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Everything posted by radatats

  1. you still digging this setup? any issues crop up? would you recommend this?
  2. no, one of the features of the M Series is the ability to control FX by expression pedal. You can control multiple FX with one pedal but not one FX with both pedals. You have to assign each FX to one pedal however so the two pedals will control different effects. If you upgrade to the HD500X you can use two pedals and assign up to 50 different parameters to each pedal totally independent of which FX they come from.
  3. Just to be clear, that's not what DI said... he said the 300, 400, 500 and PRO are EOL, the 500X and PROX are still in production and shipping units. Not sure what he meant about the HD bean since that isn't for sale anywhere. OK the 300 and 400 should be dropped. The 500 series platform we all know the chips are gone and the FS are no longer used so duh, of course that platform is EOL. The X platform is the new standarrd and is in production and shipping units. So the HD series is not EOL, just the older models. That does not mean that software and firmware updates for the X series will not be available for the 500 series, nor does it mean they will no longer support the other models, at least for a period of time. I think we wil be good with our HD's and the 500's for the foreseeable future. No company worth its busness model would develop only one line of products at a time and any good business model would ensure staggered release dates to allow the sales and marketing team to focus on the latest release and maximize success. I have no doubt there are other exciting things in the pipeline that will continue to expand the possibilities for us...
  4. Yeah, but the FX may be able to lower the DSP load on the POD by keeping the delay and/or reverb at the amp and you can get a pair of them for less than a L2t... We will see if and when they get released...
  5. still waiting for it to be released but at $350 it looks very promising...
  6. A stereo 1X12 combo amp (like AMPLIFi) with full HDX capabilities built in that supports Variax by VDI and L6 link for floorboard and external speaker connections. Incorporate the L series electric and acoustic capabilities and even the mixer too for backing tracks or vocal input along with DI and digital recording outs. In other words a stereo L2t with HD PRO capabilities in a small combo amp format.
  7. That's interesting because I don't see the bean for sale anywhere... ??? I figured my HD500 was EOL, as long as it continues to hold up I am definitely getting my money's worth out of it...
  8. OK, so I tried your patches and I had to rework them for 500 vs PRO but they worked. I would set the mixer to zero on the Fishman patch just to ensure nothing goes out to the Mesa. I was able to switch patches and have the sound come from the right place each time. I noticed in your Pink patch that the wah is on all the time so I deleted that and I like the Overdrive better than the Screamer. I also prefer the distortion after the compressor, not before it. Saving patches with volume pedal doesn't work for me because when you switch patches it never opens at the right place. I would try building your patches again from scratch and see what happens. There is no reason for it not to work...
  9. unfortunately I can't give you any kind of quick advice here. I don't think that model is reflashable so whatever cooked is going to have to be looked at by a tech somewhere. If you can get a good shop to give you an estimate, fine. Probably time to get something newer for similar money to what you will pay for a repair... Try resetting by holding down the A button while powering on but I don't think it will do it for you...
  10. Can you upload your patch to Customtone and share the link? I will open it and see if I can tell what's going on...
  11. That's going to be trial and error with your acoustic amp. Most likely for straight guitar input, use the stomp setting. The line level is a stronger signal if you need it. See what sounds best to you.
  12. yes... keep the mix at 100% so there is no bleed through... and turn up the send level as necessary...
  13. you could build an acoustic patch using an FX block as the last item in your chain and send to the acoustic amp. Your other patches without the FX block would still go to the Mesa...
  14. I found GTune is a decent vst tuner and its free. Download Savihost, a tiny vst launcher and put it in the same directory/folder as GTune.dll. Rename Savihost to GTune.exe and it becomes a standalone vst tuner that can run side by side with HDEdit.
  15. all the advice here is great but I suggest you take your backing tracks to a store that sells the HD500 and plug into the CD/MP3 jack and give it a test drive through a pair of monitors right there in the store. Nothing beats a hands on experience. Of course you won't be able to dial everything in but you will get a feel for it and something may just jump right out at you. The built in patches aren't great but don't judge it on them alone. Hopefully they will give you time to play with it. As far as an "investment"? perhaps not the best choice of words. It is a tool, nothing more. Unfortunately it won't grow in value as it ages and there is no way to know if something better will be released the day after we buy it... BUT... I love mine and it does what I need it to do on a regular basis...
  16. that's a good pitch.You have definitely found the sweet spot for selling the Amplifi. I have a JTV, HD500, DT25, stereo power amp, PA speakers and a 50w tube combo. I love my gear with no complaints. But you touch on a good point that if I want to just grab it and rip to what's in my library, its not quite that simple. The concept of a simple all in one amp that does what the Amplifi does is good. However, it doesn't use HD tech and it doesn't integrate with my JTV. While I might spend time using it, nothing would transfer and I would be stuck having to recreate it all over again on the HD500. I don't want to add another piece of incompatible gear. I can't stream from Google Play and match tones, I have to have the song downloaded already on an Apple product which I don't own so that;s out... Every time I try to talk myself into getting one, and your pitch is tempting, I end up back at the same point where it just doesn't work for me. If you guys end up making one with HD that integrates with my HD500 and my JTV I might be interested. Then again you already did, its called the L series. Maybe you just add the blue tooth streaming, tone matching and the stereo to an L2t and I will place the first order... PS: I'll buy the I-pad/I-phone to go with it too...
  17. The actual foot switch does not physically touch the circuit board. It pushes down on a spring which makes the contact. What ends up happening along with the dust and grime is the spring gets compressed and does not impart enough force to the circuit board even at full travel. If and when you take it apart for cleaning, be sure to either replace the springs or just expand them a bit so they work like new again.
  18. Looks great but I have no idea what your decal says... Which neck did you use? the 5716 standard or 5714 compound? I am contemplating the compound radius but has anyone tried one? any comments?
  19. +1 for Rlblues... I have been on the fence about upgrading my FRFR and I am having a hard time paying up for the L2t. I have been waiting forever for the new Behringer KXD12 to be released as I can get a pair of them and an M5 with cables for the same price. Meanwhile I am happy with my power amp/speakers for home along with my DT25 and cabs... but it's too much too lug out to a gig. There really are a lot of great options, just so hard to pick one and stick with it!
  20. built in DSP allows them to connect to your POD with L6 link and configure to match your patch, electric guitar, acoustic, PA...
  21. the model T has a built in mixer which makes it a bit more versatile for adding vocals, another guitar, etc. and is about $100 more... well worth it in my opinion...
  22. You can get stereo after a mono effect by using a stereo effect BUT, once the original signal is summed to mono it won't be magically recreated in stereo again.
  23. I've never tried that but I guess you could run your POD with a TRS stereo cable and an adapter into the CD/MP3 jack and just use it as a power amp. I have no idea how well it would work and personally, I would go with a decent set of headphones. I have the Sure SRH440 and even though they are not high impedance they sound great and fit well and about $100 everywhere. And you will probably get more use out of them in the long run...
  24. personally I find the best way to do this is to reflash the latest firmware electing not to keep any current tones. I then do a fresh global reset and pedal calibration. Set my output and pedal configuration and set inputs to preset not global. Now I have a fresh POD to work with. Save one of your new empty setlists to the computer and you are good to go.
  25. Is the lower volume on the side with the delay? I seem to remember reading that the tone stack in the delay only cuts so if the bass and treble are turned down it actually lowers the signal a bit. Sort of like the chorus boosts the signal a bit. Try turning the tone in the delay full up. Might be you only recognize it because of the definition in the headphones. Its probably not detectable at volume...
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