially when the sound designer has the credits that this guy does and they brought him in from New York just to do this show – so I just said, "Great! We'll find a way to implement it all." So, my ultimate question is this – what's the best way to implement the tube head, Palmer load box, and my Helix? I imagine it's something with the 4cm, but I also don't want to ditch all of the amp/speaker emulations I've worked on. I will if I have to, but I'm hoping to keep the Roland Jazz Chorus sound for a few things and the Marshal Plexi sound for a few things and the Vox sound for a few things ... you get the idea. Sometimes it might be rad to use the Super Sonic in the chain, as well, but – then am I able to use that head in my chain (4cm in an effects loop?) but still use a speaker/mic model? Sorry if any of the questions are dumb or obvious – I'm just still new to the Helix and all its glory. Plus, it's super rare that a theatre will set us up with an amp and load box and not rely on us for all of our own equipment, so it's just not something I'm super practiced on. TL/DR: Best way to implement Helix, Fender Super Sonic Head, and Palmer load box while being able to use the sound of the Fender head AND/OR amp/speaker models I've built in the Helix depending on the patch. Thanks so much again, all! Cheers, PJ
  5. I have noticed recently when playing that in a certain position my expression pedal seems to have a dead spot. What's the best way to remedy this please?
  6. Howdy! I'm thinking of purchasing a JTV-59P because I can get one on sale and I don't have a guitar that has P-90's in them, plus the scale length is like that of a Les Paul, or so I've read. And I'm starting to really dig the smaller scale length now that I'm getting old. And I've read they put .10's on the guitar which I'm using now. I used to have a Line 6 Variax 600, but I sold it because it had one problem that just nagged on me: the weird palm muting sound, especially when distorted. Plus it had some weird overtones at times and I didn't care for the tremelo. The main reason I want to get one is because of the ability to store custom tunings and a few of the models. I have a few guitars, but I don't really care for tuning one in open E, one in G, and so forth. I do use a few guitars for E-flat tuning, I tried that with the Variax 600 and couldn't get past the weird sound. I know about the 3 position switch versus the 5 position switch, and that doesn't really bother me much. I'm more interested in the Lester, Special, RBilly, Semi, and Jazz-box sounds (maybe the D-28 and the 12 string too). I am hoping you guys can answer some questions for me. 1) Is the palm muting on the HD models more realistic? 2) Any weird overtone issues or palm muting with the 59P when modeling with distortion? I'm not talking about melt-your-face distortion, but classic rock/fusion type distortion. 3) Is there an actual issue with the string balancing? 4) Is the build of the 59P's good? I know it's overseas, but does it stay in tune and not fret out when bending? My 600 had some dead spots on it, another reason I sold it. 5) When you switch models does the sound cut-out? I don't think the Variax 600 did that, but my VG Strat (first model) does it. 6) Are the Tyler made P-90 pups good? I don't plan on getting "the dream rig" or anything. I plan on just playing the guitar through my studio rig, mainly for messing around, playing some covers, and trying out some new tunings. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. I just got my Pod HD500x a week ago and I am amazed by it. I have created some cool Crunch patches along with some heavy distortion leads. But I can't figure out how to create a clean sound! I don't get what amp I should use. They all come preset with some kind of distortion. I am looking for a Fender Reverb kind of clean sound, I am playing through a Soldano Tube amp and it sounds great and yes I have my it on the clean channel. What happens when I create a new tone is that it sounds clean and quiet before I choose an amp model but when I start cycling through amp models they all sound crunchy and there's no just clean setting. What am I missing?I just can't figure out what to tweak. Any suggestions of amp models would help. I am a noob to amp modeling. I spent to much time learning Music Theory and not audio theory! Just for reference I have a Gibson Les Paul, Gibson SG, Fender Telecaster, and an Ibanez Artcore Hollow Body. So it's not my guitars causing the sound issues. It's totally operator error!
  8. Hi, I need some advice to match my Spider III 4x12 cab with a Krank Rev Jr Pro. The spider cab has two 8ohms inputs running in stereo and the left side input running 4 ohms in mono, my amp has a 16/8 ohms switch, i would like to know if it will be rigth to connect my amp with the swiitch in 8 ohms, to the right side of the spider cab, will this deactivated the left side of the spider cab, letting me use the 8 ohms side of the cab? thanks for your help!
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