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Everything posted by datacommando

  1. Hi, Yep, Scott is a clever guy - so clever that he set this up using a Helix, and pointed out the downfall of using the Helix LT - It really doesn't have enough In/Outs for what you describe. Your idea is to have 4 paths - that's fine in theory and possibly do-able, but you describe a guitar with 2 output jacks, so that's 2 inputs gone (Guitar In and maybe Return 1 for example) , but O.K., let's try this. Guitar In (from pickup) > Path 1A > Split to 1B > Amp > Cab > EQ > Delay > Phaser > XLR Out L (panned 100 Left to Mixer) > Split from 1A > Amp > EQ > Delay > Phaser > Send1 (to amp FX Loop return) Bass In using Return 1 1/4’’ Jack (from Hex P/up) > Path 3 > Bass Octaver > Bass Amp > Bass Cab > Comp > EQ > XLR Out R (panned 100 Right to Mixer) Vocal In using Return 2 1/4’’ Jack (from Behringer SM58) > Path 4 > Harmoniser > Studio Mic Pre-amp > Comp > EQ > Delay > Reverb. If this doesn’t work, you should consider investing in a full blown Helix with all those extra sockets. Hope this helps/makes sense Please find attached possible configuration for the LT, it may need some editing as I did this with a Helix 4Path LT.hlx
  2. Oh, O.K. yes indeed - my mistake. It works fine if you select the output as USB 3/4, straight into the DAW, into Native, and back out on USB 1/2 stereo to the Helix hardware and speakers. Although, having said that, most folks spend their life trying to avoid the latency introduced with using "software/DAW input" monitoring. I've no concept of what the OP is wanting to achieve here, especially with a MIDI guitar involved, I have a feeling that this may be over complicated, but good luck anyhow.
  3. Hi, I have been using my Helix floor as the audio interface with my Mac running Logic since late 2015. I added Helix Native into the process almost as soon as it arrived. It is used almost daily and in all that time I have never felt the need for a “hardware switch” on the monitoring. Connect your monitor speakers to the XLR (or 1/4”) outputs on your Helix, for latency free monitoring. You don’t have to set anything in your presets output block, providing you have set your Global options for Re-Amping on USB channels 7&8, guitar and/or mic. That way, the fully processed stereo audio leaves your Helix on USB 1&2, along with a dry mono signal on USB 7 or 8 available for playback through HX Native. The easiest way is to set a channel to record the DI signal from your Helix on USB 7 or 8. You can then use Helix Native as you would any other plug-in with the channel routed to stereo out. Any processed signal from the DAW USB out (usually 1&2j will then playback via your speakers without any additional processing by the Helix hardware. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  4. Hi, You can check the status of your computer authorisations from your account details. You can find the details under the “Hardware & Software” > “Authorized Devices”. From there you should be able to Deauthorise any you no longer require. If that doesn’t work, you may need to contact Customer Support. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  5. Usually, when you can’t see any of the updated amps and effects it’s because your HX Edit and firmware versions don’t match. As noted in the post above from @silverhead , HX Edit remains at v3.70 even though the firmware is now. v.3.71, which was a quick “bug fix” update. When you updated the firmware to 3.71 , part of the update process requires a factory reset. If you didn’t do a reset, that may account for you not seeing the new stuff, or maybe you’re looking in the wrong place. For example the “Bassman” that you mentioned, is actually listed as “US Dripman Norm” and can be found under the Bass Amp section. This is a peer to peer user forum. There are no Line 6 staff here and only very occasionally do they visit these forums - (See the “sticky comment” in the black banner stripe at the top of this page entitled “Welcome to the Line 6 forums”). Hope this helps makes sense.
