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Pod Hd500 Patch Conversion


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Hi everyone,


The other day I just got a HD pro unit for my studio.  Works great as expected out of the box.  I have the HD 500 as well.  Now that the HD pro is rack mounted I want to be able to dial in tones with the pro and then, when I need to take the 500 to a gig, transfer the tones to the 500.  Is there a converter that will change between the HD pro and HD 500 and vise versa?

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  • 3 months later...

I just upgraded from an X3 to a HD500X today and on the file format front I find it a bit depressing.   People are saying they are not like for like so it's impossible to convert.  I disagree.  There must be an upgrade path for each device & amp, (ie for this this amp we recommend now using..... ).  If the resolution for each nob is greater then use %, dry wet/ms settings for a delay are universal.  Even if It was an approximation but had the same fx types it would be a great help instead of starting from scratch.


I'm also doubly disappointed pod farm 2 is incompatible.  I bought that SW specifically for the excellent workflow of being able to transfer tones from VST to hardware, for me this was the USP with Line6, I don't know of any other manufacturer that can do this.  Please Line6 make a plugin version of the HD series tones.


It's a shame the tone files aren't xml, it would be easier for the community to roll a converter although I know jZab is doing a great job here.


Sorry had to get that off my chest, other than that the looper and sound quality is amazing.

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If you still have your X3 you can connect it, run gearbox, and view the tone details. Simultaneously you can run HD500x Edit without theHD500x connected and recreate the tones manually. They won't sound the same, and you'll have to make your own trials in terms of similar sounding amps that the X3 has and the HD doesn't but it's a starting point for tweaking. Then you can save the HD presets as files to your computer and send them to your HD device when you connect it later.

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  • 2 months later...

"jZab is doing a great job here."


Am I the only dogdamn retard who can't convert files from the 500 to the 500x, even with this converter?

When I click "browse" and I select the folder with all the .h5e files, not one of them show...

Anybody else having this problem or know the solution?

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why convert at all... 500 tones will drag and drop directly into HD500x edit.


Am I the only dogdamn retard who can't convert files from the 500 to the 500x, even with this converter?

When I click "browse" and I select the folder with all the .h5e files, not one of them show...

Anybody else having this problem or know the solution?

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it wont load when you click it.....

you have to drag and drop.

the file extensions are different for the different versions... but the data in the file is close enough that it will work.

it's 100% compatible going from a 500 to a 500x

not the case going from 500x to 500... but they are still very compatible depending on the contents of the tone.


Ãœber Guru, I think I better return this 500HD ha ha ha. I can't get my Edit software to do what you just said it does... When I click on a HD500 patch, it doesn't even load...

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I've been trying to figure out how exactly to do this "drag and drop" function. I use a PC. I have the 500 files in a folder. And the 500x files in another.

I can open (by selecting from "Open" in the Edit software) and open any .5xe extension but any time I load an .h5e from the 500 it doesn't open. And how could I "drag & drop" if this is seemingly the only way Line 6 instructed to open files in the manual?

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Line6 doesn't officially support using tones that aren't native to the system... so there are not going to be any instructions.

basically you open the folder with the tones in it... select a single tone... and hold the mouse button... release over the memory location in your setlist...

not in hd500x edit in general.. over where you want the tone stored.

you can also change the file extensions... but that is alot more time consuming when trying to do alot of tones.

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Thanks for the answers but I'm still at a loss... And more importantly, I haven't even been able to figure out the difference between a "set list" and a "bundle." Or how to load all individual patches I downloaded from the custom tone website into my Pod at once...

These factory instructions absolutely suck!!!

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The drag and drop method works only on individual patches. You can't use it with multiple patches simultaneously, or with a setlist or bundle. Each of these elements can exist as a single file on your computer.


A setlist is a set of 64 patches that are organized into 16 banks (numbered 1 through 16) with 4 patches (A through D) in each bank. Hence each patch from 1A to 16D identifies the 64 patches in a setlist.


A Bundle contains all 512 patches that the HD500x can contain at any time. The bundle is organized into 8 setlists as above.


Each patch and setlist can be named, although internally they will be referred to as Setlist 1 through Setlist 8, and within each setlist patch 1A through 16D. The bundle name is assigned when you save the bundle to your computer; internally it needs no name because it is all there is.

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once again... there are no factory instructions... its not officially supported... but it works...

we're just users trying to help you out...

so perhaps it's the lack of a supported way to do this and lack of factory instructions that suck.

i'm not really sure what part is causing you issues.. it's really easy, once you figure it out.


Thanks for the answers but I'm still at a loss... And more importantly, I haven't even been able to figure out the difference between a "set list" and a "bundle." Or how to load all individual patches I downloaded from the custom tone website into my Pod at once...

These factory instructions absolutely suck!!!

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  • 7 months later...

Reinstalling the firmware will restore factory settings. Make sure to back up your existing presets/setlists first, and choose 'No' during the update process when asked if you want to keep your existing presets. After reinstalling, you can save each factory setlist for future use in case you ever want to do something like this again.


Alternatively, perhaps someone who saved the factory setlist called 'Best of...' can post it here for your convenience. But rather than wait you can do the above.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Welcome and respect to everyone here ! 

I am new to the forum so forgive if some of my questions will look a bit dull or something :)  


Is it possible to get third party patches installed to the 500X?

Also is it possible to load patches from different HD Family Pods to the HD500X ? 


