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Everything posted by brue58ski

  1. Go here and start with "Line 6 Helix - How To Create A Great Sounding Tone". These are from the guy Dunedin recommended. Superb place to start but keep in mind his way is one way of doing things. They are an excellent foundation and you would do very well if you just used his methods, but don't think you need to let his methods limit you. He has over 20 of these all labeled with Pt. numbers. The first one has no part number and the next one is labeled Pt. 2, just to avoid confusion.
  2. Do you have the LT? If you do, it's being discussed here.
  3. I'm pretty sure he's talking about the tape delay which I believe does even simulate the tape hiss.
  4. I think he may be referring to a bag for the foot controller that controls the rack mount Helix.
  5. FYI. The Master Volume knob, when turned up all of the way, is supposed to be at unity gain. What does this mean? What it is supposed to mean is the input and output signals are the same. But wait a minute, you can change the outputs to Line, Mic (XLR outputs only) or Instrument (1/4" outputs only)(not sure about the FX sends, I don't use them). Now what? One way of explaining it is when you turn the Master Volume knob all of the way up, if you were to plug in a guitar (an instrument level object) to the GUITAR IN input and have nothing at all in the internal path of the Helix; the signal coming out of the 1/4" outputs, when set to instrument level, should be exactly the same as if you plugged your guitar directly into whatever you're plugging your Helix into. The same should apply to the MIC IN input. Again, with the Master Volume knob turned all of the way up and with the Helix's MIC IN gain set to 0dB; if you have a mic plugged into the MIC IN and have the XLR outputs set to mic level with nothing in the path of the Helix, the output of the Helix should be no different than if you plug the mic in directly to the same thing. Another way of thinking about it is the Mater Volume knob doesn't turn anything up. It only turns the signal down. So theoretically, for the best signal, you should have it turned up all the way. This, by the way, is what happens when your Master Volume knob has no control over the output. It is the same as if the Master Volume knob was turned all of the way up. So if the Master Volume knob only has control over the 1/4" output and not the XLR's (as in HonestOpinion's example and is what I do as well). The XLR's output will be the same as if the Master Volume knob was turned all of the way up. I hope this helps. I have never actually tested this before.
  6. I'm sorry. I should have been more clear. I knew they all will give you an guitar signal in all of the Line 6 products with a VDI. The "won't play well" I was referring to was about how much each unit will or will not control the different era Variax's. Sorry about that.
  7. This is a great idea. If not for the mic input option alone. I actually have one that I'm not using I could sell. PM me if you're interested.
  8. Unfortunately the delay when changing patches is 23 seconds and there are no snapshots available.
  9. There is no separate sub forum and it's never been an issue before. Just to set your mind at ease, check out this thread about Freman's patches By the way thank you for confirming and explaining your use of effects for the Ray gun. I kind of hesitated describing what I saw in the video when you engaged it since your are trying to market those patches. So for you to confirm and describe how you did it was mighty generous of you considering your goal. Not a detailed description which I would definitely not expect, but enough to help those who want to try it on their own. Thank you again.
  10. There are essentially two eras of Variax. There 5 basic models in the latest era are JTV59, JTV69, JTV89, Variax Standard and Shuriken. These all work with the latest Line 6 stuff including the HD500 and Helix. I'm not sure what other current products have Variax cable inputs. The current models won't play well with the "vintage" Line 6 stuff. The XT's, X3's and Vetta's. The "vintage" Variax's are the Variax Acoustic, Variax 300, Variax 500, Variax 600 and Variax 700. The latest Line 6 stuff will only change models and not much more (if anything). These play well with the XT's, X3's and Vetta's. This may not be all of the info but it is accurate. It's all I remember.
  11. Ah. Understood. I need to read more carefully.
  12. He said he was looking to control the USB 1/2 output not the input. USB 1/2 is dedicated to monitoring when you select Multi. But if you select only USB 1/2 in your output, I think my comment will work. I've never tried it myself. I may tonight. My curiosity has been sparked.
  13. I thought the only reason for the ball end was to make it easier to get it into the nut.
  14. Just to confirm, you have the Helix "regular", not the LT and not the rack mount. If this is the case then the assignment is at the end in the output block. Look at page 22 of the users manual. If you don't have that option there, you don't have a Helix.
  15. brue58ski

    Tube amps Gone?

