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Where is Line 6 Support?

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I spent a great amount of $'s on a JTV 89. NOT WORKING NOW! Why?

If you want actual help from the community, you should tell us some of the problems/symptoms you're having with the instrument.


Or as TheRealZap has suggested, you can also file a support ticket. The few times I've done that over the years, I've always received good service.

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Ok. Sorry. I had to vent. Damned thing won't "turn on." Put the battery in, Oh, yeah, it sucks down the battery if I leave it in, but no backlit buttons, no computer recognizing it as a device. Nothing. Oh, and if I try to use it as just a "regular" guitar - It helps if I BANG the "on" knob. It ALMOST is live if the BANG has the right body language to it. Ok. I've messed with it enough. There is either a poor (Korean????) solder joint or a really bad (Korean???) switch. Oh, am I still venting? I'll try to do better.

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silly as it is... sounds like you need the spitball repair... 

a tiny ball of paper in the knob hole....


Ok. Sorry. I had to vent. Damned thing won't "turn on." Put the battery in, Oh, yeah, it sucks down the battery if I leave it in, but no backlit buttons, no computer recognizing it as a device. Nothing. Oh, and if I try to use it as just a "regular" guitar - It helps if I BANG the "on" knob. It ALMOST is live if the BANG has the right body language to it. Ok. I've messed with it enough. There is either a poor (Korean????) solder joint or a really bad (Korean???) switch. Oh, am I still venting? I'll try to do better.

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Venting is okay, but now we're getting down to it. Thanks.



The battery will eventually drain away over time if you leave

it in the guitar. How soon does it drain?


Also, before doing the insert into the knob, try engaging it

with the knob off, and see if it lights up that way. That will tell

me whether the knob is hanging up or if it is something else.


Is the knob or shaft wobbly or snug?

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  • 1 month later...

Knob and shaft are nice and tight. Removing knob and pressing does not result in the expected light. Still no joy activating the modeling engine. Does the fact that the straight pickups don't even work give any clues?


Regarding my earlier comment about the battery draining, I left it in for a couple of weeks and it is now still giving 3 of 4 battery life lights, so that problem seems to have changed (gone away). Previous (one) attempt drained battery in one day - kind of like it was stuck "on."

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Could be any of three different things that could be causing that. Program board is one of them,

so it's not something that can be done by an end user.


Needs to go to a Line 6 authorized service center.

They will have access to service documentation,... and me to walk them thru it, should they need it.

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  • 4 months later...

Wow, I am WAY behind in responding. Sorry about that. The JTV89 is probably the best LOOKING guitar I have. Bummer it just does duty in its gig bag! The blood red finish is amazing! But just picked it up after months and brushed the dust off. Guess what, whatever problem it has doesn't heal itself! So, I checked "local" service providers. Closest one is an hour's drive, and only open during the hours I work. Not sure how this will ever get fixed. How might one get parts for repair?


Oh, and Lefty . . . I've had EVERYTHING plugged in, and, good point, the straight pickups DO work. Not sure how I missed that before, except, I bought it for the switchable tuning and tone, and "remote control" of the Pod. Since all of that is broken, the guitar is dead to me.

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Not sure how this will ever get fixed.


FedEx it, or gas up the tank and head out....


If you're heading for the "local" service center, I'd put in a call first. There's no guarantee that they've ever seen a JTV before. I've got and "authorized service center" 5 minutes away, but they're an electronics repair shop...amps, PAs, etc. They laughed when I asked (hypothetically) if they would work on a JTV. You might have to send it back to the mother ship.

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Would it be too much venting to request you go back and read my original post? There's a certain sensitivity expressed there. I don't mind taking this private . . . you have my email, right?

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I don't have your email address as I don't work for Line 6. I have reread the entire thread and I have sent you a private message. Check your mailbox at the top of this page.

The main point of the message is this: you have a choice to make. If you want your guitar fixed you should open a support ticket here:

If not, that too is a choice you're making. In either case further discussion here seems pointless, unless you simply want to continue venting. If so, go right ahead but I doubt you'll make any progress regarding the fact that your guitar needs fixing, despite your sensitivities.

