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Everything posted by fukuri

  1. As am I I simply unplugged and replugged it because the cable was stuck under the piano stool :) Shouldn't be enough to cause the amp to burn out
  2. To be fair they haven't examined it yet so they don't know I'm sure it will be resolved
  3. Not 100% sure but don't have phantom power on when you plug in a mic Now granted its not a great idea but there is no external indicator or switch so if that is what caused it ... There may be trouble ahead Yes that track was an MXL condenser straight into the helix
  4. Yes until I unplugged and replugged the mic and it burned the mic amp out ... So be careful But sounds nice and transparent
  5. Do you mind telling us what happened?
  6. I pretty much recorded this straight in All instruments and vocals via the Helix
  7. I use a virtually identical setup and I get a great sound (to my ears) Are you getting enough volume into the pres?
  8. In answer to the question it's because he's building patches out of 20 grands worth of physical gear designed by specialists and looked after by technicians
  9. Have you seen Gilmours pedal board (s) ?
  10. Sorry I just feel that shouting at you is my job ... ;)
  11. I think the way you have approached this is a huge mistake You have shot yourself in the foot with this post I'm not going to explain why Perhaps you should choose a better medium for communicating with your vendors if you don't like it when they answer your unspecified slagging I've saved this conversation as a passive aggressive thinly vieled threat ... Sorry for 'future reference'
  12. For those users it's a big deal though And I disagree with rare and unlikely, where are you getting that from? Have you done a poll? Do you have access to research ? So if it works fine for you great ... Tell us so and move on Don't presume to speak for the vast majority of users because you don't
  13. The best compressor is the Klon set on clean for me ...
  14. The key improvement with the M13 is the number of FX I can have on though By the time I've stacked a OD and a Tube driver and put a reverb in I've got one slot for delay or modulation
  15. Allow me to change the Variax mid flight and I'm with you But I can't so Im stuck with multiple patches and a horrible jarring gap when I switch
  16. Well that makes senseI could never get my head around why you didn't apply the Global EQ to the one output that almost guaranteed no local EQ on the device That EQ is amazing and I use it a lot on the M20D I'd love to see a Block or a parameter that became available when connecting up Although at the moment I'm just using good old fashioned amps and cabs for on stage I end up carving so much off the top and the bottom when going full range it almost feels like I'm tweaking FRFR to work like a normal guitar cab...
  17. fukuri

    Helix or HD500X

    There was always a digital sounding Clang in the HD 500 that I could never dial out even in the mid gain models Really off putting once you noticed it I went back to the M13 and a decent amp until things improved (which they have now)
  18. Sorry I'm on mac where it doesn't work at all but i assumed the knob was a global volume thing unless you specified otherwise
  19. fukuri

    Helix or HD500X

    If cost isn't an issue the Helix is a no brainer but it is 3-4 times the price. If it was me I'd pony up the extra for all the flexibility In fact I did .. :)
  20. It's worth mentioning this is specific to me, my style and the type of music I do. I'm not saying this is for everyone The flexibility of the unit to send the same signal to different processors and different outputs opens up an incredible amount of choice. It gives us all the freedom to work out what works for us
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