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Why are there no new UPDATES EVER


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Just on here to rant that the industry is surpassing the pod technology on a daily basis, and line 6 has done nothing to compete.Just recently purchased bias desktop and metal gear gods 2 for exmix, these two vst programs annihilate the pod tones and the gear gods is only 49 dollars!!!!!! How is it that a 49 dollar program can consistently produce cleaner more realistic tones than a 700 dollar pod hd pro x??? Line 6 has always been the leaders in technology with the pod and now have fallen waaaaaaay behind and i am very sad to say i will be selling my pod .

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Just on here to rant that the industry is surpassing the pod technology on a daily basis, and line 6 has done nothing to compete.Just recently purchased bias desktop and metal gear gods 2 for exmix, these two vst programs annihilate the pod tones and the gear gods is only 49 dollars!!!!!! How is it that a 49 dollar program can consistently produce cleaner more realistic tones than a 700 dollar pod hd pro x??? Line 6 has always been the leaders in technology with the pod and now have fallen waaaaaaay behind and i am very sad to say i will be selling my pod .


Yawn... stretch... is this deja vu?  guess you don't play out...


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I always love that folks leave the cost of the device doing the processing out of the equation. "It was only $50 plus the cost of the computer I use to run it!" If your computer/monitor/speaker combo cost you less than $450 additional, AND you can control effects and amps, including wah,volume etc while still actively playing your guitar then you have a valid comparison. Otherwise, you're just pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining.

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How much is the computer, interface, and pedals going to cost to run that software ?  And doesn't it require host software too ?  Last time I looked at BIAS it didn't include any effects either. 


The subject line was "No New Updates Ever".  We've had updates.


Let us know how much you want for that PODHD and good luck with your new $49 system.

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Honestly I was expecting much more from L6.  I bought the HD500, HD500X, M20D, L3ms, etc. and I feel somehow let down as a user.  I'm not saying that gear is bad, on the contrary otherwise I would not have bought it, but there are obvious problems that were reported and no updates were implemented.

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Just on here to rant that the industry is surpassing the pod technology on a daily basis, and line 6 has done nothing to compete.Just recently purchased bias desktop and metal gear gods 2 for exmix, these two vst programs annihilate the pod tones and the gear gods is only 49 dollars!!!!!! How is it that a 49 dollar program can consistently produce cleaner more realistic tones than a 700 dollar pod hd pro x??? Line 6 has always been the leaders in technology with the pod and now have fallen waaaaaaay behind and i am very sad to say i will be selling my pod .


"Fallen waaaay behind" Excuse me but are you talking about BOSS or Line 6?


Last time I checked, Line 6 was the best floor MFX hardware out there.

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that's only half the question.....

the other half is, how many are they working on, and how many will be in the next product....


Just as a question...since IdeaScale was implemented, how many of those suggestions made it into the current HD firmware?

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that's only half the question.....

the other half is, how many are they working on, and how many will be in the next product....

Does anyone know how many were implemented? I am talking an actual number, and which ones they are. Not what they are working on, and not what "might" come out, and I don't care about a future product that I don't own. I get emails every week from IdeaScale (seems like 2 years). Understanding how it works, as research for current and future products, I would just like to know what features made it into the HD500 over the last few years directly from crowd sourced suggestions.

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All the live talk just implies nobody read my post!! I have a POD HD PRO X in order to run live i would need the same power amp/ foot controller used for any other processor/live rig I.E. Axefx with qsc, or matrix power amp. My major issue lies in the fact that the hd pro x is so much more, for a dry output basically. In my situation the computer and the speakers are a must for any situation, even recording amps with sm57 or sm7b. As for boss falling behind, they keep their product model simple, in regards to high gain, if I'm not mistaken the ns-2 is a got to noise suppression pedal on many more pedal boards than a pod hd . My point was that most high end effects processors update on a regular basis in regards to  sonic effects on tone, it seems as though they have given up on the pod hd line yet they promote as the latest greatest thing in their arsenal.