    Start here This is part 1 but is not labeled that. He has at least 23 of these and they are labeled with their respective part numbers. Keep in mind these are his methods and there are other ways to do things but it's a great place to start.
  16. Ya know you're right. I've spewed enough of my thoughts here. I think I'm basically repeating myself. I guess I just like to hear myself talk. Let me say it's been a pleasure how civil this has been. See ya all on the flip side
  17. If you want to use the amp just to amplifiy the Helix, plug the guitar into the Helix and the 1/4" Helix into PWR IN. This is mono so only use the left 1/4" output in the Helix. This will bypass everything but the power amp of the amplifier. And if this is what you are going to do, I would suggest using the Helix's preamps only to start out with.
  18. I don't have my Helix in front of me but I believe you do have to assign the USB 1/2 to an output in order for it to work. So theoretically, if you assign the output's level control to the expression pedal, that should work. That's assuming there is a level control when you assign the output to USB 1/2. If that doesn't work, just throw a compressor on the end, assign the expression pedal to it's level control and adjust all of the parameters so that the compressor is doing nothing to the signal.
  19. Yes. As long as you're using the same speakers for both your computer and the Helix.
  20. He does not. You'll have to buy the patch. But it does appear that one of the synths and some modulation effect are being used for it. I think I saw them go on when the ray gun effect is engaged. Watch path 1B at about 2:15 and 2:28.
  21. I did have this thought but since, in this case, it is a male doing this i.e. a different gender than whom I'm assuming most of the offended people were, I was thinking in terms of a white person putting the N-word pedal out. That white guy would get a negative response from someone. I guess I wasn't clear in that regard. Most of the discussion seems to be more about whether they should or shouldn't have put the pedal out. I'm not making any statement in that regard. I'm just saying, right or wrong, to put the pedal that they created with that name, out there, was, of course, going to result in controversy. It just will. Ultimately, that's the only point I'm trying to make. Not whether it's right or wrong. Not whether either side should or shouldn't. Just, you can't be surprised that there was controversy. Unrealistic to think that.
  22. That's all true. But I would say, in my experience, stirring the pot more often results in people getting their hackles up and doesn't result in any real change. One side gets their hackles up, the other side pats themselves on the back for coming up with a "good one". They then both go back to their corners to talk about how wrong the other side is. It rarely results in people examining their core beliefs. What I've seen get better results is dialog. Actually talking like we have here. And despite all of the truth in what you've said, I don't really think they did it to demonstrate any high moral ideal. If they were trying to get us to examine any of our core beliefs, then what belief were they trying to get us examine? I can't come up with any. Something about language? Well Lenny Bruce and George Carlin did it better. Even their response gave no clue as to what we were suppose to examine. It just basically said we have a right to make this and we will. And they do have that right. I just think they thought it was funny, and it was fun to rattle a few cages in the process. I have no idea how much respect they do or do not have for the opposite sex. This particular statement "Boys and girls making naughty jokes about each other's genitalia is entirely different than misogyny." I don't think is entirely true. There is some truth to it but I think it tends to normalize that kind of talk and thinking which then, can result in misogyny. I mean if that statement is true, then Mr. Trump's little comment in the bus about grabbing a women's p**** about a decade ago, is no big deal. He was just making a naughty little joke about genitalia. Well I think it was kind of a big deal, very disrespectful and, despite all the excuses, reflected a core belief of his. At the very least, a core belief he had at the time. I think this little pedal could also reflect a bad attitude toward women and perhaps all of the hoopla could considered to be a way for the people it did offend to stimulate the band into examining THEIR core beliefs. Just the fact that they seem to think it's no big deal, tells me something about their attitude. Just like what Trump said told me something about his. Free speech does go both ways. I think people tend to forget that. And by the way...... Steel Dragon forever!!!!
  23. Yes it is. I like watching B movies too. What's wrong with us?
  24. I definitely agree people do seem to be looking for stuff to get upset about. But there also seems to be a lot of people who are doing/saying things that they know will upset people. Just to rattle a someone's cage. Not to solve anything. Stir the pot just because they can. And then feign indignance when anyone makes a comment about it. I can't help but feel that that's part of what's going on here. Yes, there was humor, but I'm pretty sure cage rattlin' was another part of it. Isn't that a part of Rock n Roll? I keep being told it is. I'm sure there won't be any marches or protests because of it yet, it is no surprise that someone would say something about it. And I guess I can't help but think that even though I may think people are getting upset over nothing, they do have a right to do so. And I shouldn't really judge whether they are being trivial or not. They may be upset for some personal reason I don't know about. It's not up to me to determine what is legitimate for people get upset about. And you can't tell me they didn't know this would stir somebodies pot. C'mon. For example, there are certainly many horrible acts that have happened because of racism, yet the N word will upset many people. We know it will. If some white guy named another pedal that incorporated that word in it and they honestly, did it just because they thought it was funny, do you think people will won't get upset? Do you think they shouldn't. I mean aren't there much bigger things to be upset and talk about? Yet using the logic that it's not as important or impactful as the other stuff, no one should get upset about it. After all isn't it just a word? They was just funnin'. Even if it is just a word and the only motivation was legitimately humor. It will upset people. It would be ridiculous to think it wouldn't. To use your Spinal Tap analogy, the N word has been used for humor in Blazing Saddles to great effect. But if a guitar FX pedal were to incorporate the N word in it's name, someone will get upset. No matter how funny someone else though it was. Even if they issued the same type of statement the band did, along with the naming. It will upset people. To think it wouldn't or maybe even shouldn't, is just unrealistic. Just some more thoughts. I sure seem to be full of a lot of them about this. Perhaps I'm actually just full of something else as well? Hah hah. This thread sure is off the topic of this forum but it is nice to see that this still seems to be an honest discussion about this and not a complete flame war. Oh and did I mention, I own a Helix? Peace. (By the way, I just watched Rockstar last night. So bad it's good. Of course I pretty much just fast forwarded through most of it stopping on the Panther song parts. Am I weird for actually liking the two main Steel Panther songs in there. I'm pretty sure I do because of Zakk's playing. At least it sounds like his playing.)
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