  6. Hi, again. See my reply in your other thread.
  7. Hi, again. As you have previously observed, the MIDI CC71 information in the v.2.65 Manual stated:- "reserved for future use". Subsequently in the revised HX Stomp Owner’s Manual v.3.0, it now states that which you have quoted, i.e., “Page 60 in the HX Stomp 3.0 manual, lists CC71, values 0-5. Footswitch Mode (0=Stomp, 1=Scroll, 2=Preset, 3=Snapshot, 4=Next footswitch mode, 5=Previous footswitch mode).” That information is correct - considering that the v.3.0 firmware update happened after v.2.xx, that would actually be the “future”. Updates to the Owner’s Manuals, only occur at major revision stages, not minor incremental stages. It is quite feasible that the CC71 information was overlooked at the time, BUT, it was fully documented in the the Release Notes for firmware version 3.10. New and Improved MIDI Implementation Helix Floor, Helix Rack/Control, Helix LT, HX Effects, HX Stomp, HX Stomp XL New MIDI message (Helix Floor/Rack/LT/HX Stomp XL): CC71 engages the MODE switch Please note that firmware v.3.10 is an incremental update and is probably the reason that the information is not in the manual. If you feel this is important, then you should raise the issue with Customer Support, as this is a peer to peer user group and it is not regularly visited by Line 6 staff. IIRC, the writing and editing of the manuals is handled by Digital_Igloo - (Eric Klein - Chief Product Design Architect at Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. / Line 6 / Ampeg) - maybe he could fix this oversight in the next firmware release, expected sometime later this year. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  8. Hi, That makes sense, apart from the original post was asking about taking a single XLR mono out and splitting that into two mono XLR out. ;)
  9. Hi, Once again, you seem to be overthinking things unnecessarily. Your original post gave the impression that this was for some very involved complex routing, but no, your soundman simply needs the same signal from 2 XLR out. Well. I have just opened up the studio and loaded a mono preset into my Helix with the XLRs going to my studio monitors, and guess what? Yep, the same mono audio goes out of both the left and right. The same is true if I split the path in two and pan each left and right. To put it simply, there doesn't appear to be any issue. Mountains and mole hills?
  10. Surely, if your signal is mono, and you connect an XLR to both L/R outputs on the rear panel, the output is panned to the centre to signal should be the same on each. It only sums to mono if you only use the Left XLR. Also, as you can assign up to 4 outputs, you could split your mono path at the end to create a second XLR out option and then pan each hard right and left to suit.
  11. Bonjour, En ce qui concerne la compatibilité des préréglages - du manuel du propriétaire français HXFX > page 5. “Partage de presets avec des dispositifs Helix/HX et le plug-in Helix Native Tous les dispositifs et logiciels Helix et HX ont le même écosystème. En utilisant plusieurs fenêtres HX Edit et/ou plusieurs plug-ins Helix Native, des blocs et des sons entiers peuvent être déplacés ou copiés librement d’un dispositif à l’autre – avec quelques restrictions. Veuillez consulter les Manuels de pilotage d’HX Edit et Helix Native pour en savoir plus sur la compatibilité des presets.” Effects 3.0 Owner's Manual - French .pdf Lorsque vous utilisez des préréglages qui peuvent être convertis vers ou à partir d’un autre type de modèle au sein de Helix Native, travaillez toujours sur une copie de l’original. De cette façon, si quelque chose ne fonctionne pas comme prévu, vous avez toujours l’original - “Fail Safe”. J’espère que cela aide/a du sens. ————————————————— Hi, Regarding Preset compatibility - from the French HXFX Owner’s Manual > page 5. “Partage de presets avec des dispositifs Helix/HX et le plug-in Helix Native Tous les dispositifs et logiciels Helix et HX ont le même écosystème. En utilisant plusieurs fenêtres HX Edit et/ou plusieurs plug-ins Helix Native, des blocs et des sons entiers peuvent être déplacés ou copiés librement d’un dispositif à l’autre – avec quelques restrictions. Veuillez consulter les Manuels de pilotage d’HX Edit et Helix Native pour en savoir plus sur la compatibilité des presets.” Effects 3.0 Owner's Manual - French .pdf When using presets that may be converted to, or from, another model type within Helix Native, always work on a copy of the original. That way, should something not work out as expected, you still have the original - “Fail Safe”. Hope this helps/makes sense
