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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. Since I haven't had my HD run straight to the Rokits in a long time (I go thru a mixer in my studio), I decided to test this before I gave advice. Using a db meter in my iPhone 6' from the Rokits (Rokits at full volume) and the Treadplate amp at 50% (master full up): 1/4" unbalanced (with TRS cable) out to XLR in= 75db XLR to XLR = 65db All detectable noise was from the Treadplate. I repeated the test with the Blackface Double (Twin), virtually no noise.
  2. This is what I use with those speakers: 1/4" out from HD=higher output signal. XLR=lower noise. Excellent quality cables @ $8 each.
  3. Hookup will work either way, no dummy plug required (I just tried it). In fact, the FX loop block doesn't even need to be turned on. However, why waste a block when Silverhead's method works fine. OP didn't specify what kind of amp he has, whether it has an FX loop switch or not, but if it doesn't it's probably instrument/stomp level by default.
  4. That'll get it. The line stomp switch should be set for whatever sounds best. My amp has it's own fx loop switch, so I set them to match.
  5. Guitar => POD Guitar In POD FX Send => Amp Input (POD FX Loop Switch set to LINE [uNLESS you're using physical stomps in the loop] = less noise) Amp FX Send => POD FX Return POD 1/4" Out => Amp FX Return (POD Switch set to AMP) This is how my HT5C is set up. I can't see any reason why your JCA should be different except possibly the FX Loop switch - the HT5C has it's own level switch, which I set to +4dbv. If your JCA doesn't have it's own switch (even if it does), just set the POD's switch to the quietest setting.
  6. De nada, Silverhead, your posts have helped me out many times!
  7. MIDI KB => POD MIDI IN (DIN cable) POD MIDI OUT => $5 cheapo DIN/USB interface => Laptop POD MIDI configured to OUT/THRU Sonar is configured to use the cheapo interface for MIDI. If you meant that the POD won't transmit MIDI (at all) over it's own USB interface, you are correct, it's audio only. You need a way to get the MIDI from the POD to the computer, thus the cheapo interface, which the OP seems to be aware of the need for: "connect for example a piano/keyboard with midi cable to pod hd500x midi IN then connect Pod's midi out/thru to pc with midi/usb interface" My HD500X is on v2.62. I've found (so far) that the only thing I can't use the POD's MIDI for is to step thru the presets in most of my amp sims. The only one it works in is TH2, because TH2 responds to NOTE. The others (Amplitube, Guitar Rig, S-Gear) require that you send the same CC# twice, once with 127 value and again with 0. The POD can't send more than one CC per press. For that matter, more than one of anything per press. From what I gather, the HELIX uses essentially the same MIDI implementation (correct me if I'm wrong?), another reason I won't be putting out the big bucks anytime soon. But if the dough was sitting in my bank account getting dusty.....
  8. Not true! I'm playing my midi keyboard thru my POD as we speak, and controlling assorted amp sims running in Sonar with the POD's buttons using PCs/CCs. The keyboard "plays" Dimension Pro and True Piano in Sonar, no problem. Insofar as Ableton responds to Note On/Off signals, you should have no trouble as the POD sends BOTH Note ON (on press) and Note OFF (on release). I wasn't sure about that, so I just tested it in MidiOx, works fine.
  9. Actually, the up/down buttons always select the bank. In FS 5-8 mode, once you've selected a bank pedals 5-8 allow you to select one of the 4 presets in that bank, then revert to stomp mode.
  10. Hi-gain amps and pedals are noisy, even in the real world. Hi-gain amp + multiple hi-gain pedals all set for really high gain = BIG noise. Start with a clean amp. Got noise?
  11. "My friend has no background noise, he has the same pickups and also has a POD HD 500. We're also using the same preset." "I only have 1 guitar so I couldn't try a different guitar, and I don't have an amp or other multi-effects unit." Try your friends guitar through your POD. Try your guitar through his POD.
  12. I can't seem to find it. The full amp comes after the fawn in that list, but fawn is the last pre that appears on my unit. Is there a Black Panel Pete Pre?
