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Everything posted by jandrio

  1. if u have a JTV, consider using the noise-free models....
  2. check out demo vid from our last gig. JTV+HD500 direct 2 PA , no amp . more vids with patches available @ :
  3. James Tyler Variax Virtual Capo Video Tutorial Virtual Capo on the James Tyler Variax
  4. aaahhh, ok, now it is clear! u have 2 dongles, so this xtra cbl is 4 the "original" translucent one...
  5. Using a JTV 69s, connected thru VDI --> Line 6 HD500, direct --> PA (2 channels, stereo). Patch used 4 main riffs: This ***STEREO*** patch is expected 2 b played with a v2.10 JTV (Lester pos 1), connected thru VDI 2 a v2.31 HD500, XLR'd direct 2 PA (2 channels). Set input1=variax, input2=aux. It simulates the original LedZep IV studio version, where the guitars r heavily layered. 4 separate Jimmy Page guitar tracks were overdubbed. Page recorded the guitar directly in2 a 1176 limiter preamp (manufactured by Universal Audio), distorted the stages of it, and then sent that 2 a normally operating limiter. In other words, no-guitar-amplifier-was-used-in-the-recording-process!!! In this live performance, 2 guitar tracks are implemented via the HD500 (left + right channels with 40 ms delay betwn them) and a third track is actually played by another guitar. Enjoy ! Patch 4 solo will b posted asap.
  6. just guessin', it appears that something "triggered" the JTV 2 switch tuning, so since u did not change patches thru the hd500, the only logical explanation is somthing going on with the alt-tun-selector...
  7. ... hd500 dsp test summary (table).pdf
  8. ... HD500 Effects DSP Usage Estimations (collapsed version 1 page).pdf
  10. consider forcing JTV standard tuning on ALL ur HD500 presets. this way u practically elimimate the possibility of this strage behaviour happening again... also it seems a sound idea 2 have ur tuning selector knob always @standard...
  11. glad 2 hear all went well... keep on dream rigging...
  12. ok, but the extension cable must have 1 male and 1 female end. as far as I can c, this cable has 2 male ends. so,.. ???
  13. ok, I understand. however the q still goes on: the dongle can b connected 2 the pc WITHOUT any extrta cable, can it? and the xtra cable does not connect/fit/match 2 the dongle at all, does it? so, why do they ship the xtra cable?
  14. just guessing, may b the switch lose "contact" with the model selector... seems like u need a support ticket.... have u tried reflashing latest f/w?
  15. use hd500X Edit, type the exact value on the parameter-window 'n press enter! voila, u r done... or select the appropriate value from the list... further reading :
  17. but with BY-PASS-VOLUME=0 u don't pass any signal at all thru the FX loop....
  18. use DAW 2 record ur signal, 'n monitor levels. suggested free recording tool : Audacity...
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