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Everything posted by Joepeggio

  1. This may be the fix-all ticket? Not sure but I would rather do an external type "fix". And can provide ground loop isolation.
  2. before i had my FRFR, in did full amp no cab, but global eq'ed a whole bunch of harsh mid to upper mids and cutoff at around 7000. I have an Egnater 40 with a Celestion 50. Very upper mid and high end responsive, more than I thought it would be. I do have a studio monitor set-up too. I would A/B the tone of a cab to monitors, vs no cab to Egnater and got really close. Good enough for live, when a room has more influence on the tone then the difference I had. I didn't do 4 cable, I did full Helix into the effects return.
  3. Sounds good. What's the sag set at?
  4. Just tested. I put a mono send After a ping pong. All mono out of send and after thru. I guess to keep stereo, one needs to bypass the send block with a path and set thru to -120. But the OP wants to Just monitor signal so like above, put send in first block. I do the same thing with a TC voicelive 2. In fact, it "likes" the first, unprocessed block for a cleaner signal.
  5. Curiosity question. If a mono send is in a stereo path, does the thru also get collapsed to mono?
  6. He also knew the ir well. Easier to compare or judge the true quality of the effects and amp sims when using the same ir.
  7. As a sample, I have a Sony laptop with WIFI issues. Sony immediately sent out a USB mico wifi "card" to temporarily solve the issue until internal wifi card issue was resolved or replace. Laptop costs about 1/3 that of the Helix. My point - Line 6 fixes the issue in newer units (Helix 1.1), and issues blockers for all pre-protected units. Cost would be very cheap for them. A few bucks each, with the kind of resources Line 6 / Yamaha has. It costs us about $70, either for the blockers or a "cheap" ART DTi 2 channel iso box (transformer - $60 plus 2 cables).
  8. Good ideas above. If you have room, I would use a gain block with -120 at the front of each path, or at least before reverb and delays. That way you will have spillover. Assign the blocks to one switch, making them in opposite states when saving.
  9. Set xlr out to mic? May help a little. And or make sure on line level on back of QSC. The QSC is a true 1000 watts. May be normal position for such a powerful speaker. I dont own one.
  10. I have the TS110A's. They sound great. Good to hear the K10s sound even better. but like all tone convos, so subjective. I find i have to roll off the bass in the global eq at around 130 or so the 110's are too boomy. Are the K10s more bass? or cleaner tighter bass?
  11. Just a quick question/thought. Is there an audio quality / dynamics difference when the circuit that blocks phantom power is in the path. Maybe not in a live situation, but for recording quality? I've seen some of the solutions. Some say there may be a signal drop due to required resistor / capacitor combos, or the coloring a 1:1 transformer may inject. ?????? Just a layman wondering.
  12. Looks like your source is set to guitar on the bottom path. ?
  13. In addition, you can have the delays on seperate paths and toggle the paths with the phase switch. So many possibilities
  14. Some insight and ideas
  15. What you're describing is the "scene" mode we all hope line 6 implements or can implements someday. Switches can only toggle the opposite state of all that's assigned to it (max 8) On/off or an amount, like gain. scene mode would allow one button to recall all effects in a presaved state.. i believe one of helix's competitors has scene mode (ax FX?)
  16. I found the Helix harsh and buzzy through effects return on my Egnater without cab sim. But then cab sims were too extreme. So i used global eq to roll off highs and a few other freqs. I sat and a/b'd out to amp and out to studio monitors until i got close. now i use 2 alto ts110a 's . Sounds great!!!
  17. To use helix like a pedal board in front of an amp, guitar into helix - helix into normal amp input. I believe in most any situation, guitar should go into helix first. (Unless u use helix as loop effects only - delay, verb, etc) If I were going from helix directly into loop return only, i would include a preamp and or amp block excluding any cabs. The 4 cable method lets you put that favorite amp (preamp section) into the helix as an effect block.
  18. I think your right, its another vote for "scene" mode!!
  19. My limited knowledge is that IR's are used like cabs in Helix. It makes sense to me that ir's can be reverbs too. Go to the ir block and replace it with a CAB block until you can download the proper ir and put it in the correct location - done on the Helix library software. in response to ir transfering like effect blocks, it does. The blocks just point to the effects built into helix. Since ir's are custom, there is no way for helix to have them.
  20. Could be custom IR locations. Only the ir location number is saved with the patch. Make sure you change the ir location to where you saved it, or insert an ir in the same number as the patch is looking to. patches and ir's are totally seperate things. The patch only looks to a location. If you dont have any ir's, put a CAB to you liking in place of the ir block.
  21. Many ways to do it. You can split the paths and use the A/B and assign a footswitch to send 100% to A then 100% to B when pressed. You can have both amps one after the other and assign a footswitch to toggle one off and the other on. There are literally endless possibilities. Go to Factory 2, patch 13D. You will see a built patch with 2 amps and a switch. This one is a very simple one. Just remember to press save once and change the save location so you don't lose the factory ones if you want to keep them.
  22. This is a good point Retro, if being used as a key changer. In the scenario above, I am using the Pitch Wham to just shift (detune) the signal a few cents, creating a chorus like effect without the modulation. Its gives a thicker tone like double tracking.
  23. Hey guys start a ticket. I had some issues an it was relaced in a week direct from line 6. They may have units on hand ready for this situation. You never know
  24. Its actually does detuning. It was in a post a while ago. Put in a pitch wham block. Set -1 and +1 on the Heel and toe pitch respectively. Mix 50% (equal amount of thru and detune signal) or to taste. level - 0 The position knob above or below 50% will give you the % from 0 to -1 or +1 semitone. 2 cents per % If you want 1 cent per % you need to go from 0 to 1 or -1 to 0 instead if -1 to +1. Unassign the expression pedal below..... Go to Footswitch Assign and turn dial to set "none" Go to Controller Assign and ​set controller to "none" Then I set a footswitch to turn effect on or off.
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