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Everything posted by bjnette

  1. LOL By the time you turn down a tube amp you might as well go solid state as they were originally made to sound clean but someone decided to turn it up and the tubes over saturated clipping the signal voltage and produced odd and even harmonics now known as an amps distortion characteristics.
  2. With one of those sampling switch transformers you can check the voltages on a volt meter or have someone check it for you. If under warranty still then support ticket. Or support ticket either way
  3. IF you are recording what you are playing the 2i2 is fine. You do not need a DI. A DI is specifically for converting a instrument level to a level a PA mixer can use. The 2i2 should be able to amplify a wide range of impedances. Make sure your level on the way in averages around -12dbFS on your recording software meters. For a thicker sounding tone plug the output of the 2i2 into the 6505 FX return or any amp and cab in the room. If you listen on Studio monitors or headphones it will sound thin and the gain sound might be fizzy. Crank the monitors might help. When working close to computers shielding your guitar is advised.
  4. I am in the Office but if you haven't downloaded a trial of Helix Native yet, do so.<br />There is a couple of u2 patches that pretty much are of a similar ilk.<br />Just copy the amp and FX settings as best you can to port over the the HD.
  5. Pianoguy quote "Correct me if I am wrong - Didn't they have to reprogram the 500 to be able to make room for the current model packs? I mean, isn't that why we can no longer (easily) get setlist names to appear/change. In order to make room for another round of 30 extra amps, what more little bits of the 500 are you willing to sacrifice." You might very well be right about this pianoguy. I didn't think about this at all. I'd be willing to sacrifice a couple of preset slots. But, I wont hold my breath for it. As for the setlist change appear thing, I dont have any trouble with setlists name changing, easily done including the factory ones
  6. This is without your guitar or lead plugged in right? Sounds like a fault has developed.
  7. You know it wouldn't do them any harm to port their new amp and FX models from the Helix to the HD models after Helix sales flatline. They could get another $100 bucks from us easily with a bungle. So while the HD might end up being discontinued from production it might be profitable to continue to add the occasional or another one off support. So I say yes they will in a year or so
  8. I didn't see the fine P r r i i iin n n T
  9. Hi mate! Check the power supply. Replacements can be gotten from ebay
  10. Cool! On the fizz, any high gain amp can fizz with high gain. It is not a HD only. The first cause of fizz will be fret buzz on your guitar. Make sure you minimize it in your guitar first before looking at your amp or modeler. I can also mic an amp loud and record it and even with just a bit of breakup can get fizziness. It comes from the mic capsule being hit so hard the basket itself resonates. 57's are renown for it. Always check the SPL a mic can handle for the source you are using it for. Expensive mics handle high spl. I am not going to say that on a model or two when L6 modeled the amp the person who did it put the mic too close. But in case they did, try changing the mic model. But I will say for live use putting a mic close to the grill cloth was to help against bleed from drums. Recording or modeling, no way, let the speaker move some air and capture it. You don't need an EQ as there is a myriad of tones in every slight degree of placement shift. Other sources are the speaker cloth with a fold and ends that can rattle against the cabinet or worse the speaker and you get fizz. The other is when recording a high gain amp and the frequency of the mic capsule baskets goes into sympathy with it at the resonant frequency of the basket and even the capsule itself. This is probably the main source of fizz. If a model sounds too fizzy try and change the mic and/or use an EQ to zero in on the frequency of the fizz and cut the narrow band slightly, too much and your whole tone will go. Another EQ band of a broad Q on the same frequency can be raised a bit to save tone as well. The SD Pwr Stage won't be able to zero in but can be used as the broad Q. Lastly, your ears! When you zero on a frequency you can become hyper sensitive to it. It has been found that those suffering from ringing or noise in the ear can train their ears out of the condition in many cases and not all if you have a blown ear drum. The person is gotten to concentrate on various frequencies including the ringing frequencies and the condition improves in many cases. It is also amazing how many times a guitarist has asked for the monitor mix to sound a little brighter and you turn the knob and look and your given the thumbs up. Then you notice you were tweaking the wrong channel or hadn't engaged the EQ. You can laugh but it is a very real phenomenon. Your ears can play tricks on you. Once you have made sure you have no fret buzz changed the mic model etc. Take a break and come back with fresh ears and perform.
