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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. Have you tried contacting support? Even out of warranty, I'm sure they would at least be able to answer your question.
  2. They're frequently found on Gearpage in the Helix thread.
  3. Do a search on this (Helix) group for DT770. Lots of discussion.
  4. I've found that, where snapshots are concerned, the logical assumption is usually wrong! Also... once you've got it working and thoroughly tested, SAVE backup copies, in case your working version gets a wild hair.....
  5. What I'm seeing is that your controllers are not saved identically across all of your snapshots. For instance, in BASS ABLETON, using FS5 as an example, in Snapshot HW Clean, it sends A#8. In the other 3 snapshots it sends C#1. In CLEAN ABLETON, Snapshots CLEAN and HW CLEAN send A#8, but the other two send C#1. Go through and make sure that all controllers in each snapshot in both presets are set identically. You need to save each snapshot individually before moving to the next one.
  6. Would be best if you could attach the two presets in question....
  7. rd2rk

    FRFR speaker !!!

    Come on you guys, give us a break! This is a thread about a subject of interest to a lot of people, and you've hijacked it and turned it into a personal pi$$ing contest. Have some respect for the rest of us!
  8. The only way to get true "amp in the room" sound is to buy a guitar amp. With ANY FRFR cab, you're getting the sound of a mic'd amp and guitar cab reproduced through a Full Range cabinet, and Flat Response is relative. So the answer to your question is, an FRFR speaker IS an amp in the room. It creates sound waves (pushes air) which, with sufficient volume, will flap your pants and damage your hearing. If it sounds good to you with your modeler, then it's the right amp for you. Some people like Fender amps, some swear by Marshalls, or Boogies or VOX or Diesel or.....the fact is, these days, most of the people in the audience have only ever heard those amps through recordings, or as mic'd through a PA. Live in a small club they can't tell the difference between a JCM800 and a Triple Rectifier, just that it's TOO LOUD! That's why the way of the future is modelers, IEMs and amp-less stages. Your 2000 watt FRFR is probably going to be used as a personal monitor if you're not using IEMs. If I had $1000-1500 for an FRFR, I'd spend it on a good IEM rig and get used to it. Meanwhile, my $300 Headrush FRFR-112 sounds REALLY GOOD and, fortunately, my neighbors seem to think so too (and they like my playing).....
  9. I have the FRFR-112. It sounds VERY GOOD. It replaced an Alto TS-210, which wasn't bad. For the price, the FRFR-112 is a good bet. I don't currently have the money to buy the Powercab for comparison, but if the money tree drops some leaves on me I definitely will. Here's a link to a long and sometimes contentious discussion of FRFR speakers which includes details of my back and forth with Headrush support over the difference between the FRFR-112 and the identically spec'd Alto TS312. Draw your own conclusions. To repeat, the FRFR-112 sounds VERY good. YMMV, caveat emptor.
  10. For the benefit of anyone else who might have this problem, what was the solution?
  11. AH! If you CLEAR (set to NONE) the IC in the unused Snapshot, it CLEARS ALL the ICs in ALL the Snapshots. To avoid that, I need to set the (in this case) PROGRAM parameter to OFF! Also, setting ALL of the Snapshots BEFORE saving the preset preserves the desired settings all across? That still doesn't solve the problem of each Snapshot first sending the first IC of the previous Snapshot before sending the correct ICs for that Snapshot, or the selection of UNUSED (program parameter OFF in this case) sending the first IC of the previous snapshot. BUT....TODAY it's no longer sending the MSB=0. Another mystery!
  12. So, if I set an Instant Command in ONE snapshot, it's the same in ALL snapshots? I can't, say, send an IC in Snapshot 1, but NOT in any others? Or a DIFFERENT (or NO) IC in another Snapshot? How do you get your H9s to change their presets to accommodate different snapshots?
  13. Here's the preset and MIDIOX screenshots I sent support, along with the text of the message I submitted to support. In the screenshot MIDIOX TestSnapshots, the first four lines are sent when the preset loads. Each set of six lines after the first four are what's sent by each snapshot, 1 thru 4. In screenshot MIDIOX TestSnapshots2, the first four lines are, again, what's sent when the preset loads. The next four lines are what's sent if you then select an unassigned (no IC assignments) snapshot (5 thru 8). Following that, each set of ten lines shows what is sent when you select another assigned (with ICs) snapshot (six lines), followed by an unassigned snapshot (four lines). Since the last set of ICs sent is correct as intended, the snapshot midi works as expected. Selecting an unassigned snapshot, accidentally (stumblefoot) or because you thought it was real is not likely, but could happen, and results in baffling unintended consequences. BTW - I've tested all of this using Reaper and a track with two sims, S-Gear and Amplitube 4, set to Ch 2 and Ch3 respectively. Helix really is sending this stuff. -------------------------------------------------------
  14. FWIW, I found this - possible solution in next to last post - voodoo labs control switcher.
  15. I sent my test preset and a couple of MIDIOX screenshots to support. They'll get back to me. I'll get back to you.
  16. What? The forum? Yes.
  17. Globals/midi/remote:bypass page? People complain about the Helix manual. Compared to the Ax FX III manual, it's a model of detail and clarity!
  18. Just because it's a 5 pin DIN, doesn't necessarily mean MIDI. The manual says nothing about it being MIDI. If you can find out what MIDI commands it uses to switch channels, then MAYBE the Helix can do it, but that depends on HOW you want to do it - simple switch or snapshot? First thing to do is find out IF it's MIDI and what exactly the commands are that control it. If it's NOT MIDI, there MAY be an adaptor available that MIGHT allow you to use the Helix 1/4" channel switch, but even then, details are required that are not provided in the manual. Also, there could be a problem with noise. MORE DATA NEEDED!
  19. rd2rk

