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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. Is the BIG KNOB assigned to the 1/4" out? Is it turned up? Are the 1/4" outs set to LINE? Is the EV turned on (wouldn't be the first time...)? Is the volume on the EV turned up? Are you getting ANY noise out of the EV? With the volume turned all the way up you should get at least some hiss. Try plugging some other sound source - cd/mp3 player, streaming app on your phone - into the EV.
  2. Doesn't look that way from the manual. If it's really important to you, you could get a small mixer like this: About $50.
  3. rd2rk

    Load Box with helix

    Maybe so, BUT.....there are TWO speaker OUTS. One is attenuated, the other isn't. I choose to err on the side of NOT having OP accidentally use the wrong one, especially when it doesn't do anything to resolve his problem.
  4. Does your app have a manual? Does your tablet have a midi interface? The midi interface will get the midi messages from the Helix to the tablet to the app. The manual will tell you what midi messages are required to control it. Once you've read the manual, come back and tell us (specifically) what you need to do. We'll be happy to help.
  5. This is actually quite common across the product range. Hasn't happened to me for a long time, but did happen a couple of times when I first got my Helix floor. Seems to have been cured by an update. If L6 has ever addressed this, I didn't see it. Anybody?
  6. Just enter the S/N, Date of Purchase, and choose OTHER: USED for WHERE DID YOU PURCHASE. Receipt is only required for warranty service. It shouldn't matter if the previous owner registered it or not.
  7. The VDL Control Switcher was the one I was thinking of. It works with PC messages, so the HXS will work with it. RTM BEFORE spending the $140 for the unit!
  8. rd2rk

    Load Box with helix

    Well, you're S.O.L. The 1/4" Outs/sends/returns are unbalanced. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. See page 7 of the manual. So, you simply use the 4cm: Guitar->Helix Guitar IN->Effects->FX Loop1 Block->FX Loop1 Send->Amp Input->Amp FX Loop Send->Helix FX Loop1 Return->Effects->1/4" Left/Mono->Amp FX Loop Return. By setting any Helix Preamps and the FX Loop Block to one footswitch (save with one ON one OFF), you can then toggle between your amp's preamp and the Helix preamps. Amp Speaker Out to Torpedo Speaker IN (RED NUT). Torpedo Speaker Out (attenuated) OR Thru to cab. Torpedo Line Out to DAW. Torpedo XLR to FOH. As mentioned several times above, DO NOT CONNECT ANY OF THE BACK PANEL TORPEDO SPEAKER OUTS TO THE HELIX!!!!
  9. rd2rk

    Load Box with helix

    As I noted above, that doesn't get the signal back to the guitar amp: Helix>FX Loop1 Send>Amp Input>Power Amp>LoadBox>Line Out>Helix FX Loop1 Return>XLR>FOH >Helix 1/4 Out> no place on the guitar amp to come back to! Plus, he'd be feeding the attenuated power amp signal back through the power amp - that wouldn't sound too good, and might (probably) would cause a feedback loop! HMMMM, here's a the above scenario, if he sent the 1/4" out to a powered monitor next to his guitar amp, he'd have a kind of wet/dry configuration?
  10. Worth a try maybe, but the Helicon switch boxes are 3 and 6 switch units, so not sure how much functionality he'd get out of it. Since he hasn't bought it yet, I'm thinking he should look at MIDI controlled units first.
  11. rd2rk

    Load Box with helix

    I've gotta wonder how many multi FX boards have been smoked by Torpedo Captors......maybe they should be called Torpedo Raptors?
  12. rd2rk

    Load Box with helix

    The manual is a bit confusing. The function of the Captor is as an end of signal chain device, not a loop. It's main purpose is to allow for attenuating the amp's power amp out signal, either for low volume use or silent recording. The LINE Out is for recording, so you can use whatever IR you want and Post Amp processing in your DAW. The XLR with speaker emulation is a FOH convenience. The Captor's big brother stores IRs so that you get a choice of what speaker emulation goes to FOH. He COULD put a loop AFTER the poweramp signal between the Captor and FOH/DAW, but that wouldn't get those effects into the guitar amp. So, yeah, without an FX loop in the amp, the Captor is not an optimal solution with Helix.
  13. rd2rk

    Load Box with helix

    If I'm reading the Torpedo manual right, the Line Out (DRY) is the fully attenuated post poweramp signal with no speaker emulation. The XLR next to it is the same signal WITH speaker emulation. So that wouldn't work as a loop.
  14. rd2rk