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No I read it (and to me - correct me if I am wrong) you basically compared the HD to some VSTs. You thought the VSTs sounded vastily better and that L6 should have more updates to remain competitive. You are dissapointed in the Pod and will be selling it.


To run your HD in a live situation you could always go straight to the PA. As with any FX there will be a floorboard 9/10.


If L6 is not for you - sell it and move on.




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Does anyone know how many were implemented? I am talking an actual number, and which ones they are. Not what they are working on, and not what "might" come out, and I don't care about a future product that I don't own. I get emails every week from IdeaScale (seems like 2 years). Understanding how it works, as research for current and future products, I would just like to know what features made it into the HD500 over the last few years directly from crowd sourced suggestions.


Last I've heard is that between 30 and 40 submissions have been labeled "Released", but we try not to make a big deal out it, because it shakes the hornet's nest.


Pretty much all features and models added to POD HD since 2010 were taken directly from customer feedback. The problem is that before IdeaScale, the guys whose job it was to convert customer feedback into official doctrine couldn't prove anything. With IdeaScale, we can now say "See? These guys definitely want a Peavey 5150 model more than a motorized guitar pick holder."


I could wax poetic on development schedules, resourcing, compliance, testing, and resolving product roadmaps, but some people will still believe there's a dedicated army of engineers for every product Line 6 has ever released, and if updates don't show up soon enough, that army must be sitting around doing nothing.


Copy and paste:


We read every single IdeaScale submission. Personally, I check it twice a day, and on Fridays, my entire department gets an email with all submissions received the previous week. We couldn't avoid it if we tried.


Most submissions echo things Line 6 has already discussed, but it's nice to know we're on the right track. Some submissions detail products we've already developed in the past, but for whatever reason, were never able to bring to market. Many submissions detail features we've already been working on for months (or years). Some submissions detail things we're about to release. Some submissions spawn ideas on how to better implement an existing feature for a future product. But mostly, we use IdeaScale for prioritizing.


Super-rough guess, so don't quote me—You will see dozens of IdeaScale submissions implemented to various degrees by the end of 2015.


Firmware development takes a long time. I suppose if Line 6 were two dudes in a garage making three products with no investors to satisfy, we could crank out new goodies every week. At the other extreme, if Line 6 were Apple or Google, we'd just throw money at it and hire 10,000 new engineers. We're somewhere in the middle—lots of products to support, active development of dozens more, yet subject to the whims of the relatively tiny MI industry.


No feature is ever "easy to implement". Extensive testing is required for very minor changes, in case a compiling anomaly breaks something else. Some feature you believe may be bonehead simple may be extremely difficult (or impossible) to implement, due to myriad factors. For example, POD HD's EQs not displaying in dB or Hz deals with the method in which the DSP and MCU communicate. It would require fundamental architectural changes, and preclude fifteen other feature requests.


That said, we're not done with POD HD. Please be patient.

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Just on here to rant that the industry is surpassing the pod technology on a daily basis, and line 6 has done nothing to compete.Just recently purchased bias desktop and metal gear gods 2 for exmix, these two vst programs annihilate the pod tones and the gear gods is only 49 dollars!!!!!! How is it that a 49 dollar program can consistently produce cleaner more realistic tones than a 700 dollar pod hd pro x??? Line 6 has always been the leaders in technology with the pod and now have fallen waaaaaaay behind and i am very sad to say i will be selling my pod .


I think you answered your own question! I don't mean to jest, it seems like you are unhappy and frustrated; I get it, you spend some serious $$ on a piece of hardware, and you feel a bit "left behind", as the company promotes the heck out of the Amplifi gear as the 'guitar amp reinvented', but it's far inferior to the HD series. SO yeah, I feel where you are coming from. I just went with the regular HD500, which is a different value, being a floorboard and processor all in one. I never really "got" the concept of the X3 Pro or the HD Pro - I get that it offers a little extra routing and such, but correct me if I am wrong, same DSP?