    FRFR speaker !!!

    Please refrain from posting visual proof of the results. We'll take your word for it......
  20. I've always left that setting OFF. The issues I described are different. As I noted, the correct PC#s are sent last, so that's why it works. Sure would be nice if L6 would fix these problems. Snapshot midi is a nice feature, if it works logically and consistently. This AM when I turned on my Helix to test what you said, I noticed that today it's also sending the Bank MSB. Wasn't doing that last night! And then there's the mysterious CC#61 that sends on every preset change......
  21. HOLY GUACAMOLE! I did some further testing. My initial test used one Instant Command, and it worked with the VST I was testing it with. IN THEORY, if it worked with one IC, it should work with more than one. NOT EXACTLY! It sends FOUR ICs, not TWO! What's even crazier, I set up four snapshots. The other four are blank (no ICs). If I start from another preset, it sends the correct set of PC/CH #s for the Snapshot that the preset is saved on. If I then select one of the unassigned snapshots, it sends the first assigned IC of the pair that was just sent! Subsequently selecting other unassigned snapshots send nothing, LIKE THEY"RE SUPPOSED TO DO! If I then select one of the snapshots with assigned ICs, It sends: the first IC of the previous snapshot the correct second IC of the selected snapshot the correct PAIR from the selected snapshot !!!!!!!!!! Again, selecting an unassigned snapshot sends the first of the ICs from the previously selected snapshot. OK, so, bottom line, because it's sending the proper pair LAST, it accomplishes the intended goal. Two VSTs, set to different channels, wind up with the intended presets selected. BUT, if you look at the actual midi being sent (in a monitor), it'll make you crazy! So, go ahead and use the directions I laid out in my previous post. Your hardware should respond the same way as my VSTs. However, it'll be interesting to hear what L6 support has to say.....
  22. In GLOBAL/MIDI turn OFF Midi PC Send. Set each of your H9s to different midi channels. Do not use the Helix Base Channel. You can if you want, I just make it a habit not to. EX - Helix Base Ch =1; H9#1 =Ch 2; H9#2 =Ch 3 Load your first Helix preset. In Snapshot 1 set Instant Command 1 to H9#1 desired preset # and Ch 2 set Instant Command 2 to H9#2 desired preset # and Ch 3 SAVE PRESET Switch to Snapshot 2 In Snapshot 2 set Instant Command 1 to H9#1 desired preset # and Ch 2 set Instant Command 2 to H9#2 desired preset # and Ch 3 SAVE PRESET Repeat as necessary for all snapshots in that Helix preset Repeat as necessary for all Helix presets
  23. We've established that lots of us can get the desired results without echo or latency. I only mentioned the Focusrite to say how easy it was to switch to Helix, as OP is using that configuration, I included pictures to find out, hopefully, where his problem lies. In the diagram, just replace the two "Spkr"s with "headphones". It really makes no difference, if it works on one output, it'll work on the other. Likewise, I'm using Amazon streaming, just because I don't have Spotify on that PC. Same same.
  24. Normally, I do all this through a Focusrite interface. I reconfigured to use the Helix, no problem. Here's pictures. Are you set up like this?
  25. I haven't needed to use midi with snapshots, but I think I read somewhere that there's a problem with it that's being fixed in the next update....?
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