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Everything posted by brue58ski

  1. You will LOVE Randy if you ever get a chance.
  2. I just saw Randy Hansen (look him up if you don't know who he is). Two Marshalls, a fuzz face, a wah, a Univibe an Echoplex, and a strat. Then bass and drums. Front row in a club. I don't think you are currently going to get what I experienced with a modeler. By the way, if you ever get a chance, you will want to see him. He's over 60 so I don't know how much longer he'll be doing this. It's basically experiencing trio rock the way it used to be done. He does Hendrix flawlessly.
  3. Amp in a room is how the difference between the two methods is described. Amp in a room. You are in the studio with the guitar amp. Modeler. You are listening to the amp that's in the studio, in the control room. You seem to basically be asking if you got a Helix and an FRFR and programmed the Marshall sim in the Helix, would it sound/feel the same as if there was a Marshall in the same spot, using the same levels. Right now the answer is no, but currently, people (like Line 6) are trying to recreate that. You might check out the Kemper profiler. I think that would be more what you are looking for currently.
  4. Most of the posts I recall from here say no. An FRFR right behind them is not the same as what the same amp would sound like if it was there. One big thing is how directional the sound from a guitar amp is. It would be like have the amp, for example, under the stage miced and you listening to it through the FRFR. I can see how that would be true. Having said that, there are FRFR's coming out that try to do the amp in a room thing. Line 6 has a new one. See here.
  5. I was wrong. He does use the Fractal but only for effects. Maybe the preamp? See this. It's dated 2010 so I don't know what he uses now.
  6. I would say yes. I don't know what the truth is but I believe what you heard in the audience through the PA was a modeler called the Fractal Axe Effects II which I know he uses and the amps are really there for him to hear himself and maybe a little show. The Fractal is often compared to the Helix and I believe the consensus generally is they are both equally good but do things in a different way. It seems the Helix is more user friendly and the Fractal more in depth. It is so in depth that I've heard of people moving to the Helix because there are just too many parameters to adjust.
  7. What you will experience will not be like plugging into a Marshall and playing it in the same room. It will be like putting a Marshall amp in a studio, micing it, running a 1/4 cable from the amp to the control room plugging that into your guitar and listening to the miced amp in the control room through the studio monitors. The Helix provides many different mic's and mic distances so I'm not sure how the initial amp was mic'ed. Was it a flat mic? Or did they use every mic in their arsenal and make a seperate "thing" for each of them. Don't know. There is no noticable latency. I say that only because I'm assuming there has to be some. But it is definitely not noticeable at all. Again, the feeling and response will not be the same as being in the same room with the amp. Of course whatever speakers you use can be turned up loud enough to feedback but if you're asking what I think you're asking you will not be able to control the feedback in the same way as being in the same room with the amp. Even if you're in the same room with the speakers you are monitoring it with. Since popular sounds are usually from a recording, it is amazing how close you can get to a recording's sound. Often just researching and using the same things the original artist used (amp, effects, guitar mic, etc). But as usual, there are competing opinions about this. I personally am very happy with how close I can get to the songs I like. There are other ways to set the Helix up so you can use it through a traditional guitar amp but that's a whole 'nother story and there's a lot of info to cover if you go there. In regards to comparisons. The one that really impressed me was there was a Youtube of a Fender amp, miced with a Shure SM57. Nothing else. Just guitar and amp. programmed the same thing with the Helix and listened through the same speaker monitors I heard the clip through. The difference, if any, was indistinguishable to me and the few people I demonstrated this to. I'm sure there are other people that disagree but I'm not trying to impress them, just me.
  8. Does it happen with the same patch(es) and were they created with an older version of firmware?
  9. In my case they had a low output. I've been lucky in regard to odd sounding piezo's but I know they exist. I think that the original Variax's worked off of a low piezo signal i.e. they didn't amplifiy it very much. The JTV piezo's output signal seems to be amplified a lot more and I think that's why they are so sensitive to different piezo's and their flaws. Their sound differences (volume, quack etc.) or flaws are amplified a lot more than in the old original Varaix's therefore a lot more issues in that regard. Just my theory, it's never been confirmed.
