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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. So, if I'm understanding what you're trying to do, you select a snapshot, you want it to send some kind of message (what kind) to the MC6, which then sends some kind of message to the DMXIS (what kind) and some other message to Ableton (what kind)? IOW, some details as to the required message flow would be helpful....
  2. I'm pretty sure that Ableton doesn't pick any MIDI #s automatically for anything, unless you have some kind of Control Surface set up in Preferences? You might want to check if DMXIS uses any of the aforementioned reserved MIDI #s by default, or if Ableton has a Control Surface that installs/configures when you install the DMXIS software.
  3. I notice you're using CC#61. Is there a reason for that? I ask because the Helix automatically sends that every time you select a preset. There are other MIDI CC#s that are "reserved" in the MIDI Spec. Using these can cause conflicts with other MIDI stuff; Here's a summary of what that's about:
  4. Look in Command Center for a NOTE message set to MOMENTARY.
  5. What commands are you seeing? What command are you sending? Is this a dedicated preset, or something you've added to all presets?
  6. You can disable PC SEND in Globals and that will prevent the Helix from sending it's Preset message (PC#) when Cubase changes it. The CC#61 is ALWAYS going to send on the Base Channel, which is also the Channel that Helix receives on, so if Cubase responds to CC#61 for anything, you need to change that. Any IC commands are going to be sent when the preset loads regardless.
  7. Lots of people using this:
  8. So far there's only 13 requests on Ideascale for the Wankelmaster Overdrive. If each of us posts a new request, we might attain the minimum of 28 requests required to get L6's attention! POST SOON! POST OFTEN! VOTE FOR EVERTHING!
  9. The problem being that Helix can only send one message per press. If you can use two otherwise blank presets, you COULD try this: Unfortunately, snapshots won't work either, since repeatedly pressing a Snaphot will sen PCs but not CCs. Strymon UP.hlx Strymon DOWN.hlx
  10. Multiple messages per press is an oft requested feature, maybe in 2.8.......
  11. IOW, IF the Helix could send multiple CCs per press, you' have to send: CC#81 Value 000 CC#81 Value 127 CC#82 Value 000 CC#82 Value 127 And hope they all got transmitted in one clock cycle?
  12. Which would make it a timing thing. Would that be consistently predictable? Or "sometimes"?
  13. I've got to wonder if anybody at Strymon ever actually tried that. Maybe they're saying, in a roundabout way, "Nah, can't do that!" because they follow up with: "If you are using a MIDI controller to send MIDI Program Change messages, you can use that to just recall the presets directly without having to bank up or down. Unless you plan on selecting the presets with the switches on the pedal itself, there is no need to bank up or down." Anyhow, until Helix can send Momentary CCs, or multiple CCs per single button press, it's not going to work even if the messages don't need to be concurrent.
  14. It sounds like they're asking for a "Momentary" CC. Helix can't do that. Momentary NOTE yes, but not CC. FCB1010/UNO can, but even there, you can't send two different CC#s at once. You can do this: CC#81 Value 000/127 THEN CC#82 Value 000/127, but the messages are not sent concurrently. Because MIDI transmits messages and values in a stream, not concurrently (AFAIK), I don't see how this would be possible. If you can link me to the source of those instructions, maybe I can figure out what they're taking about.
  15. I'm not finding that in the Big Sky User Manual. Please provide a link to the document where you found that, and I'll have a look.
  16. Actually, I'm pretty sure that while you can stop it from sending over USB, The DIN jacks always send. Also, that would be a problem if you WANT to send MIDI, just not CC#61. That CC# is ALWAYS going to send on the HX BASE Channel. If you use Command Center to send MIDI, just remember to set a different channel, and set your AMP and other MIDI devices to that channel, NOT the BASE Channel.
  17. I remember as a kid watching the variety shows on TV. Guys like Alan King and Don Rickles were incredibly popular. I never thought they were funny. The line between "snarky" and "witty" is a fine one, and everybody's perceptions are different. I try to remember to use a smiley when it isn't obvious, but sometimes even that doesn't get it over.
  18. I put these together for someone over on the Yahoo FCB1010_UNO board who wants to use his FCB/UNO with his Stomp. The file is for use with the UNO_ControlCenter Editor. It's not so much a "do it this way" as a "this is how to do it" Demo. In fact, if I were going to use it (I have the Helix Floor, so no need) I WOULDN'T do it that way, It's set up simply to demo how to use the FCB/UNO to control the various Stomp functions. The FCB/UNO is not an ideal (infinitely flexible) MIDI Controller, as a look at the notes file I included makes apparent, but it'll get the job done if you work out a division of labor betweem the Stomp and the FCB/UNO that suits your needs. The other sysex I made for someone (here?) who wanted to use the FCB/UNO with a Helix Rack. Again, it simply demonstrates how to do various things. Hope these help someone! Helix Snaps Banks and Stomps.lgp HXStomp Demo.lgp HXStomp DEMO sysex Instructions.txt
  19. Hope you didn't see my response to YOU as snarky. That was not my intent. This is generally one of the nicest forums around. Have you ever been over to Gearslutz? SNARKY as in attack trained rottweilers!
  20. People like you, who spend your time being offended and then jumping in people's faces for what your negativity causes you to IMAGINE that we're thinking. Seems you'd like to be someone's CHAMPION. Instead, why not: A) contribute something positive B) examine your sense of humor Why you picked me to jump on goes to other discussions we've had. Get over it!
  21. I know, you've been around here long enough to know. But we all know how easily the thread COULD become a wish list, then they get mad that L6 DOESN'T LISTEN.......AND THEY'RE LATE..... AND THEY DON'T KEEP THEIR PROMISES.........AARGH!!!! Just me carrying on....:-)
  22. Just a reminder to place your votes in all 10/20/30 of the "more hi-gain amps please" requests over on Ideascale! This thread isn't really a Wish List, it's more for laughing at all the folks who've let their panties get in a twist waiting for the inevitable arrival of the next update! :-)
  23. Don't feel bad about breaking up with her. She won't be lonely for long. You could also wind up being the guy who sees his ex in 6 months and wonders "What was I thinking?".
  24. Page 49 of the manual shows the CC#s as 49-53. Make sure the MC6 is on the same MIDI channel as the HXS.
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