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Everything posted by cruisinon2

  1. Really? I see it daily. To a large extent, this is what our society has become. Completely polarized on nearly any topic. Even things that begin as discussions invariably deteriorate into name calling, and one or both sides claiming they've been "offended". And all because the generation of runaway narcissists we've spawned will never be convinced that they are anything but 110% "right" all the time. Even if the issue at hand is entirely subjective and a matter of opinion. And NOWHERE is this more obvious than on an internet forum. Read any one you want...doesn't matter if the topic of discussion is plumbing supplies or tennis shoes. People always behave the same. All the above is encouraged by the media and the gov't. The media likes it, because controversy = ratings = advertising $$. The politicians revel in it because it gives them something to scream from their bully pulpits, and a guaranteed audience lining up to bark like a seal in agreement. Here endeth the rant.. :P
  2. Have you seen Ibanez's new 9-string that they unveiled at NAMM? Thing looks like a Chapman Stick with a pituitary problem. Neck is basically a 1x4. If you've got a left hand the size of a catcher's mitt and 2 extra fingers, you might be able to play it.
  3. 8's? Can you even see those with the naked eye? ;) These guitars can get cranky if the wind changes direction...doesn't surprise me that the piezos are behaving differently with a different gauge string. The mag pickup volume is more puzzling though, unless the string height is half of what it was, I wouldn't have thought it would change that much.
  4. I doubt Line 6 would allow this. I'd think that some sort of licensing would be at issue. Nothing quite like having a stranglehold on the market and a captive audience. Companies love having proprietary everything.
  5. Well let's get REALLY off topic then. Who likes green bean caseroles?
  6. About your problem...the fact that its happening only with alternate tunings sounds like a software issue, rather than hardware. I had a similar a problem with the acoustic models when using 1/2 step down G string was out of control loud, but only in an altered tuning. Knocked level down in workbench, and all is good. Also had issue with the acoutic model, position 3...if the tone knob was anywhere but on '10', I got a horrible distorted echo about 300ms after any note I played. Happened after I flashed 2.0 firmware the first time, but again only happened in alt. tuning. Reflashing firmware fixed it. Only thing I can figure is that the alt tuning algorithms are doing a lot in a short amount of time...and sometimes it sh*ts the bed. Try reflashing the guitar and see what happens...might also want to lower the string volume, see if that helps.
  7. wow...nice job. you just made a bunch of friends!! well there ya go folks...anyone having insurrmountable issues with piezo wackiness, might be worth the $72 to try a different set of pickup elements...who knows?
  8. J Thats ridiculous...nothing should ever sit for a month waiting for service. And for a 0.73 second blast of contact cleaner?!?!?! Was that even the problem, I hope? I wonder how long it would have sat there if it needed something really challenging, like a new set of strings.
  9. Hmmm...I have one patch on the 500x from which I cannot engage the tuner. Annoying as *&$%, as it's a rhythm tone I use a lot. Hold down the "tap" button, and the tuner screen appears, but registers nothing. Switch to another patch, and it works fine...wondering if there's something about the input settings that's gumming up the works. Gotta try that later.
  10. Nah...they're too busy reminding everyone within earshot that they can sight read through Rachmaninov`s 3rd Piano Concerto, while secretly wishing that they had 20 fingers. :P
  11. Well...there are those who would describe all metal tones as "noisy and unclear"... ;) (just kidding...I grew up on it myself). Seriously though, it would be easier to diagnose the problem if you record a clip and post it. Then perhaps someone will chime in with a fix. Also, you mentioned that this is your first electric guitar, so I'm assuming that you are a beginner player (apologies if this is not the case). In which case, it may be an issue of learning proper technique. I've been teaching guitar for many years, and learning to control the sound of the really high gain amp settings typically used in hard rock/metal can be challenging while you are also trying to learn the basic mechanics of the instrument. Thick distortion settings will produce all sorts of unpleasant sounding "accidental" string noises if you don't play cleanly. In other words, while playing any given string(s), you must learn to mute the remaining ones that you do not want ringing out at that time.
  12. Wow...blast from the past! I forgot about that thing and it's hideous pink/purple faceplate, lol. I guess it's official...I'm now old enough to have forgotten entirely pieces of gear that I lugged around for months/years... :huh:
  13. Generally speaking, if ya want more volume, you need more watts. Even if your amp had speaker outs, connecting it to a bigger cabinet isn't gonna make you any louder, because you're still using the same power amp section that drives your combo. 75 watts is 75 watts. In fact, if you don't match the impedance rating of the cab to the output of the amp, you can actually end up losing power.
  14. If the tuner isn't registering, the unit may not be receiving any signal at all. Could be either dead cable or dead 1/4" jack on the guitar (usually just a loose solder connection). Try another cable first, if it still doesn't work, then try another guitar. Sometimes it's the simple things...
  15. I've often wondered that myself...heave anything across the room like an enraged baboon, and you'll destroy it.
  16. Which 9V is gonna die today, lol? No thanks...I'm not going back either.
  17. This may be your problem...don't get stuck on the "correct" output setting based on your set-up. Might not work for you, certainly didn't for me. I've been running everything the "wrong" way from day one, with "studio/direct" selected (cab sims and all), no matter how I'm listening...through an amp, headphones, direct into mixer, whatever...cause that's what sounds good to me. Done that with other modelers I've had too. It's about what sounds good to you, not what it says in the manual. Worth a try before you ditch it and shell out more $$$ right and wrong way to do it.
  18. Yeah, I agree. We've all been bitten by the instant gratification bug. "Better" is subjective anyway. Better than what? Practice makes you better. I think some players expect these amps to turn them into something they're not. In 25 years, I've never been able to get a really convincing EVH know why? 'Cause I'm not Eddie and I'm not playing a Frankenstein strat with pickups wired out of phase, and wired to a dimmer switch that he stole from a ceiling fan (not sure what he was trying to accomplish, but he swore he did it...laughed hard when I read that in some guitar rag years ago). I suspect that for most players (myself included), unless you happen to be a REALLY well rounded session player, covering a multitude of styles, most guys are gonna gravitate towards only a handful of tones anyway. I love the 500X for the sounds I can get, and for the convenience factor, but honestly it's overkill. Many of the amps, I'm never gonna use. I have 4 or 5 that I really like, and that works for me. But I'm never gonna sound like Wes Montgomery no matter what amp I've got...I'm not a jazz guy.
  19. Yeah...I don't expect gear from 10 years ago to mate flawlessly with the stuff that's current, there's got to be at least one generation of backwards compatibility. Big fail.
  20. Nice...glad it worked. Had to do the same for some of my models. Gets even stranger if I'm using alt tunings for some reason, especially with the acoustics down 1/2 G string was SCREAMING loud compared to others. Had to knock that string down a lot to even things out. Yet, same model, same 500X patch in std tuning, no boomy G string. Who knows...these guitars get funky the more DSP you're using, but so far I've found a fix for the issues I've encountered...thumbs up for Workbench!
  21. There's a reason for that...the average listener also thinks that Britney Spears is actually singing whilst engaged in a choreographed gymnastics routine. I've met people who couldn't distinguish between steel string acoustic, nylon string, or clean electric. Some probably can't tell guitar from bass.
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