Thanks very much in advance !   Respect!!





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OH! Thanks BillBee! 


I have downloaded the soft and tried in many different ways but no matter what i do the program does not see the patches that i have downloaded? 

Strange. I have even tried manually force drag the patch to the folder but it doesn't let me do it ! how frustrating. . What am i missing ?


And where do i find 3rd party patches? does this mean that i can use Boss sound patches and convert to POD patches ? This would be awesome!!!! 


Thanks BillBee!!

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When you said 3rd party I thought you meant ones you would purchase from a "3rd Party" for the HD.


The HD can only use HD patches but the translater lets you go from say the HD Bean to the 500 and the 500x, you might even be able to go HD300/400 to 500 but I don't have a 300/400 so I can't say for sure.


As far as operating it goes its been a while since I've used it but you have to use it to open the folder where you put the patches and work from there.


If I get a chance I'll fire it up tonight.



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Thanks a lot B!

I am giving up tho .....


I have created a folder- PATCHES on my desktop and downloaded just a few (to test if it works) Patches from different model ending with file extension - patch name.pxe . then i run the program and select the folder PATCHES from my desktop hoping that the program will show any patches in there that could possibly be selected and then converted to different format . unfortunately no matter what i do selecting the correct folder named PATCHES containing what i have downloaded shows an empty folder. therefore the program doesn't recognize anything inside that would be compatible with the program. Makes no sense to me know ..... 

But hey!!!!!!!!

I suppose there really isn't a point downloading the patches from the older devices as they will never be as good as the ones from the new device RIGHT ? At the end of the day if the item is discontinued and the new is released that means that the internal parts have been updated and what it comes with it , is the faster and better quality CPU with new operating  software. 

So really a way better path to create a unique sound will always be creating a new sound instead of looking through some old ones and hoping to find this PERFECT SOUND :)   


But the idea of being able to transfer them around is still GREAT !   


Thanks B  ! 

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Oh! Just a thought !


Is there a possibility of using the Helix patches on 500X ?   Or will it be possible in the near future ? Anyone is working on this currently ?   :) 

Because if yes,then making a software capable of transferring those into a 500X compatible would be a HOLY GRAIL !!


Respect !!!

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I don't think the Helix to HD is going to happen. Probably not enough horsepower different models etc.


Try dropping and dragging the patches into HD Edit. I have dropped HD500 and X that way for the HD Bean and they opened.



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Oh! Just a thought !


Is there a possibility of using the Helix patches on 500X ?   Or will it be possible in the near future ? Anyone is working on this currently ?   :)

Because if yes,then making a software capable of transferring those into a 500X compatible would be a HOLY GRAIL !!


Respect !!!


The closest you will ever get to Helix on an HD is the model packs, which were made using the HX modeling process and then ported to the HD.

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Thanks duncann!!


I suppose a lot of us would consider and will eventually consider buying some extra HD packs but i think we need to write a group email to Line 6 explaining that the price they ask for it is little high!  :lol:    And then when the price goes down eventually a lot more people will decide to actually  buy the packs resulting in more profit for Line 6 in the long run!!!

I am no economist but it makes a lot of sense doesn't it ? 


Respect ! 

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They should all fit into each other with no converting needed. Just drag-and-drop.


Depending on who designed them and what they crammed into them, there could be a few files that don't work - such as too much dsp being used on a 5XE going into 500. Or maybe a output jack was used on a PXE that the 500 doesn't have. And the HRE and PXE are the rack units, so not all of them will have the switches/pedals set up in the patches. 

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Oh! Just a thought !


Is there a possibility of using the Helix patches on 500X ?...

Because if yes,then making a software capable of transferring those into a 500X compatible would be a HOLY GRAIL !! would also be a great way to get people to stop buying Helix. Might as well ask L6 to start mailing you $100 bills once a month.

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Thanks for all the help guys!  ! 


I have now got this to work ! It would probably work first time but i was expecting the program to list the patches so i can choose the one i want to convert but this program simply doesn't list them !!!  So really yo need to select the folder with the patch ,without selecting the specific patch and whatever sits in that folder (even though you can't see nothing in it!)  and press Run!!! JOB DONE !   


Sometimes simple solution can be a lot more hard to find that a well complicated one!!!   LOL  


Respect !

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  • 7 years later...
The POD HD500 and HD500X pressets are compatible with each other. You just need to change the file extension from .h5e to .5xe or vice versa. To avoid having to do it one by one, you can use notepad to write this: ren *.h5e *.5xe (or ren *.5xe *.h5e, if you want to go from hd500x to hd500) and save the file with the name whatever you want with the ".bat" extension. When you run the file, it will change the extension of all files of the first type that are in the same folder and convert them to the second option.
I hope it helps you. .h5e to .5xe.bat converter I attach the file already made to convert the pressets from HD500 to HD500X.

.h5e a .5xe converter.bat

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  • 1 month later...

No. You could attempt to do it manually by running HD500x Edit offline to inspect your POD HD preset. Simultaneously run HX Edit with your Helix device connected and duplicate the signal path as closely as possible. Then tweak to see if you can get a better sound.


From what I have seen from people reporting their efforts to do this the result has been disappointing. The differences in the underlying modelling technology means that the same parameter settings on the same models sound very different. Most people find they are able to get better results by starting from scratch. At best the POD HD preset can give you a hint about what models to select. But detailed settings don’t translate well.

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