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Everything posted by spikey

  1. Nobody has a clue was here cause he was the OP. Whether or not nobody is still here I don't know. And he is on third...
  2. I haven't tried the whammy yet with 2.81. Thanks for the info.
  3. The tuner "used" to be a broken jittery mess mrkphpps. It was updated and works well now.
  4. ^^^^ The best statement made in this thread so far! It's a shame it just won't work today for everyone.
  5. As I do now, and my father and his father did, and on and on. That said when I was in Junior high and High School (no middle schools back then) there were multiple debates I was personally involved in, for a grade. And I was by no means in all of them. I disagree but then I graduated in 1975 from the "middle" of the country in "fly-over" land. I understand your meaning, but I was brought up with the idea that every government needs to fear its populace just a little or they will do whatever they want with no limits. Sorry I drifted the topic a bit- back to the update... My Dad was the best metal fabricator and welder I've ever known, all with an 8th-grade education. Back then it was called the school of hard knocks where you learned a trade by doing. Things have changed a bit. You can be " book smart" and still can't change a flat tire. Here, for example, a lot of them cant or won't or read a page of specific instructions 1st before they fly into updating Helix and then are upset when it fails. For some Its somehow the "makers fault" for making this too complicated. Yet I can update all of my OFFICE software just by inserting a user name & password. Yes SOME cant, but most can, without using much thought process. Maybe I am reaching a bit, but reading about the multiple Helix update failures that have occurred here (minus the Windows10 debacle and real hardware failures) and then assuming that IF they do this same kind of thought process & planning ahead in everyday life, says to me that there are many millennials that need this kind of automated software day in, and day out lol. ; )
  6. All condescending and butthurt feelings put aside (not the intention of the thread as far as I'm concerned at this point) the statements you are making are all true Cru and I agree that's a better way, but you are speaking on what should be, and I'm talking about what is. There's no way around this and I don't like free passes either when the answers are there, but we don't get to make that decision, the all mighty dollar does. Let me explain. You can't "make" anyone learn/read/comprehend anything if they don't wish to, or just can't. And you cant lock them out of buying anything (if they have the funds or financing to buy it) just because they might not understand how to use or update it. So the only solution that I can see, is to either keep it hard for some or make it too easy for anyone to fail. Think "everyone" gets a medal these days... I don't like that idea any more than you do, but the bottom line is which idea sells more Helix units (or any unit), the harder one to update, or the easy one? That's where we are at.
  7. I wanted to use certain "words" to describe those who won't read instructions but chose not to because it really would do no good, and it won't help in the next go-round either. sigh... I also hate suggesting that we delay the next update (Dev time spent on the simpler update versus on the patch) because people can't or won't read instructions beforehand, but it needs to be done. Time taken away from those who DID follow the instructions will have to just stand-by and wait for those who for whatever reason will not read the update information first, and then follow it. My suggestion to Line-6 is to make the next update a "one-click" (One button) process where "everything is done for the humans" without the need of any thought process involved. Don't add in "any" text information or update information because "humans" won't read it anyway. I mean they didn't read the update information so why would they read whats added? My idea takes away any thought process needed in updating, and also allows Line-6 to then streamline the update without having to do any update information, manuals, etc. No one reads anymore so why should they bother? Just download and punch the BIG RED "Human" DUH button is what it says, in multiple languages of course. Please send all proceeds on this idea to the Mental Health Foundation cause God knows they will need it. BTW- If you didn't read this I completely understand. ; )
  8. Let's start narrowing this down some more. Unplug everything from your PC except a mouse, keyboard and "one" monitor. See if HXEdit will boot then.
  9. spikey


    Daves not here man....
  10. spikey


    Took his language courses from the "Evelyn Sped Riddin" class too. "Ever since I took this Evelyn Woodhead Sped Riddin' course, my riddin' has im-provved one hunert percent and also "comprenshun" has increased "won-der-full-lee". I recommend the Evelyn Woodhead Sped Riddin' course to all mah friends out there, and you tell 'em that you heard it here first on Roller Derby"
  11. That means, no you can't skip a word, a sentence, or a paragraph. Read the whole freekin thing because there are surprises you will NOT be ready for if you do not.
  12. Oh so now you want to be fair Andy? I wasn't being childish (pot calling the kettle a bit here), I was being a bit obtuse, however, just to prove a point that you should never on purpose misquote a post to suit your wants or needs. I'm sorry if being called out on that upsets you. Moving on I promise to try and not offend you further unless needed. ; ) Peace Brother.
  13. Hi Z cables can run 25' or more without issues most of the time. However, playing in a "fluorescent lamp" city could induce noise on anything.
  14. Not trying to hijack the topic Chaz ; ) I just wouldn't game on my DAW. One is because I'm using a MAC for music, and game on a powerful set up for gaming PC. Yes things have changed a little since the early 2000's I admit, and so I am stuck in the old ways of doing things (waiting for Cru to jump on this one LOL)- that said, have you looked at how to set up audio for Recordings and DAW optimization for Windows? Both systems are set up differently and optimized differently because they both have different needs. Ina DAW the video is not mission-critical as it is in gaming. You set up parameters (setting background resources for one) in a DAW that is not optimal for gamers, and the same thing is done for increasing FPS and graphics for games. Also, there is a difference in NOISE from a gaming PC versus a quiet water-cooled DAW. AND, the gaming software itself "may" cause conflicts with your music software, just like the Line-6 drivers right seem to be having issues it seems with Windows 10. Optimizing one may conflict with or slow down the other, so to speak. Please understand, I'm not saying you are having issues with Windows 10 and L6 drivers strictly because of gaming on the same system. What I am saying is that every "little" thing you do "put together" will increase the performance for your audio work station. Hope this helps a little. ; )
  15. Wait. You are mad about a huge free update that has some bugs now that will be fixed later, is that right? Do you realize just how difficult it is to write this amount of code for every setup without having to fix a few things? The answer is, it's impossible and no, you obviously don't. A little Common sense and some patience will pay off in the long run. Or you could sell off everything and play the drums...
  16. Yep, it was clear and deliberate all right. Now add to that poor form, and bad accuracy and you've nailed it, IMO just as I did here. Not funny is it. If you want to imply somebody is wrong, just quote them and imply it, but don't miss quote especially on purpose like my example above. That way everyone is CLEAR about what you are disagreeing on. BTW- I'm sure you don't eat bugs on Mondays. ; )
  17. Hey I'm a gamer as well but I would "never" ever set up a PC for gaming and use it for music too, or vice versa. They are set up different audio-wise and background running-wise. Lots of info online on how to do this. Now, this may not be your current problem, but I suggest NEVER use your music/DAW OS for anything else but music. Play your games on a different bootable partition (or whole other PC) is my advice.
  18. spikey


    Some folks have a "Clark Kent" account here as well it seems.
  19. spikey

    Can't Backup!

    Could you please add "Solved" to your opening post topic? Thanks dude!
  20. Sorry, I'm running a Mac and so far its been pretty smooth, but I have seen mucho Windows 10 issues with Helix as of late. Don't mean that as a slam on Win OS, just what I've observed. I too have a gaming PC and luv it ; )
  21. Descended? Naw... Were just thinking out loud. ; ) And it musta worked for the guy pretty well, cause he bankrolled around 400 mil into over a Billion, that's with a B.
  22. Well, now I'm confused...
  23. Why am I seeing so many "Windows 10" and Helix issues?
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