  12. Hi, I seem to have encountered a strange case of deja vu. Oh, yeah- please note your attachment is a .php file and cannot be opened as an image - please upload using a jpeg or png format. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  13. Yep, stop using Safari, use Firefox for a crackle and pop free experience. This has been an ongoing thing with Safari for too long to remember. Apple seem to ignore peoples complaints, and post very spurious claims on how to cure it. Total nonsense! It is nothing to do with Helix, or drivers - it’s purely Safari. Quickest and easiest solution is to ditch Safari for a web browser that doesn’t screw up audio playback. Hope this helps/makes sense. EDIT: Paste this into Google and check the results:- “safari crackling and popping audio issues”
  14. Only on your short video clip. Therefore, whatever that is, it's rare. Unless a Factory Reset can blow the bugs out - it looks like you need a technician to fix that. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  15. Hi, From the Release Notes for firmware 3.71. ”Helix/HX 3.71 (released Jan 10, 2024) includes additional important bug fixes, and is recommended for all users. IMPORTANT! 3.71 does not apply to HX Edit.” HX Edit needs to be updated, as shown in your second screen shot showing the HX Edit to v.3.70 available. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  16. Bonjour, Comme je l'ai mentionné dans mon post précédent, si vous importez les préréglages, que vous avez achetés et qui sont conçus pour être utilisés dans une hélice complète, ils fonctionneront parfaitement à l'intérieur de Helix Native. La principale différence est que l'unité HXFX que vous avez ne contient aucune simulation d'ampli ou d'armoire. Si vous importez ces mêmes préréglages dans Native tout en utilisant le mode "Compatibilité prédéfinie", alors Native tentera automatiquement de le convertir pour qu'il corresponde au mode Helix Native HC actuel. Pour utiliser ces préréglages dans votre appareil matériel, il peut s'agir simplement de retirer les blocs de l'amplificateur et de l'armoire. Comme l'amplificateur et l'armoire peuvent être intrinsèques au son global du préréglage, ils peuvent ne pas sonner comme vous vous y attendez. Veuillez lire le guide du pilote natif Helix pour plus de détails. Vous voudrez peut-être également consulter "CustomTone" gratuitement, des préréglages spécialement conçus pour HXFX. Trouvez-les ici : Je suis un utilisateur de Mac, et j'exécute Logic Pro X avec Helix Native en tant que plug-in, et comme je l'ai déjà dit, il y a beaucoup de DAW gratuits disponibles pour le PC, mais vous seul pouvez décider laquelle sera la meilleure option pour vous. Reaper et Ableton semblent tous deux très populaires. Je n'ai jamais utilisé d'hôte VST et je n'ai aucune expérience de l'utilisation d'un hôte. En regardant d'autres messages ici, il semble que le choix le plus utilisé du logiciel hôte soit la version gratuite de Cantabile pour Windows. Voici un lien vers une série de vidéos pour l'utilisation de l'hôte Cantabile VST. J'espère que cela aide/a du sens. ————————————————— Hi, As I mentioned in my earlier post, if you import the presets, which you bought that are designed for use in a full Helix, they will work perfectly inside Helix Native. The main difference is that the HXFX unit you have doesn’t contain any amp, or cabinet, simulations. If you import those same presets into Native while using “Preset Compatibility” mode, then Native will automatically attempt to convert it to match the current Helix Native HC mode. To use those presets within your hardware device it may be simply a question of removing the amplifier and cabinet blocks. As the amplifier and cabinet may be intrinsic to the overall sound of the preset, they might not sound like you expect. Please read the Helix Native Pilot’s Guide for full details. Also you might like to check out “CustomTone” for free, user made presets specifically designed for HXFX. Find them here: I’m a Mac user, and run Logic Pro X with Helix Native as a plug-in, and as I said before, there are many free DAWs available for the PC, but only you can decide which is going to be the best option for you. Both Reaper, and Ableton, appear to be very popular. I have never used any VST Host and have no experience of using one. Looking at other posts on here, it seems that most used choice of host software is the free version of Cantabile for Windows. Here’s a link to a series of video for using the Cantabile VST host. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  17. Thanks for the update on your situation - far too many people don’t bother to advise other users of the final outcome.
