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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. Check this out! In Global Settings - PREFERENCES I have Snapshot Edits set to RECALL. Using the APCmini controller connected via USB thru my studio laptop to my Helix Floor to control levels with a slider, and without manually performing a SAVE at any point: In Snapshot 1, using the Slider on the APCmini, I set LEVEL on the Output Block to something other than the default of zero, say, -10.0. Go to Snapshot 2, retains that setting. Go to Snapshot 3 reverts to zero. Snapshot 1 is still -10.0, as is Snapshot 2. If I go from SS1 or SS2 to SS4, it's still -10.0. If I go from SS3 (0.0) to SS4, it's 0.0. This applies to EVERY SS past SS3. If I go from SS1 or SS2 (both -10.0) to SS3, it reverts to zero, and going from SS3 to any SS > SS3 it stays at zero. If I go from SS1 or SS2 to any SS > SS3, the SS retains the SS1/2 value! I then tried this using my FCB1010 with my HX Stomp in my office. Of course the Stomp has only three Snapshots, but I got the same results vis a vis SS3. Now THAT'S a BUG! Oh, yeah, and I did this both with the HX Editor AND manually on the devices. Same result, so it's NOT an HX Edit problem. I'm going to post this on the Bug Thread. I'm not sure if L6 ever responds there, but now TWO of us know about it, so if I turn up dead.......:-) EDIT: The more I play with this, the more inconsistent the results. Maybe I'm just failing to grok the convoluted logic involved. Will now have breakfast and report back later after further experiments!
  2. It's called the Kemper Profiling Amp. EDIT - sorry, that's for the whole magilla, not just cabs/mics.
  3. It's working the way it's intended to work, and therefore not a "bug". They've recently implemented a "snapshot ignore" function (called Snapshot Bypass) on the Effect Bypass function, and it would be nice if they'd do that for all MIDI controllable functions, but that would be a new feature. Post it over on Ideascale and link your idea here, I'll vote for it, as I'm sure others would!
  4. rd2rk


    He knows not the debt of gratitude he owes you!
  5. If you like the way the preset sounds, and all you want to do is change the final output level, use either a Gain Block at the end of the signal chain or the Output Block level. Anything within the chain, including Channel Level on the Amp (which can affect anything after the amp) can affect everything that follows the block in which it occurs.
  6. If you're only using one path, you can set Path 2's Input to Return 1/2. If you're inserting the GR55 into a path you can set a block to Return 2, pull it down to create a parallel path, then put Return 1 in the upper path.
  7. rd2rk


    In case someone else has this problem, how did you fix it?
  8. Whenever you ask "Why does this sound like this?", unless you either record it and attach a .wav file or (better) attach a copy of the preset, all we can do is scratch our heads and go "HUH?".
  9. AFAIK, none of the Helix devices have a GLOBAL output level. The level can be adjusted with the Volume Knob, or from the Output Block as phil pointed out, but the closest thing to a GLOBAL Output Level would be the Gain setting on the Global EQ.
  10. The reason I didn't go straight to "squirrels" is that it is possible (but not easy) to cause distortion within a signal chain. When creating a preset, it's good practice to pay attention to "gain staging". For example. You start with an amp and cab. LISTEN. How loud is it? Add an OD. Listen. How loud is it? By keeping an ear on the overall level, you can prevent unwanted distortion down stream. Also, some reverb/delay/mod effects are actually VALUED for the slight dirt that they add to the signal. The Transistor Tape delay for instance, modeled on the Echoplex EP3, it's part of the effect's character, and it even has a "headroom" setting to control the level of dirt. Jimmy Page, EVH and others have used the Echoplex preamp as distortion effects on famous recordings, and there are hardware effects that mimic just the preamp part of the Echoplex. But it's probably those darn squirrels................
  11. Our Helix squirrels are PERFECTLY modeled! If they found a way to exterminate our squirrels, people would complain "I don't know what it is, but it just sounds fake". Just like they do now! I, too, am glad it's not frogs. They'd be PERFECTLY modeled. Then we'd have the Bullfrog Blues! :-) OK, it's late. Sleep now......
  12. I like to believe that I'm VERY objective in my subjective blovinionating, so I once again listened to the audio sample, downloaded the sample preset and played the preset through first my Rokit6 monitors, then through my FRFR112, and finally through my tube amp power section (6v6). And, oh yeah, my Sony MDR-V6 headphones. My final blovinion on the subject: When I listened to the audio sample through my headphones I thought I might've heard......something. Like.....very quiet evil demon squirrels scratching, scratching, scratching.....very subtle evil demon squirrels. Or maybe my internet connection sucks. When I played the preset through the same headphones I heard.... nothing. Through the Rokits I heard....nothing. Through the FRFR112 I heard....nothing. Through the tube amp I heard....nothing. THEREFORE MY CONCLUSION - the evil demon squirrels live in .WAV FILES! ONLY audible only on high end stereo equipment that I can't afford. No, wait, that's silly. Let me listen again.... HARRUMPH...OK, MY CONCLUSION IS - I've been hearing this sound all my life, to the point where, to my ears, it's a natural part of what a live guitar and amplifier played in the real world sounds like. I don't doubt the existence of the phenomenon - like UFOs, so many people have reported it that it must be real, and to those poor souls who've been abducted and subjected to invasive aural testing by evil demon alien squirrels (EDAS), I offer my heartfelt condolences. I hope that somewhere, somehow, YOU TOO will find an amplified guitar experience free of the terror of EDAS. If not, there's always the ukelele......
  13. OH DRAT! You've gone and used the "S" word! Now I'll have to tell him to go to the Helix thread on TGP and search for "squirrels". He'll read a hundred or so of the 7,655 (conservative estimate) posts on the subject. His head will explode. He may never recover. I hope you're happy! I'm going to go play with my squirrels. I like my squirrels. My very special Helix squirrels. Like no other squirrels. Just like all the other squirrels. Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly Squirrelly
  14. 1) In Global Settings, Is the Input Level set to INST or LINE? Set it to INST. 2) Is the Output set to INST or LINE? Is the INPUT on the 6i6 set to INST or LINE? Make sure they match. 3) When you play a chord HARD, is the LED ring on the 6i6 flashing RED? Turn down the 6i6 GAIN. If it's still red, push the PAD button. If none of that helps, attach a copy of the preset so we can have a look at it. EDIT: What version of the firmware are you on? If it's not 2.82, update now. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS EXACTLY!
  15. rd2rk

