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Everything posted by AlexKenivel

  1. Misuse? Is there a rule about how to use this stuff? If that is indeed the way things are, then this implies the lack of creativity and ingenuity that is advance in technology. Who told the Beatles distortion was horrible for guitars? Who told Jimi that he couldn't dive bomb or hump his guitar or perform cunnalingus on his strings? C'mon Gearhead!
  2. Oh I'm sure I can tame those BB frequencies If I can tame the 5150. I'll get around to it whenever I feel like using it again. I'm not even at home anymore. I've been using the graphic EQ on the 5150. I usually use PEQ but I wasnt having a lot of success at the time when working on it
  3. LOL.. Pianoguyy, I'm just gonna start calling you Gearhead. Too funny
  4. In my opinion, you should monitor through the medium the patches were meant for, although I think the OPs suggestion of using headphones for frequency hunting is a good idea. I plan on playing live in direct mode so I create my patches through a PA with two 2-way 12" speakers at rehearsal volumes
  5. As the title suggests, let them guts spill! Sharing is caring?
  6. Ok, so far ive substituted my red comp for your tube comp in my 5150, SoloFire (solo/fball), and Big Bottom patches and it seems to open the sound up a bit more, which works great for my 5150 and SoloFire, but opened up a few frequencies in the Big Bottom I didn't like, while making it sound more alive. So far Giorgos02, I think you may have converted me. But now the colors don't look so nice in edit
  7. I set it with the sustain at 55% and the level at 70%. I've been A/Bing my Panama patch with the tube compressor set to your settings, and the red compressor with my settings and they sound very close. I think the tube compressor in the context of my patch does have a little more bite to it, I'll keep playing around with both.
  8. No, not really! I just seem to get better results from it with my 8 string. And for the record, I don't see this comment as being judgemental, it was actually the kind of reaction I was going for.. I'm a joker at heart, forgive me. And while I'm at it, I play an Agile Intrepid Pro 830 with passive Cepheus pickups, maple neck-thru with mahogany wings and 30" scale. Maybe my choice of guitar has to do with why I like the red comp over the tube comp, Idk. I just remember messing with both and the tube comp choked the purr I get from my low notes and the red comp does the opposite.
  9. Red next to green is nice on the eyes. I'm all about color contrast
  10. I just made a Panama patch that rumbles half the house (I make my tones for loud live use). Trumps any other patches I've made.
  11. I love me the Wilshire more than I like most LPs I've played. Gibson's got nothing on that! I have a cat named Epiphone, her brother Gibson left us a few years ago. Thanks man, I've been known to fook things up sometimes.
  12. Pssssh, Everyone knows Epis are just fake Gibbies! /sarcasm
  13. Even while USB connected you should be fine, as long as you're NOT synced to EDIT
  14. Well it's not really a funny story.. I just didn't realize I was using the pre model for my main patch. I felt like tweaking one day and I went to mess with the DEPs when I realized it didn't have any. Took a while before I figured it out, and even then I didn't put it together for a while, that I had been using the pre. I tried the full and it just wasn't the same, no matter what I did. The pre models cost less DSP and it sounded good, so I just rolled with it.
  15. I bought the bundle yesterday, and received the same email. I believe that the activation codes are for pod Farm users. I have line 6 software on both my desktop, which I rarely use, and my laptop that I use whenever I edit patches or record. I couldn't get the license manager to work on my laptop, so I ran it on my desktop with my unit connected to activate the packs. I went back to my laptop and edit worked just fine for me.
  16. I know exactly what you mean when a cable moves the knobs around. Luckily, since you are playing live and are not connected via USB to the edit program, the changes to the preset won't save. So the above method should work. only when you are connected to the editor via USB will those changes be saved temporarily until you disconnect the unit and probably change banks
  17. up until last night / this morning, my main high-gain rhythm patch was a dual amp patch. I used to (after my typical gate>red comp>screamer>gate) run the F Ball/tread cab/57on and the Solo100 OD pre(funny story)/hiway/57off as a dual amp patch with a para EQ and a 4 band after. in the mixer, I would center-pan the amps, turn the solo down and gradually raise it juuuuust until I got the desired tonal characteristic. Then I got the new amps. Now it's simply comp>screamer>gate>panama/tread/57on>graphic EQ With much bigger, badass-er results.
  18. Buys patches. Posts settings. Can of worms.
  19. I just this morning made the jump from using 2 noise gates to a single hard gate in my high gain rhythm patch. like everything, it takes a little time to set it how you like (I'm still messing with it). Meambobbos guide posted above goes into some pretty good detail.
  20. Well that sure made me jump on it!
  21. I'm onwy 28 and a hawf yeaws owd. And yes, I am posting this from my phone. in fact, just about all of my posts are speech to text..
  22. I'd much rather turn a knob than than bend over and flip through menus and figure out which frequencies I need to fiddle with. Plus if I'm getting a speaker, I would use it for more than just my pod and guitar, as I've said previously.
  23. you're probably just better off with two delays, setting one to tap, and One to your desired time setting
  24. Yes. I did this the other day for the first time and is sounds great. Even in direct mode
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