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Everything posted by TheRealZap

  1. Just don't select Windows 10 in drop down.
  2. what version of OSX? I don't advise flashing with El Cap.... it's given me issues... but it was fine on yosemite. have you tried the obvious? restart... different usb ports?
  3. the x3 live comes with all the model packs... which is why its not on the list..... because its built in for free.... no idea why you paid....
  4. its long since unsupported... but will work.... when looking for the software in the pulldown menus make sure you select all operating systems for the last box (and gearbox in the software box) this should get you the latest gearbox that will work... (still isnt officially supported though...)
  5. I'd have to try mine to dig in with more detail... but is your DT up to date as well as Helix? but there's always 1/4" if you planned to stay on the same topo anyway until a better DT integration comes along on helix (hopefully) should be able to come into the DT FX return and do exactly what you were trying to do.
  6. Drama much? You have choices? Researching operating systems before installation among them...
  7. you can even switch to a 10 stomp mode.... (which ditches bank\preset FS's) and control 10 stomps independently.... or as suggested.... have some FS's control multiples.
  8. what are you taking about? do you have an actual issue? you can call support or open a ticket....
  9. that is for future use... it does nothing now... the pedal is powered over a standard cat5 cable.
  10. the goal is to help apple find and fix bugs... the beta may be an option for developers.... but it's not the goal of the beta....
  11. you do realize that only the hardware on FireHawk is new? all the models were from the previous L6 devices you apparently never liked anyway.... (more than likely tweaked for the new hardware platform the FireHawk presents....) the Helix on the other hand... was designed from the ground up with new hardware new software and new models for everything.... FireHawk doesn't work for you.... well within your rights to take it back... hopefully you'll find something that you like.... but your information/expectations weren't exactly correct here.... just saying...
  12. the ux2 has phantom power.... you should only have to turn it on... then of course set the input to mic....
  13. will probably change your tones a little being that it's that far back... but yes you should update... many critical fixes and some new amp models. and if desired... you can pick up even more amp models with the available model packs... including things often requested... like a JC120 model, and a 5150 model...
  14. it's likely cold solder somewhere.... just a combination of time and the components heating and cooling when turned off and on.... not typically a user fix though... so likely a trip to the service center.
  15. you will still be able to use your model packs without buying them again. Line6 would generally reset your activation's if you exceed them.. you can either call or open a support ticket. there are benefits to 2.5, (hardware independence and modern OS support are the big ones... PF1 requires L6 hardware)
  16. line6 edit has not been supported since snow leopard. there will be no updates. it does run on java, so i think you're on the right track.
  17. no, usb, using the line6 updater utility (not monkey....)
  18. how about we all just gracefully back out of this thread... it was civil at the start.... and for some reason.. we're now measuring appendages. lasvideo decided not to pursue Helix... no big deal... more for the rest of us. it's as simple as that, yes?
  19. TheRealZap

    two outputs?

    Yes it would work. A different version of the same amp though obviously since the hd400 only does one amp tone.
  20. Most likely sometime after the OS is released. They don't typically update before release.
  21. i thought the same thing initially.... BUT.... now it's revolutionized the way i edit and refine tones.... i can now do everything without taking my hands off the guitar. (or bending over, or connecting to another machine, or utilizing a smartphone or tablet...) just me and the guitar.... it's actually brought the whole thing closer to the music and removed steps.... it's never "in the way" because it's never enabled without explicitly holding a footswitch (like the tuner) i understand your sentiment... because i thought exactly the same when it was on paper or discussed..... i don't think many people will "get" it... without using it for themselves... you're clearly still free to make your own decisions... and it seems you have.... i'm just adding my experience for the benefit of everyone else... to take or leave as they see fit.
  22. they aren't promising any updates or any length of time.... i'm confident there will be updates.... but those kinds of expectations will eventually disappoint you... they actually did very well with updates on the hd500.... but there is a big difference from when it was new... 5 years ago.... and now... when it's 5 years old and clearly they've been working on the next thing.... i suspect the Helix will follow a similar arc... but to start with... Helix addressed the vast majority of hd500 requests... so i imagine they will be free to work on more fun stuff.
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