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Everything posted by PeterHamm

  1. Google "Morningstar MC6". It is exactly what you want.
  2. You can't split the 12-string model into "two paths" in any way. You could probably set up a patch in Variax that is a 6-string tuned Nashville style, very easily, then simply record with that model, then do the other track with the standard tuning. But no, you can't split the high and low strings. Now... ELECTRIC... you could maybe do this. Have the model be a nashville tuned electric guitar, and the mags separately processed (you can only do this through Helix, HD 500, and I think X3) through two different tracks.
  3. You can split your signal, put a simple delay on one side, and set feedback to 0, mix to 100% and the delay time to 8ms. Or... you can experiment with the fantastic "double take" effect (in modulation) which simulates the way this used to be done back when the Beatles started doing this. It works really well, but you really need to do it in Stereo, and it's a CPU-HEAVY effect.
  4. Here's an idea. Use the EM Drive BEFORE the input of Helix, probably want it first anyway. Use the Big Sky AFTER Helix and then go from that to amp or FOH or FRFR or whatever. Probably want it last anyway. Then you only need to use up ONE block for a loop with the El Capistan. That said, I think the delays in HX Stomp are devastatingly good, so maybe ditch El Cap for this board. That's up to you. Know that you can only use six blocks in Stomp. two amps, and an IR for each is four of those. only two left. If that sounds scary to you, then you need to either adjust how you do things in Stomp, or simply go up to LT.
  5. The loops, even though they share one jack for send, are entirely independent. I think that using one of the loops for an external cab simulator when you can load an IR into Helix Stomp if you want to, though, is not the best use fo them. And yes, you could have loop 1 and loop 2 in totally different places in the chain in the same preset.
  6. I am at home today for much of the day and would be pleased to look at a patch that's feeding back to see if there is anything wacky that I might notice... just PM me.
  7. U mean like a single space rack-version of HX Effects? Interesting... But mentioning it here doesn't add it to idea scale. you have to go there and do it.
  8. You are MOST WELCOME! Really glad it works for you!
  9. I think that could work very well.
  10. All the MIDI commands and what they do to do this control from command center in Helix or LT or Rack are actually in the HX Stomp Manual, starting on p. 48. There might be a video out there, I don't know.
  11. No discernible latency at all. It works great.
  12. between Floor and Rack and LT yes. Between any of those and Stomp or Effects... that's different.
  13. One other thought. EVEN if it would fit (and it won't, because I've opened it) and EVEN if you could make it a teeny bit larger and include it, It would increase the price and lower the number sold, which would increase the price even more, which would have made it a failure in the market.
  14. Also, the manual is pretty in depth. It's there at
  15. Links are now dead. Something is obviously coming, relax, breathe, and let it happen...
  16. That sounds like the kind of overly complicated and difficult rig that would be GREAT fun to mess around with.
  17. It's a desktop PC? If it's a laptop, just unplug the power while you're using it to edit. If it's a desktop, it's a little more complicated.
  18. There are new updates for POD HD that dropped a few weeks ago. Have you tried them yet? I can't test, no longer have POD HD
  19. Is it a laptop? Does it go away when you unplug the AC cable and use the laptop on batteries? It might. Ground issues with wiring in a building is beyond the scale of "opening a ticket" anyway, and doesn't reflect something wrong with the unit.
  20. Full VDI functionality would have added to the cost. Even only 100 or 150 more and you are WAY too close to the cost of LT, probably more than that, since you really probably need amp modeling at that point, and a full class compliant Audio/Midi interface. That would have really hurt HX FX sales. Nope, you are right that there are limitations, as there always will be in every product. If you need VDI integration, obviously you need to go up one in the line.
  21. If HX FX included a Variax port and if it was designed to be used as an audio interface, or even just one of those, it would add to the price, no doubt, and, btw, might cannibalize sales of LT. No, it's priced right for what it does. If you MUST have either of those things, you REALLY need to jump to LT.
  22. Post that here if you want people to vote it up. Http://
  23. NEVER ever EVER install a new MacOS the instant it is out. Wait a while. Imho, 1 or 2 months at LEAST.
  24. PeterHamm


    You should try sitting down with the quick reference card and make a couple patches from scratch. It will take some time, but it’s the best way to understand the ins and outs of Helix, and will make you an expert in no time. If you need more hands-on help, there are folks out there who can help you over skype (Iam one of them) and there’s a billion YouTube videos if that is your thing.
  25. I would suggest to you that even if you could add notes, you can't see them while selecting patches from a list playing live, so... might want to incorporate those things into a patch name. For instance a typical patch for me might be... A+_M_Uv_Schz. That tells me it's for my Atom (A), that it has a chain for my power bridge (+), that I use the Matchless amp, that the modulation is the UniVibe, and that it also has a channel of "schmaltz" (which is my slang for all-wet reverb with normally some POG2 and Mel9 added as a "synth pad" which can be used by itself or alongside the other sounds). You can do a LOT with the patch name besides coming up with something clever. (nothing wrong with that, tho).
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