  11. IS line 6 planning on incorporating a power amp stage into the Helix?<br />Seymore Duncans Power Stage (size of a pedal), Blue Guitar Amp, Wampler and others are<br />making pedal platform amps and just seems that a stereo pwr amp of the<br />newer Class D amps would probably fit already or at least Heix "Powered" could be made.<br />The question is I suppose? Will the pedal platform specific amplifier sell? And the real question is;<br />is it needed?<br /><br />
  12. Awesome Joe, glad you fixed it!
  13. It does sound like a bug if over usb the level back in is higher and driving the patch more. Is there a way to adjust the level of the USB return in the Helix? I'd expect a DI recorded to a track reamped back would be re leveled as the same level you originally played the guitar into it. But in the real world who knows. What bit length and frequency are you recording at? As if you are recording at 192khz maybe on replay that increases the level. Just guessing here but so long as your recording bit and frequency level is the same as the Helix (for s/pdif at least) I'd expect it to be able to reamp just fine. In other words make sure your DAW is not upsampling the resolution compared to what Helix is sending and receiving.
  14. Don't forget new speakers do need breaking in. (a drum machine for 12hours will do it on guitar amp speakers. The Helix is a very broadband instrument and reproducing bass frequencies is a subject in itself. When mixing, most tracks except bass need to be rolled off as it is wasted energy pushing your meters that is barely heard. That is what you have; too much low end energy for the speaker to reproduce it. make sure you apply a high pass above or shelf cut below 30hz for bass and for guitar making space for bass and kick at 120hz or there abouts depending on the slope of the roll off. You can get louderand clearer this way. Bare in mind too that Full response powered speakers are not rolling off the high end like a guitar cab would and depending on the cab or IR you use and especially if you don't use you can get a tone that is sparkly bright for some, shrill and fizzy for others. Roll that bass off and you'll be good
  15. There is a level difference for sure making it more driven in the reamp'd version. Just a guess lower the reamp output so it averages -12db or -14dbFS on your output meter. The computer DAW is another gain stage.
  16. No the filter is not the same as in the video. Helix might or be able to be set as a path.<br />That said I play bass and can get the most use out of the synth models which can simulate<br />a cheesy synth. I usually put a delay before so the clean bass attack gets thru first.<br />But for bass on the HD it is really about making the finger noise trigger the synth tones.<br />The Helix Native has got more routing options to get what you want but still no divide the frequencies FX.<br />but you could create it in there.<br />Check out little thunder
  17. It could be a few things. Either; The recording software has a tempo change feature and can turn pitch on or off. Or most likely, sample rate recording and playback is different. Or, you have one monitor or record a different left or Right side of the HD and the recorded has a pitch shift or filter FX.
  18. There are some wild variances in volumes from amp to amp and from full amp models to Pre amp only models. I have found that the Master in the DEP is linked to the amp and it's DEP. So turning amp volumes up and down don't have the same effect of changing the tone as turning the master. The mixer block is where you balance one to another saving each. Download a free VU meter for your DAW and put the HD into it. This way you can start with any patch and just get the amp model showing a decent average in dbvu. You then turn on FX and off to balance those and finally with all on or most depending on the purpose of the patch. Also, if going in and out via HD 's USB turn off the listen or monitoring function as it will create a time shift phase issue. All you are doing in the DAW is checking the peak levels and VU plugin to make it easier. You can also open EDIT up and do the tweaking in there.
  19. Helix LT is $1700 here and the Helix is another $1k on that. I'd prefer a guitar for that sort of money when I already have a HD that does pretty much the same albeit not as good. And I refuse to spend that much on a guitar as well, but that is just me. Here is the real reason, it is not the money as you can get zero percent loans. I have been working two jobs including weekends last few years so it is really time to play and get the most out of it factor for me. When I got my HD500 I worked one job and had every weekend to play. It would be nice to have a Helix if you got time to play it, Good for you and your Art! Enjoy! Porting some presets to the HD will have to do for me for the once a week noodling I can squeeze in. I like to be well rested to play guitar these days! LOL Somehow squeeze a gig in. When I do have more time the Helix might be easier to come by used or there is a Helix Mk II or who knows what will be the bees knees then! Cheers
  20. Video checked both out. The 700 for stereo. Being very clean they are as good as what you put in front of it. That is the answer! Seems pedal platform amps are the go this year. I have seen the Wampler YT demo of theirs as well as the Blue guitar amp. I went back to my original Peavey Renown when solid state ruled the world. Those early Peavey's are reliable, outdoor concert loud on their clean channel. Now these pedal platform amps are lightweight, world travelable if with the sampling voltage transformers in them and solid state looks set to rule the world again. Seems that the choices will get better as more of these class D lightweights are released by more pedal manufacturers and Amp makers if they are selling well.
