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Everything posted by AlexKenivel

  1. I finally got ahold of some good monitoring headphones to try out with my unit but only the left side is playing. Am eye missing something here?
  2. Is this a question? Is this a solution to a dilemma? I'm not sure what the point of this thread is but eye can tell you.. if you want to create tones for live playing, you should tailor those patches on a similar setup (PA speakers or what have you) amplified at said live setting volume. As far as monitoring, whatever floats your boat really.
  3. I'm not sure what kind of tone you're actually going for, but this video seems like a good start
  4. I loved my old Bandit, but I need the volume because I'm not playing jazz or oldies covers in small pubs.
  5. I think id need more than 300w SS. In bridged mode my dcm1000 put out about 800w which was a good volume vs. another guitarist and bass/drums. I have my eye on a crown XLS1500
  6. I run studio/direct into a poweramp, but lately the fx loop of my Carvin MTS3200 (tubes) and out of my Carvin 4x12 with Gt12-75s with awesome results. I used a Carvin dcm1000 (ss) power amp as well but it's old and is malfunctioning and had to switch back to the MTS3200. I think eye like solid state better. More clean headroom and way lighter without sounding drastically different than my tube amp
  7. I think the title has everything to do with finding footage of an HD in use in a live situation.
  8. I know at least one person here is going to disagree with me. I use the global EQ to filter out the higher frequencies that a typical guitar speaker doesn't produce. Then XLR to my interface. Works like a charm. And since you're recording, why not try some external IRs?
  9. Possible. Just as long as the looper is placed before the amp
  10. As far as I've seen, the mix at 50% gives you a 50/50 mix of dry/wet. Any higher and the repeated note(s) will be louder
  11. Hey, why not? I run a cab Sim through a real cab and it sounds awesome
  12. I've had to replace my 500x after just a couple of months of owning it. I pulled the USB cable out one day and part of the port came with it.
  13. You could either use the powered mixer, or the crown, but both would be redundant. Even if you can bypass the poweramp of the mixer somehow, I don't really see the point of doing so. I run a single XLR cable from my pod to a bridged channel on my poweramp, and directly into speakers. Simple.
  14. .. Which really grinds my gears. I won't even look at the Helix until some updates come out with at LEAST the effects from the FM4
  15. Can't save loops. Sorry.
  16. Who doesn't give their wife the code to the gun safe these days? What with all them zombie apocalypse talk these days, sheeat she better come out guns a blazing
  17. Save your projects more often. Microsoft for ya...
  18. Some folks turn the cab modelling off with a real cab. I keep it on and keep it set on tread/57on Through my 4x12 with celestion gt12-75s and it sounds incredible. I bought a used Carvin dcm1000 (class a/b solid state) and i bridge both channels and get about 750w or so. Plenty enough to keep up with another guitar cab and drummer. You could always just run it through the RETURN jack on the back of a regular guitar amp to bypass the preamp.
  19. There's some twilight zone sh!t going on up in here
  20. I've had trouble accomplishing this with XLR cables. 1/4" cables did the trick, though. So yes, path a could be your "normal" sound and path b could have a pitch effect before whatever you're using for the bass amp. Pan hard left and right. What are you outputting to?
  21. I run Guitar>Pod HD500x>Poweramp (or effects return)>Guitar Speaker Cabinet. I use full models and I even keep the cab and mic Sims on (Tread with 57 on axis) because it sounds super good thru my setup. Ymmv
  22. When my FRFR experience was going south for my high gain tones, I switched to an actual cab through a poweramp, in studio/direct with the cabs on, set to the Tread cab, and my tone came to life! Ymmv, but my point is to experiment with anything and everything, even if it seems off the wall
  23. You can assign multiple pedals to one footswitch. I do this in a preset where I just want one press to go from a gated rhythm sound to a slightly boosted, ungated lead sound with reverb and a touch of delay... Or a sparkly clean sound to a pitch-bent synth sound.
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