Now, reason I say you answered your question: you are comparing VST plugins which depend on the computer running them for it's DSP and processing power. It's a stretch to compare a static piece of hardware (the HD500, HD Pro) with computer hardware that updates practically daily.


Now, the bigger point you make, it about tone quality, which in theory, should be more of an apples and applies comparison. But the thing is, the development of the Line 6 amp and fx models has been tethered to the hardware which it lives in.


To borrow a concept from Harry Potter, it's like comparing a soul to a horcrux. The horcrux is a portion of a soul which is wholly dependent upon the vessel which contains it for survival. Destroy the vessel, destroy the horcrux. Unlike an actual whole soul, which cannot be harmed when the body is destroyed. I realize that its a stretch, but ask yourself, "does your laptop have XLR outputs?"


Meaning, the Line6 amp modeling depends on the hardware it lives in to function properly. They sure did a good job going from X3 to the HD500; I still think the HD500 amp models sound great, and I like the M class FX. Are they a few years old now? Yes they are. The architecture of the hardware vessel has not changed, while things like those VST plugins you mention have changed - they do not depend on hardware that was created in 2010 to function. Think about it!! How much faster have computers and operating systems become from 2010 to now?


Many, many cool options coming along, have faith, keep calm, play on. If you like VST plugins and want to bring your laptop on stage, go for it! Your investment in a $50 plugin + a $1,000 laptop is still pretty steep, plus any hardware foot controllers.


Will I be excited when Line6 does a proper followup to the HD series? You bet! Was I bummed that Amplifi was old X3 era models and FX repackaged into a Bluetooth speaker, and hailed as the next big thing? Yup. Major let down, I didn't spend my $$ on that gear.


I still use my HD500, it still rocks, it still works - all the footswitches, everything still works. It doesn't crash - my Windows 7 / 8 PC crashes all the time! It has always had major issues. Think about what you would be comfortable using ON STAGE. It does matter; I trim my rig down to a far more simple version when I play live. Just because. I also use a DT25 with my HD500, and in my opinion, NOTHING out there matches that combination. Nada, zip, zilch. You can take all the VST plugins in the world, and none of them can tell a Bogner amp to switch analog relays.


Which is why I still like my Line6 gear, and recently returned a couple of Roland pieces that just didn't do it for me.

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And for what it's worth, Bias Professional is $199; not including any cost for expansion packs.


It would be a great idea for a hardware / computer designer, to come up with a floorboard type unit, or rack mount pro type unit - that offers all the hardware functionality of a POD rig, but can be used to run third party VST plugins.


Like, a Voodoo Labs Ground Control Pro, that can support the Positive Grid Bias Desktop, or this or that or the other thing.


Don't get me wrong - any and all of this stuff is exciting! First and foremost, I respond as a musician, and techy geek - it's all cool to me no matter what brand name is on the label.

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I think the frustration is that there have been 29 released solutions according to IdeaScale, and most of those are not for the HD. After hundreds of submissions, weekly update emails from IdeaScale for a few years, and the last solution being from 8 months ago, it is easy to see that it looks like from the outside that the focus is more on other things. I think it is great that more updates or solutions will be available to us HD users, but i think you could easily see how many people could think that it was abandoned or re-prioritized. A lot has happened with L6 since the HD came out which leads to further frustration.

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"It would be a great idea for a hardware / computer designer, to come up with a floorboard type unit, or rack mount pro type unit - that offers all the hardware functionality of a POD rig, but can be used to run third party VST plugins."


For the most part, the solution to this is right under your nose, and Line6 manufactured it.

I have successfully used the Shortboard MKII, which is the usual floor control option for

the POD HD Pro, to control VSTs via midi over USB. The VST must support midi commands.

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SOME of you get so defensive about your line 6 gear!!! @Gearhead u hit the nail right on the head, i have multiple amps/cabinets and a ridiculous number of pedals for live use my goal with the smaller unit is to avoid having a 4x12 cabinet in a small room, yet still get clean high gain tones. Yes i should have just bought the hd 500 because the only difference is one amp cab and a dry output, and i would have gained a pedal. Yet another simple reality with updates is the thousands upon thousands of people experiencing blue screen issues with windows 8.1 or any windows for that matter. I simply had to re assign an ircq to fix the problem, if i am an untrained person that can fix it that fast, im sure that a team of computer techs could do it in their sleep. In two words Left Behind is simply how i feel.

