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Everything posted by fukuri

  1. fukuri

    Leslie issue

    There is a Leslie simulation pedal just before the Leslie's (can't recall what it's called but it's decent) The modelled Leslie's are pretty severe IMO until you take the drive down on them . They are way too overdriven by default for me
  2. I too have gone back to the Helix cabs 3rd party IRs are great if you have a few favourites but running in stereo is a lot of shagging hassle for not much reward I can get everything I need from the dual cab block
  3. It's also to simulate how the old tape loopers worked You didn't have a clear start or finish
  4. I would cut some gaps in the foam under the vents
  5. Your demo guy was Sean Halley He does that thing with the looper
  6. If you use L6 link from the M20 to the Stagesource speakers that is a great system with a dedicated link EQ I find it baffling that the global EQ in the Helix wouldn't apply to one of the few things you can plug it into that doesn't have a local EQ I asked the question but got the same answer as above It doesn't make sense
  7. Yup The M20D doesn't have a Link input only an output and the rest of the speakers bypass the EQ sections (those that have onboard mixers) when using the link in Which is why I think it's a bit of an oversite Global EQ should mean Global EQ I gues I could stick an EQ block in front of the mixer out (but then so could Line 6 and called it a Global EQ)
  8. I can't think of anything I would plug the helix in via the L6 link output that allows you to EQ through it (I.e. Has its own equaliser that works with that input)
  9. have a look and see if someone has idea scaled it But expression pedal is a great way to go for this kind of stuff
  10. Select the cabTouch the footswitch for the rotary Merge the two Set the cab so it is bypassed when the rotary is on On my patch the Organ footswitch (which is a B9 looped in) switches off 5 different blocks! (I like to clear the amps from the signal path too)
  11. No I always keep my amp and cab seperate for more or less this reason (i.e flexibility in the chain) If I'm having a problem with a patch at volume the first thing I do is start filtering with the cabs I don't use 3rd party IRs as I run in stereo
  12. It is a good thing but just out of habit I keep pressing the joystick down to enter rather than right to move onIt's a me thing
  13. My favourite one is renaming a footswitch Select the letter you want press the joystick balls!
  14. Lets deal with the muting first You can mute any signal path at any point using multiple methods. (Almost) anything that can be altered can be assigned to a footswitch. So you can have a volume pedal block that goes to 0 on footswitch press for example (as you surmised) The tuner would be unaffected I imagine as it is first in the chain (but I would need to test this to say 100%) I didn't realise you could give 2B its own input until 2 weeks ago :) it is a little convoluted but easy to do. In terms of what you can input yes you can give that path over to the mic input and out put it panned right via the XLRs
  15. I'm not sitting in front of a unit just now but what you describe sounds perfectly feasible and is fairly similar to how I run (albeit with the Variax instead of the acoustic) The only thing I would change is I would use a path and a half for the electrics (i.e Path 1A 1B and 2A) and reserve 2B for the acoustic as it needs much less processing, You can also stick an acoustic body IR (like the Taylor one that is floating about) and mix it with your piezo signal for great results
  16. There is no press and hold feature so not as you describe There are 10 footswitches available though so having a separate one is doable The other way to do it is assign the temp rate to the exp pedal and optionally use the toe switch to switch it on and off
  17. I loop an EHX B9 into mine Stick that into a rotary and assign a button to control the speaker speed and it's perfect
  18. In terms of choice I have a good selection of modellers and FX (with the exception of a Kemper which was too geeky even for me) So in my quest over the years to replace my M13 (which was the most flexible useable multifx I'd ever had ) I have a TC G-System with a few drives looped in. Great device and great sounding reverbs delays and mods. Made of a single piece of sheet steel it weighs the same as a delorean I have any number of high end amps and a boutique G2 patched pedal board. I love the sound of it and the tweakability (and the ability to swap pedals out) but I can't deal with the lack of control via expression pedals. I'd need about 5 expression pedals to do what I needed to do with the M13 I have an FX 8 and an atomic amplifire As a two box solution this gets close. The amp modelling in the Atomic is really really nice in places , you can use custom IRs and split the signal to FOH via xlr and onstage via 1/4" The FX8 is a very capable multi-fx. It's also a religion though and Cliff help you if you dare to give any Fractal device anything other than glowing praise but it sounds ok. It's great at some things and average at others. The thing that kills it stone dead for me is the workflow. Without a laptop it's menu in menus in parameter in menu with a tiny screen and a small selection of controls. It's a bit like trying to wallpaper your house through the letterbox The laptop editor gets round that to an extent but I'm not about to start bringing a laptop to rehearsal (or live) just to edit a pedal Also it's not a stereo rig without a lot of faff and 4 cable method into the FX loop of the Atomic (which I can do as I'm using the fx loops for expression pedal (using some of the silliest wiring that is so complex even Atomix haven't got round to making a cable to allow you to use Expression pedals yet)) I discounted the Ax 8 because the single amp Model and dedicating a DSP to it seemed bonkers to me So to the Helix. Does it sound better than all the above devices Emmm No. If you take everything above on their individual strengths and pitch it against the Helix in some cases the reverbs are nicer on the FX8. The mods are nicer on the G-System, the drives are nicer on my pedal board and (some) of the amplifire Amp models are nicer (I'm looking at you 5150) The Atomic Bassman is also excellent Having said that the Helix is close enough that I don't care because the killer feature is the flexibility and simple workflow It's this that knocks everything else out the park. It's "overall" better than any of the above solutions for me. Compact, easy to wire, I can loop my favourite drive pedals in. I can run front of house and backline in any configuration I want. It takes 5 minutes to set up and break down and he amount of stuff I can fit on a scene is boggling I actually run out of footswitches before I run out of DSP So in summary I spend time niggling over things I can't do because I'm now pushing the envelope of what it possible. I've brought the Variax back into my Rig and now can use it live to do a bunch of stuff I stopped doing as I needed 5 guitars to pull it off But what Line 6 have achieved here is nothing short of staggering They took on the rest of the Market in a blind race and managed to get the correct balance between sound and use ability. The big question is always if it got stolen would I buy another one ? Absolutely I would!
  19. I use the XLR outs into the Stagescape mixer and the left 1/4 inch into an Atomic reactor 1x12 valve power amp speaker which I picked up for 100 quid. I have an EWS simple volume control in line to the Atomic to allow me to control my stage monitoring level independently. I have the mixer block set at unity With the heel down in EXP one and 7 DB of boost at the top end of the expression pedal. I don't like a button solo boost as sometime I just need to give it a gentle punt and other times I need to give it all the beans I have a line 6 exp in exp 2 which just controls delay mix I'm waiting on a Freyette Power Station as a portable power amp for venues that supply backline That way I can just run the line of the helix out to the Freyette and into a 4x12 or whatever cab they supply and run the XLRs into FOH For me it's a very neat set up compared to my old dual amp dual Redbox live rig
  20. I probably should take a quick break from complaining about minor niggles to mentioning I'm blown away by the Helix I'll do it in a seperating post so it doesn't get lost in here
  21. Really not my experience at allClick the footswitch Everything drops New preset loads No fade in fade out here ?
  22. Add the ability to switch the Variax in then! It's the only reason I have to change preset Or preserve the delay while switching the rest Are neither of these things possible within the constraints of reasonable use ?
  23. Here's what I don't understand How come we can have the looper that works between patches but not a delay? A lot of this would go away if we just had the scenario where the same delay in the same position on two patches persisted when the patch was switched That wouldn't take 'double the dsp' would it?
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