  18. Hi, Yes, this is supposed to happen - here is a quote from the HX Stomp 3.0 Owner’s Manual > Page 22 > Input Settings HX Stomp has an impedance circuit on its Main L/R inputs that affects tone and feel by loading your guitar’s pickups as they would by an effect pedal or amplifier. A lower value will typically result in some high frequency attenuation, lower gain, and an overall “softer” feel. A higher value provides full frequency response, higher gain, and an overall “tighter” feel. The “Auto” option allows the impedance to reflect the impedance of the first block in the signal path—also see the Auto Impedance option in “Global Settings > Preferences” For further info, download the manual here: Stomp 3.0 Owner's Manual - English .pdf Hope this helps/makes sense.
  19. Bonjour, encore une fois, Avec ce monde numérique, tout le monde doit commencer quelque part, et vous n'êtes pas seul lorsqu'il s'agit de traiter avec l'audio numérique, à la fois le logiciel et le matériel. C'est toute la raison pour laquelle ces forums existent - les utilisateurs essaient d'aider d'autres utilisateurs. Une chose à considérer lorsque vous demandez de l'aide aux utilisateurs du Forum, c'est une très bonne idée de fournir autant d'informations que possible concernant votre ordinateur et votre système d'exploitation, ainsi que l'interface audio que vous utilisez. En théorie, savoir de telles choses peut aider lorsqu'il s'agit de résoudre tout problème. Une autre chose à retenir est que, même si vous avez déjà "acheté naïvement des préréglages en pensant qu'ils fonctionneraient" avec vos effets HX, tout n'est pas perdu, car comme je l'ai mentionné dans mon post précédent - HX Native est le cerveau du logiciel qui est dans les appareils Helix complets. Vous devriez être en mesure d'importer ces préréglages et de les utiliser comme prévu. La seule chose avec l'utilisation de Native, plutôt que du matériel réel, c'est que vous n'avez pas accès à l'envoi/retour, à la boucle FX et à la boucle, car ils n'ont pas de fonctionnalité de routage dans Helix Native. Il existe de nombreuses applications DAW gratuites disponibles - il suffit de taper "logiciel DAW gratuit" dans Google. La même routine fonctionne également pour les hôtes VST. Si, ou quand, vous êtes à nouveau coincé - postez ici, et quelqu'un sera en mesure de vous aider. J'espère que cela/aide a du sens. —————————————— Hello, once more, With this digital world, everyone has to start somewhere, and you’re not alone when it comes to dealing with digital audio, both software and hardware. That’s the entire reason these forums exist - user’s trying to assist other users. One thing to consider when seeking assistance from Forum users it's a really good idea to supply as much information as possible regarding your computer and operating system, plus which audio interface you are using. In theory, knowing such things may help when it comes to troubleshooting any issues. Another thing to remember is, even though you have already “naively bought presets thinking that they would work” with your HX Effects, all is not lost, because as I mentioned in my previous post - HX Native is the software brain that is in the full Helix devices. You should be able to import those presets, and use them as they were intended. The only thing with using Native, rather than the actual hardware is, you don’t have access to the Send/Return, FX Loop and the Looper, as they have no routing functionality within Helix Native. There are many free DAW application available- simply type “free DAW software” into Google. The same routine also works for VST Hosts. If, or when, you get stuck again - post here, and someone will be able to assist. Hope this/helps makes sense.