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Last I've heard is that between 30 and 40 submissions have been labeled "Released", but we try not to make a big deal out it, because it shakes the hornet's nest.


Pretty much all features and models added to POD HD since 2010 were taken directly from customer feedback. The problem is that before IdeaScale, the guys whose job it was to convert customer feedback into official doctrine couldn't prove anything. With IdeaScale, we can now say "See? These guys definitely want a Peavey 5150 model more than a motorized guitar pick holder."


I could wax poetic on development schedules, resourcing, compliance, testing, and resolving product roadmaps, but some people will still believe there's a dedicated army of engineers for every product Line 6 has ever released, and if updates don't show up soon enough, that army must be sitting around doing nothing.


Copy and paste:


We read every single IdeaScale submission. Personally, I check it twice a day, and on Fridays, my entire department gets an email with all submissions received the previous week. We couldn't avoid it if we tried.


Most submissions echo things Line 6 has already discussed, but it's nice to know we're on the right track. Some submissions detail products we've already developed in the past, but for whatever reason, were never able to bring to market. Many submissions detail features we've already been working on for months (or years). Some submissions detail things we're about to release. Some submissions spawn ideas on how to better implement an existing feature for a future product. But mostly, we use IdeaScale for prioritizing.


Super-rough guess, so don't quote me—You will see dozens of IdeaScale submissions implemented to various degrees by the end of 2015.


Firmware development takes a long time. I suppose if Line 6 were two dudes in a garage making three products with no investors to satisfy, we could crank out new goodies every week. At the other extreme, if Line 6 were Apple or Google, we'd just throw money at it and hire 10,000 new engineers. We're somewhere in the middle—lots of products to support, active development of dozens more, yet subject to the whims of the relatively tiny MI industry.


No feature is ever "easy to implement". Extensive testing is required for very minor changes, in case a compiling anomaly breaks something else. Some feature you believe may be bonehead simple may be extremely difficult (or impossible) to implement, due to myriad factors. For example, POD HD's EQs not displaying in dB or Hz deals with the method in which the DSP and MCU communicate. It would require fundamental architectural changes, and preclude fifteen other feature requests.


That said, we're not done with POD HD. Please be patient.


Does that mean we'll get a 5150? :P

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If we are being honest here..

the POD HD hardware is 3-4 years old and the EDIT software after version 2.0 should have been an indication that they will be moving on to newer devices and software in the coming year and years.

My suggestion is enjoy POD HD and X versions for what they are and we will all have to wait for what comes next.
(assuming Yamaha doesn't kill Line 6 pro stuff altogether)


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It would be a great idea for a hardware / computer designer, to come up with a floorboard type unit, or rack mount pro type unit - that offers all the hardware functionality of a POD rig, but can be used to run third party VST plugins.

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The V-Machine is $600 then just buy your favorite VST and go play live.  Musebox is $1000 and comes with Revalver, which I recently tried - it was good but not good enough to replace the PODHD.  I still haven't found a VST that's good enough to make me want to switch.


So ok DI, are you telling us that other companies have done this and it didn't sell very well or you telling some of the people here to buy something else if they want to run their favorite VSTs and get updates all the time ?

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I gotta agree tho, some Line6 fans here get VERY defensive when you start talking about the negatives of gear, its almost like you

insulted their girlfriend and slam you for it, its mostly the reason I don't bother signing in here anymore, very unfriendly atmosphere.

If you took the time to grace more general gear sites, you'll notice a lot of people share this opinion about this forum.


I'm having a premonition, I predict negative points for this post ! LOL


So tow the line(6) or get out...

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I gotta agree tho, some Line6 fans here get VERY defensive when you start talking about the negatives of gear, its almost like you

insulted their girlfriend and slam you for it, its mostly the reason I don't bother signing in here anymore, very unfriendly atmosphere.