  10. I'm not sure what piezo's the JTV-59 uses but I've replaced "bad" piezo's both in my JTV 69 and JTV 89F and that worked for me. Before you do that, next time you change strings, give each piezo's "holder" a spritz with this or something like it.[ADL] [MF] [Non-Brand] [PLA] [US] [Enhanced] [Shopping] - Generic&utm_term=1100506610782&utm_content=PLA - Product Type&kwid=bingproductads-adid^13788109092-device^c-plaid^1100506610782-sku^429167000000000@ADL4MF-adType^PLA
  11. Regarding the snapshots, I have noticed that and it seems to be with older patches that I created on older firmware versions. Is that true of the patches you lose the info on. Were they created with an earlier firmware version number?
  12. Did you get your bag of candy? It's been awhile since I've ordered anything from them but they used to send a little bag with like Smarties and jelly beans in it.
  13. For those that are interested, I've been here awhile and there was a time when Line 6 was more open about what they were doing and when they thought whatever they were doing was gong to come out. It basically would pretty much always turn into a sh**storm of "you said this and it didn't happen". It got bad. Imagine the speculation we have now about updates 1,000 fold and really nasty. So that was when they decided to keep it close to the vest. It just got too adversarial, controversial, etc.. I'm not saying that's whats going on now. But that's what was going on when they first decided to stop being, at the time, very open about what was going on.
  14. I remember reading an article Craig Anderton wrote on how to make a mono guitar signal "wider" in the stereo spectrum. This is for a DAW but you can apply it to the Helix. It essentially uses three paths. The original mono track, then two copies of that track on separate tracks for three tracks total. the original track panned to the middle then one track EQ'ed so it's all high frequencies and the other track EQ'ed so it's all low frequencies. So the original is in the middle with the Highs split to the right and the lows split to the left. You'll probably need to use both paths in the Helix, splitting them both and do some creative panning and mixing but it can be done I think. Here's the article with the specific EQ's. It amazed me how well it worked in my DAW. I'm gonna work on applying it to the Helix tonight. The first step in simulating the effect of being close to the guitar was to copy the original guitar track to two more tracks. The first clone provided the "squeak" component by including a highpass filter that cut off the low end starting around 1kHz. This was panned toward the right. The second clone for the "boom" channel used a lowpass filter with a sharp cutoff from 400Hz on up. This was panned to the left. Adding these two tracks to the main track pulled out some of the "finger squeaks" and "boom" components that were in the original sound, and positioned them in a more realistic stereo location. This also stretched the stereo image somewhat. And because these signals were extracted from one mic, there were none of the phasing problems associated with multiple mics. As to mixing these three elements, the drastic amounts of high and lowpass filtering on the cloned channels brought their overall levels way down, even without touching the channel fader. If you isolate these tracks, it seems as if their impact would be non-existent due to the low level and restricted frequency range. But if you mix them in with the main channel, the entire sound comes to life.
  15. There is no "roadmap". I guess there are other companies that have regularly timed updates but not so with the Helix. It starts with a "somethings coming" from someone who would know and then massive conjecture about when that will be with no confirmation as to when until the day before or the day it is released. Apparently one is in the works as you can see from the thread with the longest title ever. Let the conjecture begin!!!!
  16. I'm pretty sure what he is saying is...There are other pedal board units that as you change the max and/or min of, for example, a volume pedal, you can hear the changes as you do them. He's saying the Helix doesn't act that way so, apparently, you have to actually move the pedal before you hear what effect the changes have. Rudomat, is that close? I haven't tried this myself so I can't confirm it but I think that's what this is about.
  17. There are these. They have some set screws that are metal and will allow you to use the capacitive touch but they are $10 a button.
  18. Are any of these available anywhere? I'm still looking for "the" sound whatever that is but I know I'll know it when I hear it. I heard it with my original Varaix and the mic preamp in the POD X3.
  19. Yeah I only use it to practice/learn how to play banjo. Still waiting to get one.
  20. Try these. They look like they might be flimsy but I've been using them for over a year now and have had no issues. I got the black ones.
  21. Ha, beat ya! (couldn't remember the page number though) ;)
  22. It's in the Global settings under Ins/Outs. The XLR choices are line/mic and the 1/4" choices are line/instrument.
  23. Have you tried this? It's essentially this for free. It's a long story and I'm a bit miffed since I've bought Sonar and all of the upgrades for awhile. But it's free now. If you haven't tried it, do so. I like it. (Despite all the money they've gotten from me.)
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