  20. Salut, La première chose que vous devez savoir est que Helix Native est conçu comme un plug-in pour un DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), tel que Logic Pro sur Mac OS ou Reaper sur une machine Windows. Cela dit, il est possible de faire tourner HX Native dans une application hôte VST, par exemple Gig Performer sur Mac, ou Cantabile sur PC. Metallurgy est également un plug-in DAW, mais peut également fonctionner comme une application autonome. Vous n’avez pas besoin de dépenser beaucoup d’argent, car il existe de nombreux logiciels hôtes DAW et VST gratuits et relativement peu coûteux disponibles sur Internet. Quant à la création et à la modification de presets pour votre HXFX, il est possible d'exécuter HX Native en « mode de compatibilité ». Cela vous permettra de modifier les préréglages et de savoir qu'ils fonctionneront avec votre matériel. Vous pouvez également désactiver l'option de compatibilité, ce qui permettra alors à Native de fonctionner sans restriction et vous offrira toutes les fonctions d'une unité Helix complète, tous les amplis, baffles et effets disponibles. Bien sûr, cela n’est possible que depuis votre ordinateur, mais idéal pour l’enregistrement. Il y a toute une section dans le Helix Native Pilot’s Guide, concernant le mode de compatibilité prédéfini. Native Pilot's Guide 3.70 - English .pdf Je ne sais pas pourquoi vous voudriez compliquer les choses avec l'ajout de la métallurgie, car dans Native, vous aurez accès à tous les amplis Helix. Ne vous inquiétez pas d'avoir 50 ans - beaucoup d'entre nous ici ont au moins 20 ans de plus que cela. J'espère que cela aide/a du sens. __________________________________ Hi, The first thing you should know is, Helix Native is designed as a plug-in for a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), such as Logic Pro on the Mac OS, or Reaper on a Windows machine. Having said that, it is possible to run HX Native in a VST host application, for example Gig Performer on the Mac, or Cantabile on the PC. Metallurgy is also a DAW plug-in, but can also function as a stand-alone application. You don’t need to spend lots of money, as there are many free and relatively inexpensive DAW, and VST host softwares available on the internet. As for creating and modifying presets for your HXFX, it is possible to run HX Native in “compatibility mode”. This will allow you to change presets and know they will work with your hardware. You can also turn off the compatibility option, which will then allow Native to work unrestricted, and give you all the functions of a full Helix unit, all the available amps, cabs and effects. Of course, this is only possible within your computer, but ideal for recording. There is a whole section in the Helix Native Pilot’s Guide, regarding the preset compatibility mode. Native Pilot's Guide 3.70 - English .pdf I am not sure why you would want to complicate things with the addition of Metallurgy, because within Native you will have access to every Helix amp. Don't be concerned about being 50 years old - many of us in here are at leat 20 years more than that. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  21. Hi, Buy an inexpensive expression pedal and the problem is solved. Hope this helps/makes sense
  22. Hi, I’m sure that I have seen this issue with delay blocks, mentioned elsewhere about 6 months back. IIRC the guys solution was simply to reload the preset and everything would function as expected. I will try to track it down, but If I were you, I would follow the recommendation from @rd2rk and raise a ticket. At least that way it has more chance of being fixed, sooner rather than later. Hope this helps/makes sense. EDIT: I found this about Reverb blocks in the v3.0 Release Notes, so it look like it should be fixable. (My Bold) Bug Fixes in 3.0 When synced to external MIDI clock or retriggering via TAP, certain models with tremolo circuits' LFO set to square wave would invert the waveform–FIXED If Helix had been left powered on for 24 hours or longer with the same preset active (What? Why?), its reverb blocks could become disabled until selecting another preset—FIXED Many other minor fixes and improvements
  23. Happy to help - good to know you managed to get up and running with v3.71. Enjoy your new toys!
  24. Hi, You have encountered the Apple Gatekeeper, built into the Mac OS. To learn how to bypass this insane blocker go here: It is mentioned in the link provided by @SaschaFranck in the post above, but it may not be immediately obvious. The rest of the offline installation routine will work as described in the rest of the linked post from Sascha. Hope this helps/makes sense.
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