If you took the time to grace more general gear sites, you'll notice a lot of people share this opinion about this forum.


I'm having a premonition, I predict negative points for this post ! LOL


So tow the line(6) or get out...


There's a difference between criticism and unrealistic complaining.

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For the most part I agree, you can't go comparing VSTs with Hardware FX, its an unfair comparison.

So many compulsive posters here that post on a daily basis. Makes you wonder if they actually have

any time left to actually use their gear lol. Is that mindset constructive ? I have my doubts.

Maybe some of them want to compulsively post for an admin position....

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For the most part I agree, you can't go comparing VSTs with Hardware FX, its an unfair comparison.

So many compulsive posters here that post on a daily basis. Makes you wonder if they actually have

any time left to actually use their gear lol. Is that mindset constructive ? I have my doubts.

Maybe some of them want to compulsively post for an admin position....


Hardware is a lot harder to update compared to software. Hardware has it's walls, and so many updates and addons will start making it hit those walls.


Even the HD500X isn't really a hardware update for more firmware updates, it's more for just processing the FX.



I've already stated I think the HD500 sounds great even compared to present day VSTs. The tones are very very usable. The only thing that really needs to be improved is the cabinet simulation.

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The V-Machine is $600 then just buy your favorite VST and go play live.  Musebox is $1000 and comes with Revalver, which I recently tried - it was good but not good enough to replace the PODHD.  I still haven't found a VST that's good enough to make me want to switch.


So ok DI, are you telling us that other companies have done this and it didn't sell very well or you telling some of the people here to buy something else if they want to run their favorite VSTs and get updates all the time ?


Neither. Just pointing out that there are indeed rackmount VST players. Was considering a Receptor a while back, but I ended up building startup scripts for a Mac Mini instead. We don't use it for guitar though—my keyboard controller automatically reads and recalls MainStage patches (synths, tracks, vocal effects, automated patch changes) from its touchscreen.

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Personally, I prefer VST's in a PC/Mac environment for a plethora of reasons, which tends to be the preferred option in a

"static" studio situation, as opposed to the live role. I thought the Shortboard MKII with MIDI over USB was at-least worth

mentioning for the OPs benefit too. Chances are he'll want some kind of controller for his POD HD Pro anyways, might

as-well get one that can do MIDI over USB and get the best of both worlds with his VSTs, so long as they support MIDI.

DAWs can also be assigned to receive MIDI commands for transport controls ect, can control a whole host of functions.


B) Imagine the possibilities if you put a decent audio interface (with MIDI) in the POD HD Pro's FX Loop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Copy and paste:


We read every single IdeaScale submission. Personally, I check it twice a day, and on Fridays, my entire department gets an email with all submissions received the previous week. We couldn't avoid it if we tried.

No feature is ever "easy to implement". Extensive testing is required for very minor changes, in case a compiling anomaly breaks something else. Some feature you believe may be bonehead simple may be extremely difficult (or impossible) to implement, due to myriad factors. For example, POD HD's EQs not displaying in dB or Hz deals with the method in which the DSP and MCU communicate. It would require fundamental architectural changes, and preclude fifteen other feature requests.


Hi igloo,


I just wanted to add an idea here in response to the difficulty of implementing displaying of EQs in Hz. This is one of the highest requests on ideascale, and my reading of your post says it is a major piece of work. In case it hasn't been considered, I'd like to suggest a simple solution: At the display stage, simply store a lookup table of percentage to Hz for each EQ type. It is a hack? Yes. But, it's simple and would provide the functionality. If it's a choice between the prefect engineering solution never implemented, or a bit of a hack good-to-go with no real down side, I think the second is a reasonable choice. As a user, I don't care about the engineering as long as it does what I expect. In any case, your team may have already considered this option. I just wanted to suggest a possible simple solution here since it's such an important feature (I use an external EQ now, since I have no idea what the values on the HD500 EQ means).


Cheers, and thanks for posting here.



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