  21. Hi HD users, As much as it would be nice to have a Helix ($2500 in Sydney)I cannot afford one now nor can I justify one. I am also not going to buy Helix Native as it is ridiculously expensive and even worse an investment than a digital camera or computer. One plan was to sell my vast collection of cheap gear keeping much of it but I find myself lusting after guitars rather than a Helix if I have ebay money. LOL Anyway, I have demo'd Hx Native and really did like it alot. The FX are just so lush and detailed. Night and day on the HD. That said the amp models on the HD held up much better. I ported many of the clean guitar presets over to the HD by painstakingly pulling up the same values on the HD as indicated in a Native patch. I was able to do about two a night. I used mostly the HD USB as an interface but sometimes the s/pdif. A Bing back to Native always sounded better, way more lush. Even with the same model set to the same values as it was in the Helix a few amp models sounded very different in gain. Not all, a couple sounded better than the Hx at the time. Some models not available were done with the closest model available in the HD. Native makes use of their newer models in the presets, To my surprise porting them over like this opened up ideas I would never of thought of and introduced me to FX models in the HD I rarely used. Having to find near enough substitutes for Native only FX really opened my ears to what and how some of the FX in the HD were. (Some come to life when louder rather than hidden in the mix) The more I did this the better I got at substituting what the HD was lacking including some of the routing option presets in Native. I also became aware that the percentages on HxN didn't always translate as well the parameter values. Plus there are more parameters on some of the FX than available in the HD and sometimes less. Interestingly the DEP editing in the Helix is simpler. No one who owns a Helix is going to go thru the pain of porting their patches over to the HD to be able to shed light on the values And the result is a couple of patches that sound great and better cleans than what was in my HD and a few that are interesting as well as a few that didnt translate that well and not coming good at all. I might of made a few mistakes too as it is a pain to do this. Anyway since, my trial ran out I didnt get a chance to tweak in Native it's patches at all to suit my setup as I was too interested in porting what sounded good from the get go. Call me cheap, call me nasty. That's Rock n Roll baby! But it did sound good out the box! Since then I have further tweaked the ported patches to suit my setup but forgot to save it as a setlist before I messed with them, just as they were ported from Native. Sorry about that as I could of uploaded those so anyone would then be able to tweak to their set ups. So, ff you haven't demoed the Native trial please do and port over your favs. Cheers Dont forget you can d/l customtone Helix,LT and Native patches but most were not as good as the presets in Native that I tried and much like HD customtones very rare to find a good one that translates on your setup. If you tweak your computer to never go on standby or hybanate or switch off your computer you can leave a Native plugin opened onscreen though it will not process the tone the patch after the trial has expired but the data will remain at least until you are tired of having that session opened or your computer restarts itself one day. In other words access to the data in the patch.
  22. Definitely get yourself a Helix. It is a sign from the heavens! Seriously though, magic happens! You definitely want a Helix.
  23. If it is good enough for Billy it is good enough for me Here is one from Premier Guitar
  24. As you are new to it the HD will be affordable and give you what you need at home and at gigs. I'd suggest the HD500(x)if you plan to gig now as you'l save on having to need a controller and it will hook up to your powered speakers or amp and speakers. It is also expandable into the "dream Rig" with the addition of the expensive Line 6 DT series amps if you got bucks and the Variax guitars by line 6 make the dream rig but it adds up. For me my HD500 is just fine with my collection of guitars. One under rated advantage is using it with affordable solid state amps on stage for monitoring. Some are absolute bargains when you consider their reliability like old Peavey's or in the UK there will be a local maker of reliable still going Solid State amps. To me the HD really repurposes those old amps if your on a budget. You will want studio monitors and not just HiFi speakers but even they will do for now. The Helix is a step up in sound quality, mostly with the time based effects are more lush and detailed then on the HD. The HD is perfectly adequate and a great place to start if you are past the beginner stage. For an absolute beginner get an acoustic and just practice on it till your good. You dont want to many distactions when you are learning to be good.
  25. Sounds like a buffering issue with the usb where the m-audio default buffer is higher. Worth checking!
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