Is your guitar still under warranty? It's been seven months of apparent inaction since you were first advised to open a ticket less than an hour after your first post.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks everyone. The JTV-89F is at the Authorized Repair center (for about 2 months). They just started working on it and found that when power is applied, no activity on the main (DSP, I suppose) board. Not sure if this is hardware or software, I'm guessing the repair folks don't either, so a new board has been ordered (with my permission for the cost, since this problem occurred JUST out of warrantee). I know the backlash I am going to get for this comment . . . But I purchased a Gibson SG in 1985, and it works today JUST like it did then, which is JUST LIKE I EXPECTED! My over-tech-burdened LAB SERIES amp lasted 10 years. I honestly expected more than 3 years from a Variax. I know, MY BAD! Oh, and, I realize I don't need to spread this message any longer . . . EVERYONE I speak with says something akin to "I would NEVER own one." So. again, sorry for the overabundance of venting. I see I am only a tiny fraction of those that already know. But, please forgive - I honestly thought I must be the only one, or one of a few. I should have researched a bit more. Why am I paying for a refresh? Two possibilities 1) Too stupid to realize this will not last as long as the original and; 2) Really good idea, though BAD implementation - I LIKE what it does  . . . WHEN IT WORKS!

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Just my $0.02, but if an "Authorized Repair Center" has kept your guitar out of your hands for anything like two months there is something very wrong with either their competence or Line6's ability to provide parts and support.


And, FWIW, all three of my LAB Series amplifiers are still going strong after 36-odd years.  They are extremely well-designed units and simple to repair.  If it wasn't so bulky and heavy I would still be dragging my L-7 to gigs.  Love the sound of that beast!

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Thanks everyone. The JTV-89F is at the Authorized Repair center (for about 2 months). They just started working on it and found that when power is applied, no activity on the main (DSP, I suppose) board. Not sure if this is hardware or software, I'm guessing the repair folks don't either, so a new board has been ordered (with my permission for the cost, since this problem occurred JUST out of warrantee). I know the backlash I am going to get for this comment . . . But I purchased a Gibson SG in 1985, and it works today JUST like it did then, which is JUST LIKE I EXPECTED! My over-tech-burdened LAB SERIES amp lasted 10 years. I honestly expected more than 3 years from a Variax. I know, MY BAD! Oh, and, I realize I don't need to spread this message any longer . . . EVERYONE I speak with says something akin to "I would NEVER own one." So. again, sorry for the overabundance of venting. I see I am only a tiny fraction of those that already know. But, please forgive - I honestly thought I must be the only one, or one of a few. I should have researched a bit more. Why am I paying for a refresh? Two possibilities 1) Too stupid to realize this will not last as long as the original and; 2) Really good idea, though BAD implementation - I LIKE what it does  . . . WHEN IT WORKS!


So you had your guitar for a year and it crapped out on you then? Any events that happened that could of caused this that you can remember, or did it just happen randomly?


It's good that there's progress, but I agree, guitar should last WAAAAAAAAAAY longer, regardless if it's electronic or not. I don't buy a high end laptop to use it for 1 year.

This is an issue with quality control.

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Well I have 2 Variax 500's, Variax Bass, a JTV69 and JTV 89F as well as, POD XT, POD XT Live, Bass POD XT Live, POD X3, Vetta amp, HD 500 & HD500X. All of these still work. I have two of many of these because of the fear of any of them bricking. Hasn't happened. Line 6 can and does put out long lasting gear. The stuff that has failed after awhile seems to be in the minority. I can't help but think that the failures have more to do with the exponentially more complicated electronics than, say, the aforementioned SG. My 1974 SG still works too. But it's just basically a wire. from the cable to the guitar input connecting to the pickup to the windings around the pickup and back again. All essentially one big long piece of wire.  I can fix a wire. I have. I can't fix a microprocessor.

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