  13. OOPS! Don't know how that post got into this thread but I've reposted it to the proper place.
  14. If you set up a blank preset, you can use the pod as a midi controller for amplitude or any other sim that is midi enabled. I have a whole set list set up for just this purpose. You're limited to the 64 pc#s that are sent by default from the pod, but you can control 8 fx and use the pod's exp pedal and toe switch to control wah and other continuous controller fx like using a real effect (on/off with toe switch) which is otherwise difficult to do in sims. There's also a way to mimic two-way communication with the sim, causing the on/off status of the sims fx to be reflected by the pod's LEDs both on load and during operation. I'm on the road till Thursday and typing on my iPhone is annoying, but if you're interested in the how-to let me know and I'll give you the details then.
  15. If you set up a blank preset, you can use the pod as a midi controller for amplitude or any other sim that is midi enabled. I have a whole set list set up for just this purpose. You're limited to the 64 pc#s that are sent by default from the pod, but you can control 8 fx and use the pod's exp pedal and toe switch to control wah and other continuous controller fx like using a real effect (on/off with toe switch) which is otherwise difficult to do in sims. There's also a way to mimic two-way communication with the sim, causing the on/off status of the sims fx to be reflected by the pod's LEDs both on load and during operation. I'm on the road till Thursday and typing on my iPhone is annoying, but if you're interested in the how-to let me know and I'll give you the details then.
  16. With the Firewire interface and a total of 3 inputs (with spdif) he'll probably want to stick with the Safire.
  17. Just plug the spdif from the POD to the Safire and you're good to go!
  18. A MIDI signal consists of specific data. Whenever I troubleshoot a MIDI transmission problem I want to know what that data is. Obviously, the signal is getting messed up somewhere along the line, where and how? If the problem is in the POD, you'll need to contact Support, and they'll probably want to know this stuff.
  19. Get a MIDI Monitor so that you can see exactly what's being sent - MIDI-OX is great and FREE (unless you've got a MAC, then you'll have to search for a compatible MIDI Monitor). Without being able to see exactly what's being sent, we'd just be guessing - unless there's someone here who's had that exact problem?
  20. MIDI SEND and MIDI RECEIVE are separate functions. What the HD SENDS via MIDI is not related to what it does when it is CONTROLLED by MIDI. Two separate worlds. The SEND MIDI function will remember what it last sent REGARDLESS of what you tell that FS to do via external controller. Also, whether the FS SENDS 0 or 127 has no bearing on the LED status. If you SAVE the preset with that FS ON, it makes no matter what you've set the FS to SEND. I use this behavior to create a faux 2 way communication between the HD and software amp sims. I save the preset in the sim with desired fx on or off, then I put dummy fx (noise gates) in the HD's fx blocks, set ON (LED LIT) or OFF (LED OFF) to correspond to the sw fx states when the sw preset loads. I then set the MIDI values on the HD's pedals (ON/OFF) that I want to send when I use the HD to select the sw preset (via HD default Program Change). SW FX saved ON, HD sends ON with Program Change, next press of the corresponding pedal sends OFF. SW fx SAVED OFF, HD sends OFF with Program Change, next press of the corresponding pedal sends ON, The LEDs on the HD reflect the status of the sw fx not because there's any true interaction, it's just the way they're saved with the HD Preset. So, to answer your question directly, no, there's no way (I know of) to do what you're trying to do.
  21. Oops - he's talking about the controller - Never Mind!
  22. Zap - I'm sure you meant standard 3 prong AC cable?
  23. I sold an ME-80 to get my POD. No contest.
  24. If you're flat out broke, you make do with whatever you got (got a stereo?). If you've got toy money (you paid $500 for a POD, for chrissake!), you look a little higher. If you've aspirations for future recording, you'll definitely want decent playback monitors. How bad are the Behringers? They'd have to be pretty bad to sound worse than typical computer speakers!
  25. I have an HT-5C and Rokit6 monitors. I much prefer the sound of the HT-5C (the 12" version) The power amp tube is a 12BH7, long used in HiFi amps. When used for the power amp only (HD 1/4" out to HT fx return) it adds that tube something,real guitar amp feel to the HD's sound. If you get a chance to try before you buy, be sure to try all modes. I prefer Studio Direct. If you run 4CM through the clean channel it sounds decent, but the OD channel sounds awful (my opinion), and the ISF is NBD. The Rokit speakers sound good, and get way loud, but I really have no way to compare them to what you've got.
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