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Found 17 results

  1. Hi all, I have a nice red Mission EP1-L6 expression pedal that has become unstable. When I use it with my HXFX and look using HX Edit, the software-registered position is unstable, it moves up and down rapidly without touching the pedal. It's quite old, from 2011, and used quite a lot. Could the potmeter be worn out? If so, does anyone know a good address for a replacement potmeter without sending the whole thing off to the USA for repair? (I live in the Netherlands, so USA is not handy...). Thanks, Steve
  2. Hi all, I have a nice red Mission EP1-L6 expression pedal that has become unstable. When I use it with my HXFX and look using HX Edit, the software-registered position is unstable, it moves up and down rapidly without touching the pedal. It's quite old, from 2011, and used quite a lot. Could the potmeter be worn out? If so, does anyone know a good address for a replacement potmeter without sending the whole thing off to the USA for repair? (I live in the Netherlands, so USA is not handy...). Thanks, Steve
  3. Hello, afters years with my trusty PodGo, I just bought a used HX Effects. Brilliant pedal, works well but I'm stuck when it comes to sending midi signals. I'm trying to use Control center in snapshot mode to send a program change to a ToneX pedal. I've seen a lot of people doing it with HXFX or HX Stomp, it's as simple as chosing the midi channel, setting the CC00 as the bank then chosing the program. Yet it fails changing anything on the destination pedal ( I'm plugged with a brand new 5 pin cable in the midi in of ToneX from HXFX's midi out). What I've tried : -> Turning MIDI PC Tx to OFF and also with Rx set to Midi -> changing midi channels on both pedals / setting HXFX to be "omni" -> Resetting the HXFX pedal to factory settings Basically I tried a lot midi setups in the HX. Am I missing something in the settings? Is there a way (some king of diagnostic?) to know the midi port is healthy? I'm of course investigating to see if the problem comes from the destination pedal too. Thanks in advance for your attention, My current setup :
  4. According to the manual, CC70 is "All Bypass". But is that analogous to Tap+Mode TRUE Bypass?
  5. Hi, Always keen for a healthy discussion, and would love to also hear from Line 6 experts like @Digital_Igloo ! Its always so exciting when Line 6 drops a new update, reading through the new features and updates, etc., But as a HX Effects user, I have noticed that every update brings less and less for HXFX users. I am loving what Line 6 is doing in the Helix range, new amps and cabs, etc., and often I wonder… wouldn’t it be wonderful if HXFX could offer some amps and cabs? My setup has changed over the years, where I was using an amp, but now I go direct with Simplifier for amp models, but using the HXFX for its IR capability. I love my HXFX, for me it’s the perfect size and form factor, and often I think it’d be amazing to use some amp modelling on board the HXFX, and I don’t want to downsize to a HX Stomp or upsize to the big Helix range. Understanding that Line 6 is maybe not able to comment or indicate future ambitions for the HX Effects, do you guys think that we will see some new effects and capability/functionality come to the HXFX or has the attention moved away to all the other HX/Helix products instead? There’s lots of exciting new FX coming out to the wider (non Line 6) market, some from Strymon with new reverbs, lots of other quirky and cool mod/filter effects, I wonder if Line 6 could explore expanding the effects range inspired by what’s coming to the market. As a caveat, I think the HXFX is awesome, and we should purchase a unit based on its current capability, not on potential future capability, and even if Line 6 never added anything further to the unit, I’d still love it and recommend it. Always keen to hear everyone’s thoughts!
  6. I was hoping to be able to control a Digitech Freqout (feedback generator) pedal from the HX Effects. With the way my board is set up the Freqout has to go above the HX Effects unit. This is a pedal that would be used with the momentary function so I’d have to precariously put my foot on the switch and not bump anything on the HX. I was thinking that I could use the effects send and return on the unit but there is no way to set that up as momentary as far as I’m aware. The next option would be the EXT/AMP out and set that up as a momentary. Has anyone used the EXT/AMP out to control an external pedal that’s momentary?
  7. so I recently got an hx fx and I want to integrate it into a few pedals that I already have, maxon od808, boss ns2 and dunlop wah, nothing crazy. I have the hx fx currently in 4CM in to a 6505 mh , but I am not sure where to put my od, ns2 or wah, I would like to know how to have the ns2 in the 4cm method as well. before I got the hx I didn't have a lick of ground buzz with my ns2 in 4cm. hope any of this makes sense, I'm not quite sure what I'm doing. Thanks In advance
  8. Hi all! New Helix HX user as of this week and still trying to learn my way around this new (for me) FX platform. Is there any manual or guide that can explain how the Multitap 4 and 6 effects work? I'm trying to create a 3 tap delay with 3 different delay times (example: 200ms, 400ms, 600ms) but I only see 1 delay time setting. How do the taps work in those two effects?
