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Everything posted by AlexKenivel

  1. I don't use the expression pedal very often on my HD500x, but who knows, I might miss it if it wasn't there! I'm just excited to see the differences between the two before I'd think about making a decision on whether I'd want to upgrade from my Pod and what to upgrade to..
  2. $1399. Let the stone throwing begin!
  3. I run 5-8 for preset changes as well. I have set lists for jamming and set lists for live performances. The jamming patches usually use FS 1-4 as if they were their own stomp boxes (like one for drive, one for delay, etc). My typical live set lists have 2 to 4 presets per song with the top row of switches acting as "sound changes", switching multiple effects on or off
  4. The "grumpy old man" runs deep in this forum. I do two hand touch style on an 8 string. For me, a teeny bit of drive and a little compression is okay, but some of the comps are lacking in the HD. I know it's kinda cliche but with this technique, the tone really is in the fingers. Building finger strength is key and learning to be consistent in tapping velocity between fingers will get you farther than any effect or patch will.
  5. It s true that your own cab will "color" the direct sound (I do it this way). If you want to go direct to PA as well, it's going to sound different. You could get a device that can load an IR of whatever speaker you use an place it between the pod and the pa for a more "colored" sound like you want
  6. When the mix is at 50%, the echos are as loud as the sampled note. Any higher and the echos will be louder than the sampled note. Start with the mix very low and slowly bring it up to the volume you want
  7. It'll hang for me. Until it breaks. And they do..
  8. Don't mess with it if the pod works. You could damage it further by messing with the four pins. I speak from experience
  9. I just use it to cut fizz #doingitwrong
  10. I took advantage of that recent 30% off deal when it happened. Don't forget the pickles.
  11. I don't like leaving my expression pedal in the toe up position ever since I had a problem with another pedal slowly falling back down
  12. No problem, and don't worry we aren't getting paid :D
  13. Once you put the PG effect in, go to the CONTROLLERS tab and select the PG. Set whatever foot controller you want and select the PITCH parameter. Set MIN all the way left and MAX straight up the middle.
  14. You could move them around before you put any FX to the blocks to get them into the correct order and not move them afterwards.. When I got my 3rd 500x, I erased all the preset set lists and made every preset on the device my own "New Tone" where I moved the blocks around like so
  15. Hard gate used to confuse me so I used the normal noise gate for the longest before I figured out the hard gate. I put my hard gate after comp and od, before the amp
  16. I run dual amps frequently. In the mixer, I pan both path A and B to Center, mixing both amp sounds together on both sides. This gives me either L or R XLR to run to whatever I want. I could just use one side if I wanted to and still hear both blended amps. Downside to this, is that your stereo effects are mono-ized, which I don't care about (guess that doesn't really help you now does it?) I think if you want dual amps and stereo effects, you're going to have to keep the amp sounds separate or maybe just not blended altogether. I don't use stereo effects so maybe someone else can chime in about that. For those folks who have had the question about running direct to PA as well as a guitar speaker, you would have to have a dual amp patch (in studio/direct) panned hard left and right and disable path B's cab emulation (and thus the mic emulation), sending the Left signal (path a) to the mixer and the Right (B ) to Guitar Speaker (and if you want to get extra dirty, depending on if you're running through a separate power amp and cab you could choose an amp's PRE equivalent). I personally like the sound of studio direct coming though a speaker cab so I don't bother with all that!
  17. I'm a fan of the SVT bright amp and the 8x10 cab. I'm not a normal bass player and I don't look for a particular kind of bass tone but I start with this. When using my 8 string guitar for clean two hand tapping stuff I blend in a clean Fender amp and high-pass it as well
  18. I set to studio/direct, into a power amp (or FX return of an amp head) and out through a guitar cab, or just into PA speakers. Both work and sound great to me.
  19. Finally got the device in the mail and it works great. Thank you for your help.
  20. So it sounds like this has been going on for a little while now, I, obviously unaware think it's a good idea for some folks. Sure, let's say the helix comes out and you can reproduce the sound you hear on your device. But at what cost to DSP? Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing this and I totally think it's an awesome idea, but even say for instance, Joe and his extensive knowledge on how to dial in a tone on an HD could recreate an HX tone, but Pete with the HX might just one-up him until Joes out of DSP. Then Pete can throw an impulse in and now Joes eating dust. Joe adds some eq to make it sound more alive and hits the DSP ceiling and has to sacrifice elsewhere. Meanwhile Pete adds effects to make this simple rhythm patch a sweet lead tone with his feet and Joes all hunched over failing. Sure Joe can save $1500 and keep with the HD but when the wrong drunk at a gig kicks his wall wart and extension cable and rips the power port out, or when he's in his home studio and his bass player steps on his USB cable and his pod shorts out, and the service center would take weeks just to get the device on their table, when he's got a gig in two weeks, Do you think he's going to go out and buy a new HD? I hope someone can see my point here, and doesn't just take this as "being on the HX team" thing. I love my 500x and I've never had a better tone with the little effort I've had to put into it, but things get outdated. Welcome to the digital age :D. No hate, AlexKenivel
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