    Load Box with helix

    You definitely DO NOT want to connect either of the outputs on the back of the Torpedo to the Helix. That would cause all of the magic smoke to escape from your Helix, reducing it to a very expensive door stop! The connectors on the BACK of the Torpedo are for Speakers ONLY! SEE MANUAL! Be handy to know what kind of amp you're using. Does it have an effects loop? If your amp does NOT have an effects loop, you're limited to using your Helix as an effects board in front of the amp. You would take the Helix Left/Mono out (Instrument Level) to the Amp's Input. If your amp has an effects loop, then take the Helix FX Loop Send (Instrument Level) to the amp's Input, the amp's FX Send to the Helix FX Loop Return, and the Helix Left/Mono Out (Line Level) to the amp's FX Return. The FX Loop Block goes between the effects you want in front of your amp (like distortion/OD) and the effects you want in the loop (like delay/reverb). By setting any Helix Preamps and the FX Loop Block to one footswitch (save with one ON one OFF), you can then toggle between your amp's preamp and the Helix preamps. REPEAT: The connectors on the BACK of the Torpedo are for Speakers ONLY!
  15. You mean the 6505MH, right? The 6505MH has TR/TRS type switching jacks, but as phil_m said, the Stomp doesn't have those switching jacks. There are devices (MIDI Solutions) that can convert MIDI messages to TR/TRS type switching functions, but since the Stomp has very limited MIDI capability (it'll send a matching PC# when you change presets), this is a minimally useful solution.
  16. Helix controls external effects via MIDI, but the Perform V uses a proprietary (not MIDI) TRS switching system. There are devices that can convert MIDI to TRS type signals. Someone here might have experience with the Perform and MIDI, but your best bet would be to ask over at the Helicon forum. The higher end Helicon devices use MIDI, but are pricey. You might want to look at the BOSS/Roland vocal effects, they have some lower cost boxes that use MIDI.
  17. We all know (or should be aware) that L6 is FAR from dropping development of the product. What this is about is people being pushy and rude and threatening to take their business elsewhere (BYE BYE! NOBODY'LL MISS YA!) over release schedules for enhancements that WILL get here, WHEN THEY"RE READY! THEY DON'T OWE US! And they DO understand the realities of the market. Part of that reality is not releasing buggy product just to make pushy butt-heads happy! I'm totally down with that! Rock what ya got and know that there's more coming IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME! What's funny is that, those of us who've seen this every time there's an update due, know that when it gets here, no matter what's in it, a whole new flock of butt-heads will be up in arms whining about not getting the built-in coffee-maker and the free pony!
  18. Herpadurr - "fanboi, not fanboy!" I love it! I'm gonna use it every day! Herpadurr Herpadurr Herpadurr Herpadurr Herpadurr Herpadurr
  19. WTF is herpadurr??? Can I use it in Scrabble?
  20. Since I don't remember them promising a never ending stream of new amps and effects, I went to their site and looked over the OFFICIAL marketing stuff. I don't see it. I'm not saying that no one from L6 ever said there would be new amps and effects, but I'm pretty sure that MOST CUSTOMERS didn't go over to TGP and read everything posted there in the run-up to the release. There were LOTS of pages, and I'm sure not going back 4 years to re-read them for the sake of argument, but if it's not in the OFFICIAL MARKETING MATERIALS it ain't real. Fact is, I bought mine because I had FAITH that new amps and effects would happen, and I would've been very disappointed if that didn't happen. But the perception that they OWE us, and they'd better get their butts in gear to keep us happy is, IMHO, misguided entitlement mentality and, unfortunately, all too common. Yes I do understand product development. I also did it for a living. The costs of future product development that are or aren't rolled into the current cost of a product don't mean scratch to end users. You can't take a company to court over whether you got your money's worth from product development you thought was supposed to happen after your purchase, so let's not pretend that it's part of the deal! Since they've already delivered LOTS of new amps and effects, even implied commitments have been met, and any new amps or effects are ADDED VALUE at this point. Say "Thank you!".
  21. Perhaps we're misunderstanding you. You seem to think that L6 OWES us upgrades. L6 OWES us bug-fix updates. Nothing more. You paid for what was included in the most current update when you bought your unit. Every amp, every effect, every improvement (beyond bug-fixes) since then was VALUE ADDED. You get to say THANK YOU, not "It's about time!"
  22. Why am I not surprised? Am I correct about the one-way nature of the THRU connector? OP - Looks like you're stuck with the 6i6 - BUT if you still need to connect to the Helix from the AXE for non-edit reasons, MIDI Solutions has MIDI mixers, and maybe cheaper versions on Amazon.
  23. I'm assuming that the Helix is connected to the computer via USB directly (not thru the 6i6). The Helix MIDI OUT/THRU will send a signal from the MIDI IN (connected to the AXE OUT) out thru both the DIN and (if enabled) USB to the computer. It doesn't pass the signal back from the computer via USB to the OUT/THRU and back to the AXE. IOW - the Helix THRU is one-way only. You're going to need the 6i6 to use the editor. As always with MIDI, devices only communicate if set to the same channel (or OMNI). But that's not the problem here. EDIT: If you have other reasons to connect the AXE thru the Helix, and your editor is able to independently select IN Port and OUT Port, you could try using both the Helix and the 6i6 by connecting the 6i6 OUT to the AXE IN. Signal flow would then be: AXE OUT -> Helix IN -> Helix DIN OUT -> 6i6 IN (or Helix USB OUT to the computer) -> Editor IN Port -> Editor OUT Port -> USB to 6i6 DIN OUT -> AXE IN
  24. rd2rk

    HX stomp USB noise

    Like I said......
  25. Don't have an AXE, but if it works like the FCB1010 with an editor, it requires two connections - IN and OUT. Going thru the Helix you're getting one-way only on the THRU function.
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