  9. Hello, would it be possible to use the 2 inputs and 2 returns on the HXFX to connect 2 acoustic guitars, a keyboard and a mic (with its own preamp) and send them all to one output? I don't need any effects besides a clean boost for one guitar and some EQ (an ideal would be one EQ for each instrument, but I don't think this can be done). My need is to have a simple and small setup for P&W where I can control everything with my feet, I just need a switch for boost and one to mute everything/tune. I was looking at the EAE StompMix but that seems to be overkill for my needs if I can achieve a similar result with the HXFX. Thanks!
  10. just updated my hxfx to 2.91 smoothly...however, I noticed that when I use HX edit, it always disconnects my HXFX after some time... i have to restart my HXFX everytime this this a software or hardware glitch? i've tried 4 USB cables already and have tried the ports at the back of my PC ... im running windows 10
  11. I'm using the hx stomp in as a send/return block in the hxfx so allt the effects are placed in the hxfx. Also using Midi from hxfx out to hx stomp in. What I'm aiming at though is from hxfx:s snapshot mode, switching amp models but I don't get it to work as I want it to. If I'm on preset 001(01A) on the hxfx, the same preset is set in the hx stomp. I want to be able to have whatever preset on the hx stomp from whatever preset on the hxfx. What bothers me is that if I want to change snapshot on the hxfx and snapshot or preset on the hx stomp it doesn't work because the hx stomp is only using the preset that corresponds to the one the hxfx is on. Any help would be very appreciated. Cheers from Sweden / Kristoffer
  12. Hey I just had a thought the other day about possibly creating a preamp through the HX EFFECTS & am wondering if anyone else has tried this?.. OD/DS Pedal ---> EQ Pedal ---> IR Cabinet Sim The idea is the the OD/DS gives u the preamp while the EQ pedal helps you shape the sound a bit more since the first pedal is limited and than add an IR cab to simulate the desired cabinet.
  13. Disclaimer: I have a fully up to date HXFX and HX EDIT software. Have rebooted and restarted software many times. Brand new MacBook Pro. No dongles or usb hubs are being used. Usb c to usb b cable. Also I don't own any other HELIX family pedals. The issue I'm having is when connecting my HXFX to the edit software. It will not save the Bypass state of a pedal when SAVING via EDIT software. (command s) It will also not save different parameter values between Snapshots when saving via sofware. Now If I change the Bypass state or Snapshot parameter values of a pedal via the software or hardware, and hit save on the hardware it self, it will save that. The only thing (that I notice) the HX edit will actually save is what pedals I put in the chain, and preset parameter values. When using (command S). My workaround is to just use the SAVE buttons on the pedal itself. Is anyone else experience this.
  14. Hello guys... I am trying to setup my "rig" but can't make it to work properly. I'm not trying to control 'n' parameters or anything, I just want to change snapshots in a preset. I set a preset in my HxFx and configured 6 switches to be my 6 snapshots. I set them to send CC#69 with values from 0 to 7. When I hit any buttom, if I am listening in Reaper, it shows Micdi channel 1, CC 69. But no values.... Obviously, the snapshots are not being changed in Helix Native. I feel something is missing in Reaper configuration to make ir work properly. Can someone give me some help? Thanks a lot!!!
  15. Guys, hi! Can someone give me some tips on how to control snapshots in Helix Native? I am using my HX Effects and a Maudio Midisport Uno usb cable. In the Hx Effects I can set whatever I want, but I am facing problems to get the right CC and values for snapshot change in Helix Nativa...I am using Reaper. Can someone give some tips on how to set that? I just want to be able to change snapshots, just that. thanks a lot!
  16. Hi guys... I am trying to record some songs using an audio interface and that's what I am doing: Interface input A -> Vox AC15C2 mic'd with Shure SM57 Interface input B -> comes from the R (out) from HX effects I would like to use an IR just in the R channel, not in both. In Helix floor and LT I could do it easily but in HX Effects, seems that the L+R outs are mixed. Is there a way to use a IR just for the R channel, insteade both at the same time? Thanks !
  17. B-O-G

    HX Effects and Wah

    Hi, I've been looking at the HX Effects, and it has the potential to be exactly what I've been needing. The only thing I'm curious about is how I might control the wah. There's an expression pedal input, but unlike the Helix Rack, there's no jack for an expression pedal toe switch. Does the wah have some kind of auto-on/auto-off feature that will make using this with a regular expression pedal (i.e. no toe switch) easy, or do I need to assign a toe switch to toggle the effect block? I apologize if this seems like a silly question, but I couldn't find anything in the manual. Thanks in Advance, B.O.G
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