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Everything posted by spikey

  1. Don't have an HX yet, so what are you using (with the HX) for an amp Phil that gets you close?
  2. Naw, never gonna happen. The "squad" part 2 won't allow it. ; ) And besides, when 2.8 hits we have to gripe about no tuner in the editor....
  3. Yes and that's exactly why it happens, not that we know much about this frank u speak of...
  4. Now, why would we ever want to get our skirts dirty for no reason? ; )
  5. Luv this thing-!!!- best OD pedal I've ever owned and Ive owned a bunch of um!
  6. Dunno what's causing this but I hear it, even thru the headphones it sounds muffled much like a blanket is over the amp.
  7. Dog you need a twisted sense of humor to see its underlining subliminal message. This takes "years" of clinical research thru cynical databases. ; )
  8. I guess we are musical hobbits I.E. "second breakfast", "second spring" ; ). As far as something new (other than the tuner editor lol) Id like to see Line-6 develop something like Two notes have in the Torpedo Remote/Wall of Sound GUI, for the studio. Or even what the UAD OX has in a GUI. Both are excellent in that you can pick the room, two room mics, two cab mics, multiple cabs, multiple effects (UAD excels here) and the torpedo software even allows picking the power amp.
  9. THAT'S WHY D.I> was pIZZAed the other day! The guitar is at NAMM and after all the work it didn't stay in TUNE!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! lol
  10. Just thinking out loud here, but the studio monitors you have are "powered", correct?
  11. D.I. as you know better than all of us its common practice for the makers and bakers to promote new hardware and software toys and show off new releases at NAMM. Its no slight or negative toward Line-6 (or anyone else) to release information on or promote a new musical thing then, as that is what NAMM is for. So I don't understand the bitterness (if that's what it was) here unless there's a certain person in marketing that deserves it. Releasing 2.8 during NAMM takes NOTHING away from the hard work put in to make it, and please, tell them THANKS for the effort.
  12. Lightweight yes but I'm betting it still be broken in shipment.
  13. I use my wah @ 52%, and it sounds good. All the way up to me does sound bad.
  14. spikey

    FRFR vs FX Return

    Very true, but let me add one more tidbit. Just like all peaker cabinets, all FRFR speakers are not created the same. Read, ask and shop around for the best ones for the best deals.
  15. Money irrelevant here, this is what Id do. Get a Boss WAZA Tube Expander and HX effects thru the WAZA FX Loop. Then use a Radial "Head-Bone" to switch the amps into the Waza. You want 5 watts out or 150 watts out with FX from the Waza and HX to any amp, this will handle it. Dream rig now!
  16. spikey

    FRFR vs FX Return

    Those two statements describe whats going on. Time will fix it and the tones created using Helix, mic/cab modeling and FRFR cabs. The best advice I can give is to take a patch, close your eyes and do not look at the dials you are turning. Instead, use your ears only, and don't readjust after you "like" the tone open them.
  17. Good catch Dragon. Yea the speaker/Cab is gonna be over 50% or your sound/tone, so S7 are you using FRFR, a Cab, Headphones? What "style" of music are you doing and what kind of guitar pickups are involved? Bass rolled back and still bassy? Any clips to share? Lots of little things put together can cause a big thing.
  18. This^^^- 16 penny NAILED it. Sometimes the clarity of a statement is just astounding! FYI... "Most common nails used in wood to wood construction are referred to in “d” or penny terminology. The “d” is the symbol for penny, which can be traced back as far as the Ancient Roman Empire. There are two theories as to how exactly the measurement came into being. What is conclusive is that the “d” stands for the Roman coin denarius. In English it means “the penny.” The denarius was the coin which many a person used in the Roman empire during the time when Rome occupied what is now England. That’s why it’s called a penny but uses a “d” as the symbol." ...Now, back to our program on adding a tuner to Helix Editor. ; )
  19. Now, this guess has my spidey senses tingling.
  20. So the Helix Floor works fine by itself, correct? And the DT 25 amp works fine by itself, correct? If we start from there and the answers are yes to both, I bet they will then work well together in a 4CM.
  21. Genuinely speaking this is all new to me.
  22. Andy, I could be wrong but I think you are the one who doesn't get it and is wearing your feelings on your sleeves for some reason. It's recognizable because I've done the same and it never really works out. Relax and please understand that this place isn't sitting at your kitchen table, or in a church. Its an "Internet forum" and it's not the same environment. Add all that to also being wound too tight is causing you much heartburn here I think. Cru was not mad at you. As he said, "we are just killing time waiting for the patch". So take off those tight azz jeans and air it out, K bud? Peace- ; )
  23. Irrelevant stuff ?!? Really? We were talking about pickles were we not?
  24. You will know when we do. Until then eat pickles. I hear they are good for the blues... Or was that being blue makes pickles taste better? I always get those mixed up...
  25. Check out the Wampler Dual Fusion. It'll blow yer mind in a good way!
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