    Helix-PC noise

    Maybe you do need the other gadget - go direct to the probable source of the USB ground loop.
  16. EQ, WAH and OD blocks can be re-used by changing the settings with Snapshots but, yeah, if you need to use multiple models of those then DSP could well become an issue. using multiple IRs also eats up DSP. Priorities!
  17. Thanks for posting that! I hope you didn't take my post as hate mail. It was mostly making fun of anyone who thought these types of comparisons are anything more than the subjective opinions of the producers/participants. Your videos (I've seen two) are well done, and make the points that I referred to, that all the modern modelers are capable of good sounds, and there's something for everybody. As you say, no science involved. It's good to know that you don't hold yourselves as "experts", just opinionated musicians. Aren't we all! Knowing that you don't take yourselves all that seriously, I apologize for the "clueless" remark. Rock On!
  18. If you're using a regular XLR cable, supposedly it's a different spec from the L6 cable. I can't say for sure that it makes a difference, as I don't own a Powercab, but I've read that it does.
  19. Failure to use a QUALITY surge protector on any electronic device worth more than the cost of a QUALITY surge protector is just plain foolish. I have a Furman SS-6B, $60 at GC, 10 ft Heavy Duty cord. You can go as cheap as $10 at Wally World, if that's all you paid for your HX..... No, it doesn't affect the sound at all, other than preventing line noise caused by EMI/RFI interference.
  20. Dual amps only NEED to be in parallel paths if you're using them concurrently and combining their sound. If you're only using one at a time then putting them in separate paths will not affect the sound of the effects in those paths, as long as you don't put effects between them, as then one amp would have the effect after it and the other would have the effect before it, and that might be weird. I have some faux 3 channel amps set up this way, with Nrm and Brt at the end of Path A and Jump at the beginning of Path B.
  21. Some people like coke, some like Pepsi. Find what works for you, evaluate whether the total usefulness is worth the cost and, if not, return the device within the trial period. Helix is only one of the many available option - BOSS, Headrush, Fractal, MOOER, Kemper - it's a great time to be a digital musician!
  22. Yes, you can use an instrument cable vs a patch cable. If it's noisy, get a quality patch cable. Yes, physical pedals will save on Blocks. You can also use physical effects in an FX Loop, of which you have two (MONO), with this caveat. Using an FX Loop requires a Block, not worth it on a 1 to 1 basis. But, say you have 2 or more Distortion boxes that you only ever use one at a time, or know you want stacked. Putting them in a loop before the amp means you have access to 2 or more devices for the price of one Block, and if you want them stacked, just turn them both ON before you hit the Loop Block enable switch. Same goes for Modulation/delay/reverb effects, you can put them in a second loop AFTER the amp, or wherever you want them in the chain.
  23. An Instrument cable is a type of TS cable. It differs from a TS "patch" cable in that it is shielded.
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