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Line 6 Expert
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Everything posted by TheRealZap

  1. try these uninstall instructions: To uninstall the Line 6 Drivers from a MAC OSX computer, use the Line 6 Driver Uninstaller that is located on the computer at following file location: Applications/Line 6/Drivers/Driver uninstaller If you have used the Driver Uninstaller and still cannot succesfully install drivers or Monkey is not recognizing them as being installed, you will need to remove the remaining driver receipts using the Terminal application that is located on the computer at the following file location: Applications/Utilities Launch the Terminal application and type the following commands at the prompt: sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtaudio.package (then press the enter key) Enter your Mac OSX account password. Please Note: you will NOT see the cursor acknowledge any characters being input; you will need to type your system password correctly and hit "Enter". sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtmidi.package (then press the enter key) After entering in all of the commands above, close the Terminal application and restart your computer. Upon restarting the computer try again to install the latest version of our drivers available from our software page at: After the computer has restarted, reconnect the Line 6 hardware and open the Line 6 Monkey application again to check and see if your drivers are detected and up to date.
  2. have you downloaded and updated the drivers outside of monkey? that's sometimes worth a try.
  3. you can do that easy enough... there is no activation or licenses included so its a non issue. (ASSUME YOU MEAN POD HD) if you are talking about an older XT or X3 there may be some hassle involved.
  4. you may need a newer version of monkey, or updated drivers... both of which you can get here:
  5. alot of those other systems/guitars you mentioned either use midi or just direct output the piezos... they don't have the analog alt tuning or digital models.. so not apples to apples.
  6. if you paid extra for them riffworks will probably be able to help you get them back... the standard version comes with some extra drummers as well.
  7. you can't "get tone" from a song file? is that what you are trying to do?
  8. the trick is figuring out how to run java 1.6 on mavericks... from there workbench will fall in place.
  9. like 10, before you have to call for a reset.
  10. Yeah... big difference between that and home use... IMO. I wouldn't tour with a Behringer backline for sure.
  11. I have a set, lower end 5", they hold up surprisingly well.... never had a real reason to upgrade... although always tempted by a good deal :)
  12. no midi expert... but have you tried installing midi-ox, open the monitor window, and then switch channels on the amp? perhaps it will show you some midi activity that you can use? maybe not... and might be a bit of effort for no result... but i'm not aware of any universal type commands.... although you could always search and see what mesa/marshall/etc use and that might point you in the right direction.
  13. you'd need to refer to your amp documentation for that.
  14. the pedal (XPS kit) is here: there are no spider amps that have a variax input so don't do that! (you need a pod) you can do alternate tunings etc without the pedal.... BUT... you need a variax interface to program those alternate tunings.... (the software is actually free... but the interface comes with the package)
  15. My example was designed to be ridiculous... to illustrate... well.... the ridiculous.
  16. what are you talking about? your only posts so you seriously never even asked a question.... there are many things that could fix your issue... as well as a failsafe way to restore the factory settings if you do manage to hose it up.....
  17. did you use line6 monkey and get the updates? installing from the CD is honestly... never a good idea.
  18. pod farm 2.57 just released! (maybe it has the fix you need?)
  19. pod farm 2.57 just released! (maybe it has the fix you need?)
  20. what are you trying to do? for the most part... sounds like an exchange is in order...
  21. The answer to that is probably in the manual: I was thinking it was more like other spider amps, and it's a little different. I don't have one to reference sorry.
  22. you just dial in your tones and save them on the amp... the FBV pedal doesn't have anything to do with it, other than controlling it after the fact. there is no bank up/bank down capability... you have 4 presets... dial them in how you want and then press and hold the preset button until it flashes... that should be it.
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