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Found 6 results

  1. I have a late 2009 MacBook Pro model 5,3 running Mac OS 10.9.6 (Mavericks) and using the Firewire 400 interface with a MOTU 8Pre Audio Interface. The 8 Pre has a single MIDI port (IN/OUT) that I have been using to connect my Floor POD Plus to the laptop running the Vyzex Editor/Librarian. Everything was fine...I would start up Vyzex and the Floor POD Plus would be found and the download from it would commence and I could do all of the great things the editor facilitated. Then the power supply assembly of my MOTU interface quit working and the MOTU unit would not even turn on, much less process any audio or MIDI data. I replaced the power supply assembly and the MOTU seems to work fine - all the inputs and outputs work as, when I fire up the Vyzex software, it does not find my Floor POD Plus. I've checked, changed, and verified over and over all the Mac OS Audio/MIDI settings. The OS is seeing and recognizing the MOTU interface MIDI port. I have other MIDI ports being used by other equipment and they seem to work fine in the Mac OS. The Vyzex software error messages tell me to reset the MIDI IN/OUT ports in the software, which I do and still get no recognition of the Floor POD Plus. I employed the MIDI Monitor feature of the Vyzex software and see MIDI data being broadcast by the Floor POD Plus when I move the volume pedal, press any foot switches, or turn any of the knobs. I got a stand-alone MIDI Monitor program and installed it on the computer, and again, I see MIDI traffic on the bus from the Floor POD Plus. So the Floor POD Plus MIDI OUT function seems to work, but the Vyzex software is not seeing it. I don't know if the Floor POD Plus MIDI IN is the problem such that it isn't seeing the interrogation message from Vyzex and doesn't know to respond to the message, or if it is something to do with the Vyzex software setup. Now, more often than not, the Vyzex software freezes because MIDI OUT data from the Floor POD Plus is swamping the software MIDI interface. This is driving me insane. I've reinstalled the MOTU Interface drivers. I've resinstalled the Vyzex software. I've changed out MIDI cables attaching the Floor POD Plus to the MOTU Interface. I don't know what else to try since it worked before the MOTU Interface power supply failed. Is there a way to completely reset the Floor POD Plus so that the MIDI IN/OUT port is reset to some factory default condition. Maybe there is a MIDI Buffer in the unit that needs to be cleared. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
  2. Pod Farm 2.56 wont install on High Sierra. "This software requires Mac OS X 10.5 or above" is the message i am getting when i come select where to install the software. Worked perfectly before i formatted my macbook which was running Yosemite. Anybody else getting this problem?
  3. Update I resolved the issue, which was due to a faulty battery on the Macbook Pro which didn’t hold any charge, once replaced, Helix Native runs smoothly. -------------------- Cubase At 1024 sample buffer size and one instance of the plugin, the CPU usage is at about 80% and audio drops out slightly. Two instances, or other plugins, lead to serious dropouts. Reaper At 1024 buffer size and one instance of the plugin, the CPU at about 30 % load and it works unless I do something CPU intensive. Two instances makes use of 60% and the audio only plays well for a few seconds before starting to drop out. Versions Helix Native 1.81 demo, Cubase Pro 10.0.40, Reaper 5.983/64, Mac OS 10.14.6 (8GB RAM), RME Fireface 400 via thunderbolt adapter with firmware version 3.36 and Totalmix 1.60. My computer. Do I have anything unusual taking up CPU?
  4. So i have a 2010 mac pro just updated to High Sierra and logic 10.4.1. Getting a plugin not initialized error. Downloaded 1.5, which doesn't crash my whole program like 1.1 did, i can at least get into the settings. I signed in and out, deauth and auth'ed the computer again, the auth goes through fine, and i get a PLUGIN NOT INITIALIZED error up top. ANyone else.
  5. Sorry if this is a simple (stupid) question ... I previously used a Line 6 POD xt Live (awesome pedal btw!). I used the stage feature in GarageBand on my Mac to create a "band" for me to play along with. I connected my Mac to the pedal using a USB cable and set the Audio Output on the Mac to be the POD as it appeared in the devices list on the Mac. Fun times! However, change is inevitable and downsizing a must! Now, I have Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) on a MacBook Pro, an iPad runing iOS 7 and a shiny new Line 6 Sonic Port. I also have a Blackstar HT Club 40 tube amp. It only has the one 1/4" input jack. Is there a "proper" way to connect all this up so that I can use my Sonic Port, manipulate all of it's great features, and still play along woth those "bands" I created? I don't imagine there is a Mac interface (software) for the Sonic Port as there is no (obvious) way to connect it's iPad cable port to the Mac computer. Nor could I likely now connect the Mac to the amp. PS: I have not yet found a way to do the stage thing in GarageBand on the iPad. If there is one, this might solve this issue. Does anyone know if *this* is possible? PPS: by "stage thing" what I mean is illustrated in the attached screen shot.
  6. Hello, I've been using UX2 for several years but I can't record and use audio softwares anymore. I noticed when I run POD Farm 2 or any audio soft (Gear Box, Ableton, POD Farm...) it stops working and the clip leds start to flicker. I think it's a driver/authorisation problem because when there's no audio software running it works. I checked license manager and monkey: my device is authorized and everything's updated. I'm running on Mac OS X 10.6.8, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8Go Ram DDR3, 512Go SSD I can't understant what's wrong... Has anyone a solution for that issue? Thank you!
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