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Everything posted by codamedia

  1. I'll have to refresh my memory with that one... Another that comes to mind is the KORG WAVESTATION "Ski Jam".... I believe it is the first preset in the first bank. I used to hear that on every recording that came out during that time and was reminded recently when I heard Dire Straits "Planet of New Orleans" and instantly knew what keyboard was used.
  2. Absolutely... I can be added to that list as well but It's a petty issue that doesn't affect me in any way. Do you remember the days of buying and amp that came with a manual including suggested settings? Those settings never worked! Same with effect pedals trying the same. How are modelers that come with a default setting any different?
  3. When both the FRFR and the FOH is boomy - that's a good indication that the preset needs to be adjusted... providing the FOH is properly tuned (EQ'd) for the room. Are you using any "Low Cut" filters in your preset? It is very common to include an HPF at 80hz - 100hz... sometimes even higher depending on how you want an acoustic to sit in a mix. Often with an acoustic 160hz (the octave of 80) can be troublesome and requires a notch as well. IME this is more prevalent with a real acoustic vs a Variax model with the main symptom being a "D string" that is taking off.
  4. My old Tele with vintage pickups sounded really good when I loaded up that amp with default settings... just sayin'. User defaults to the rescue. I'm pretty sure that's why they were introduced several updates ago. and you bought it...
  5. Not going to happen..... When Line 6 releases a new "flagship" product it will surely contain more DSP, until then - you will need to learn how to optimize your presets. There is NOTHING the public is aware of that suggests a new product is in the near future - so don't bet on it anytime soon. The sad reality is.... once people are given more DSP, they will quickly consume it and begin the cycle of wanting more DSP once again. Optimization is critical.
  6. @VmusicV .... I do not know the amount the Low Cut applies, but I do know different "blocks" are different. EG: Low Cut in the cab block is not equal to Low Cut in the Parametric, etc... etc.... I believe they have very different slopes. What I do know... is that their is always enough to handle any problem I have, but that just my experience. If you run "pink noise" through the Helix and monitor the results (graphically) in a DAW you can get accurate measurements of how much the cut is... what the slope is.... and where the slop begins. A guitar signal won't give you accurate readings.... use Pink Noise. I could easily get the numbers for you... but I have no need to do it myself. You seem to have a need, so go for it!
  7. I couldn't agree more... I haven't really had a chance to dive into much on this update yet, but this is one UNIQUE AMP in the way it functions. Not sure if I'll use it anywhere or not yet... but it's "different", and I like that! I would still LOVE to see an Ampeg V4 or it's combo version... a V22.
  8. It is futile to feed the troll. "VmusicV" is only hear to express his superiority over all of us.... he isn't asking for help, and he won't accept any.
  9. VDI cable is required for any interaction between the guitar and the Helix.... and for the Helix to provide power to the Variax. However, there is more to consider. INSTALLING THE ORIGINAL WORKBENCH TAKES SOME STEPS THESE DAYS How to: NOTE: You cannot connect a 1st gen Variax to Workbench through a Helix... you need a Variax Interface or supported hardware like an HD500, X3 Live, X3 Pro or XT Live. Also.... there are limits to the 1st GEN VARIAX guitars with a Helix.... (the below info is copied and pasted from my post in a 4 year old thread. It is still valid for 1st Gen Variax guitars...) Custom Tunings cannot be set VIA Helix on a 1st Gen Variax. You must store the custom tuned setting in a custom location, and call it from there. PRESETS and SNAPSHOTS are both capable of changing variax presets. Therefore.... from within a single preset you can use snapshots to call up a new patch on the Variax... even ones with different tunings, different tone positions, etc... etc... GOTCHA #1 If you have snapshots set to "recall" and physically change the model on your Variax you are screwed until you re-load that preset. For that reason, I set my snapshots to "discard" so they will always reload the model you want it to. GOTCHA #2 I don't know about the new models, but older generation Variax guitars have two layers of guitars in all presets other than CUSTOM 1 and CUSTOM 2. The guitar always calls the forefront layer... but the Helix can only access the "factory settings" layer. This is why "Gotcha #1 exists". If you change your guitar selection on the guitar it will work, but the HELIX can't remember that access and defaults to one of the CUSTOM patches. (I think custom 2 / 5) GOTCHA #3 (Similar to #2.... but it has to do with customizing guitar models) Any changes you make to a Variax in Workbench and save to the ORIGINAL location (eg: You open TELE 1, change the body and save it back to TELE 1) cannot be saved or reached from the Helix. They can ONLY ACCESS the "factory settings" layer on the guitar... so recalling TELE 1 from the Helix would call up the factory patch, not your custom patch. For this reason - always save your custom guitars into the CUSTOM 1 and CUSTOM 2 locations.
  10. @pierpatrip ... I'm glad you seemed to solve it, but I really wanted to point something out from your original post. The HX Edit Image that says it can't find a compatible backup file is looking for it in "Tones > Helix > Backups" The image showing the backup file.... shows it is located in "Tones > Backups" Those are two different locations.... that's why HX Edit couldn't find it.
  11. Thank you for the wonderful lesson on how a "solution architect" writes a report.
  12. I'm confused.... the goal posts just got moved. You asked about controlling the global volume (eg: like the big volume knob) with a midi CC Value so I replied to that. If this post was actually about changing "input volume with a guitar pot" I would have responded very differently :)
  13. There are two places to assign footswitches... Controllers view.... this is where you assign stomps, controller values, etc... etc... Command Center... this is where you assign specialty functions such as midi control and more... Something assigned in one does not show in the other because they are very different functions that happen to overlap. What you can do in one area, you cannot do in the other - but it can use the same footswitch. It would be helpful if you could logically explain the problem the way a solution architect would. (eg: no personal emotion or frustration, just facts) Example.... step one step two step three This is what step three is doing This is what I expected step three to do
  14. With that diagram.... set everything to instrument and call it a day. That's the easiest to remember and will work fine. You could also set everything to LINE.... but the INPUT of the Fractal still needs to be instrument level. I have no idea why there is a need for so much complexity, but that's not my business :)
  15. I didn't post the video... theElevators did. I just quoted it and added a single comment about others steps required. I did say it in Post #8. Very clearly in the first sentence of my post. Did you miss that? YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND..... everyone is giving you the solution to load a preset value which also includes the ability to tap in any tempo you want. YES - The answer to your problem is in this thread. 1 delay Fixed value on preset and/or snapshot load Ability to change the delay via "tap tempo" whenever you want. Please go read the posts over and over and over until it sinks in!
  16. This might sound really obvious... but I don't see it mentioned yet. Make sure the cable you were using is actually healthy. Just because a cable works isn't a guarantee that the cable is good. If you create sounds using a cable that has a volume drop or tone roll off, your sounds will only be correct when you use "that cable". It's become part of the tone.
  17. @VmusicV This info was not in the video provided, but it is important. "Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo > Tempo Select" must be set to "Per Snapshot" or at least "Per Preset" for this to work. You cannot have it set to "global".
  18. Snapshots can control the TIME (ms) in milleseconds and it can change the DIVISION (1/4, 1/8, dotted 8th, etc...) in TAP... but it cannot change from MS to TAP. The easy solution is to have two delays.... one set to "milleseconds" and one set for "tap tempo". Use snapshots to toggle them on/off as required. I stumbled on this limitation when I first got my Helix. Line 6 allows almost everything to be controlled by snapshots.... this this not one of them. I am 100% positive they didn't do that to anger us.... it just CAN'T be done without a substantial investment in time and resources. I think you are misunderstanding what @theElevators is trying to explain. his solution is viable, it just take some "pre-planning". Obviously when you use the MS value you are programming that exact value to be recalled by preset or snapshot. He is explaining how to calculate those values so you can program the same delay via "tempo" and "division". Once calculated... when you click on a preset the delay loads with the proper "Division" and the "TEMPO" is reset so the delay matches the MS Value you would normally set. Since the delay is already set to "division", any time you want to drift from that value, the TAP TEMPO will allow you to change it to whatever speed you require. To load the "millesecond value" to it's exact position again... simply reload the preset and it resets the "tempo". (this can be done per preset, or per snapshot if you want) For this to work... change the "Tempo Select" in "Global Settings > MIDI Tempo" to the following.... Per Preset = The Tempo is stored and recalled with each preset Per Snapshot = The Tempo is stored and recalled with each snapshot Global = This will NOT work with "theElevators" solution.
  19. The majority of midi devices are setup with MIDI CC#7 (and/or sometimes CC#11) assigned to the master volume. I'm a little surprised that wasn't set up on the Helix... even as an option to turn on in the global settings. There is nothing I can find in ideascale... so I suspect in 7 years there has been ZERO interest for it :)
  20. codamedia

