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Everything posted by theElevators

  1. I created a preset, you can download it here. This preset creates an organ pad underneath your playing. You can switch the sounds with your snapshots. It's a pretty convincing B3 organ sound with a Leslie. You can take this preset, and tweak it with some vibrato, chorus, reverb and you'll get pretty convincing violins.
  2. First check the global settings -- there's a way to disable the tap tempo light (I actually disabled mine). Regarding the LEDs, if they failed, I recommend sending your Helix to Line 6... Unless you have proper soldering equipment, there's absolutely no way to do this at home, you'll wind up breaking something else. I have had an awful experience where a shop just wasted my time, refused to do any work, and stripped all my screws, leaving some of them sticking out. Sent it to Line 6 and it was fixed in under 2 weeks door-to-door-back-home.
  3. With me I had the opposite problem: Helix and the amp were running out of the same outlet and the ground loop / 60-cycle hum was unbearable. When I switched the amp to another outlet, the noise was diminished. Also the noise was exacerbated by the yellow lights in the venue... when we started playing, it was only the stage lights and the noise was gone.
  4. If you go on Amazon, you will find lots of gadgets like this:
  5. I got myself this thing a long time ago: It's perfect for camping. I was able to run my pedalboard / 30W amplifier for the entire rehearsal on it. I was actually impressed with it. The only thing there were ground loop issues with one specific pedal. Helix should run with absolutely no issues on one/two of these. Lots of options out there.
  6. yes, Mooer Baby Bomb power amp
  7. Try resetting the global settings. I always thought that the tap tempo, or any other FS light would not fail right away, but usually only 1/2 of it would stop working... not both halves.
  8. I like the sound of a dirty leslie... so I put it before the amp.
  9. I use a power camp -- Mooer Baby Bomb. I connect it to a single 12" speaker (either a standalone, or from Fender Deluxe amp). It just works and sounds the way I want it to sound. I sometimes tweak global EQ to get rid of certain honkiness. I checked the impedance values of various speakers from various amps, so for example a Fender Twin will not work reliably with the power amp. If there's no single 12" speaker available, then I just plug into whatever there is around, the cleaner the better. So a Twin Reverb will be my choice for an amp if I cannot use my trusty power amp. I never disable the amp simulator for my personal monitor mix... If I did then all the reverbs/delays would sound completely different, because I place delays after the amp in my chain..
  10. Here's something I just made. Let me know if it works... basically a combination of tremolo, pitch, delay and gain manipulation using the expression pedal 2. Seagulls.hlx
  11. I did my cleaning 8 months ago. So far so good. Also all the buttons are smoother than before for me as well. Also the click is not as loud as before. Good luck. Liquid Deoxit rules!
  12. Only 8 per preset. You can however use command center to add other stuff to your remaining 2 buttons, go to other presets, etc.
  13. I've only cleaned them, that worked for me. Liquid DeoxIT fixed it.
  14. It could be that it's interpreting a button press as double-press. That's why in snapshots, double-pressing doesn't cause any issues... You'll re-enter the same snapshot...but in pedal board mode, double press will turn on, then off a block. Try reassigning the block(s) to a different button, and see if the issue gets resolved. If the issue gets resolved, then the micro switch is on its way out.. 4 years is a long time, and in my limited experience I started seeing issues much much sooner. I have a Helix that was only used sparingly, i.e. for the gigs, and after a year my "solo" snapshot button wouldn't always work, you really needed to press it all the way down, not lightly tap it.
  15. Lots of posts about this.
  16. You shouldn't not transpose the initial attack, while transposing everything else. On bass, you never really play one note at a time a 100% of the time... once you start playing multiple pitches at once, that will have weird artifacts... as notes that should be sustained may start jumping around in pitch....
  17. They can easily have different special edition color schemes... Just like Helix products come in white, blue, red, grey (aside from the regular black).
  18. yeah... the on-screen editor is great to have, but I too do a majority of my editing using HX Edit. I don't know, I've always thought that Headrush was very harsh-sounding and very digital. Nobody up till now has posted any shoegaze or surf-type of things on YouTube playing it... Well, I was in Texas a few months ago, and a country guitarist was getting all that twangy tone out of the Headrush processor... I guess the Line 6 processors also had that reputation as being catered for metal type of music mostly. It's interesting to see how products evolve, and I'm not ditching my Helix, because as I said many times before, I've invested way too much time into building my presets and that'd be insane to scrap it all and go to the latest and the greatest gadget.
  19. First of all this does absolutely everything, including pedal (including fuzz), and amp captures... Second of all the price is $1,200 which is sick!
  20. ahahahaha! what a steal!
  21. play around with mix, return db level. Alternatively, try click on "multi" (first circle), and change it to "return 1".
  22. If you want some presets to accept guitar 1, and another set of presets to accept guitar 2, you can simply edit each set of presets and in the first "multi" change it to whatever other input you want. Or you can add a "return" block in the beginning of the chain. See my video how:
  23. I use the volume pedal pedal in a weird/unconventional way, I leave it fixed to cut the input volume. I always clean up my guitar sound by rolling down the volume knob on my guitar. When I have time to do that, I use the knob. When the changes happen very fast like Nirvana/Pixies, I sometimes put a fixed volume pedal in the beginning of the chain. That way I can switch between the clean/dirty sound instantaneously. I have one snapshot that is clean (with the volume pedal engaged at 10%), and one that is dirty (volume pedal bypassed). I find that always having gain in my sound makes it sound more "alive" as opposed to "dead" for the clean sounds; plus there's all this compression that you get which is nice. But that's just me. I have dialed in my main basic sound and all the other sounds are variations on the dirty sound...
  24. I've heard that on my Helix--if you have different amps between the 2 presets, and if you have any transpose blocks, or if you have a different impedance settings for the same amp, they do produce a noise.
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