    two HX stomps

    I might not be an "elite" but I would have defended your approach. It's all about options. Some people like "all in one".... and some people like "modular". No right, no wrong... just different approaches. FWIW... I use a Helix LT. I like having ONE unit. But I can see the benefits of keeping them separated.
  21. codamedia

    two HX stomps

    As @PierM states... it is already possible with a single unit. If a single unit can't provide enough effects for you... there are options. If you want to keep the setup modular, two stomps will work fine. There is nothing wrong with this approach. For a similar price, you could use one stomp and one HX Effects. For a little less money you could buy a Helix LT which gives you the full power of a Helix. For a little more money you could buy a Helix Floor which gives you full power and full features.
  22. Yes... a preset now includes a "hash" as well as the index pointer. if the two don't match when a preset loads, it looks for the "hash" in the IR list and matches it up. I think that only works with presets saved from a firmware that already included this feature. Older presets didn't save the "hash". I purchased the MBritt presets a while back.... loaded them up along with all the IR's and the Helix didn't find squat. I had to re-assign every one of the IR's based on the notes that came with the presets.
  23. You can check the MESA forums, maybe even contact MESA to find out how to best use the loops. IME, Mesa loops are very different from most other amps, I'm afraid I won't be much help.
  24. Brent Mason was the studio master of the late 80's, 90's and into the 2000's... Country guitar solo's were still at their peak during this time. I came across this guys video's by accident a while back.... over 70 Brent Mason solos, each played and put in tab. You hear the solo in context, you see the tab, you see how it's played, and it's also done at slow motion in each video. This guys videos is a gold mine of insight on how to approach country solo's. Even though they are all Brent Mason solo's, Brent is a master of many styles so the influences included James Burton, Roy Nichols, Albert Lee, Chet Atkins, Ray Flacke, Reggie Young, Jerry Reed, etc... etc.. I've been rooted in Country since the early 80's... and although I haven't actually dove into these videos (it's already how I play), I can attest that they are accurate, and extremely well done. You Tube Playlist of Brent Mason Country Solo's...
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