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Everything posted by AlexKenivel

  1. You might want more wattage for loud playing. I'm running about 1000w class D for high gain so you'd want something in between. There's a lot of talk about the humble little Alto active speakers, on this forum and others..
  2. I've played plenty of (besides vocal PA) unmiced, unmonitored gigs with no real sound guy. If you decide to play it, just have everyone paying close attention to the drummer to stay together. It sucks and you won't even be able to hear yourself or the guy across the stage. You could also have a buddy in the crowd to be your "sound manager" who listens and figures out who needs to turn up or down so at least your audience gets a good sound
  3. You could have two instances of the effect, one faster and one slower, and switch between the two
  4. There's a lot of helpful people here..
  5. Yeah I definitely agree with that last bit. I've got a nice long cable that I affix to the ground with duct tape for walking around and have noticed the same thing. I have a korg Pandora px4d that has a feedback simulator and it's pretty fun.
  6. Turn it up until you get the actual feedback you want. Works for me!
  7. I don't use usb recording. I try not to plug a USB cable to my 500x unless I have to. The port is fragile and I've managed to ruin a unit because of this. Also the global EQ doesn't work through usb, and I use it for my guitar presets
  8. I agree. How long have you had it? These are mics for the bass cabs. You've obviously selected a bass cab. Sounds like you have a messed up unit if it cuts out like that. But there really didn't seem like there was anything wrong in the clip other than some much needed tone shaping. Maybe try a different amp (I dislike the Treadplate). If you want to keep messing with it, try using the Parametric EQ to filter out the Annoying frequency, although I'd opt for another unit
  9. How'd you gather that? OP mentioned nothing about that. As far as tech goes, the are no HPs that compensate for the fletcher Munson curve
  10. I fooled around with the J45 Brt and matched it up with the Tread with the 57on to my liking (my cab/mic of choice usually) with a Tube driver out front as well. I really like how it sounds. The Roland and it's cab sounds awesome too. Id use it for a darker clean jazzy tone or perhaps a good clean base for some trippy fx. The amp controls are pretty useful as well (ive found this isn't the case with a lot of models). I'm also really liking the GK bass amp ran alongside a slightly overdriven Plexi 100 for two-handed tapping on my baritone 8 string
  11. No, it's quieter through XLR but it's not like it's "too quiet" or anything. I use XLR to an interface and I get no volume problems
  12. Yeah the tracking isn't perfect, not truly polyphonic, but seems to handle things fairly well for me as long as I'm not doing any intricate chords
  13. Use the pitch glide at the beginning of the chain, set the mix all the way up and pitch where you want it
  14. AlexKenivel


    I'm a late adopter and I'm pretty satisfied. It's a great tool and it has already paid for itself. Sure there are a lot of workarounds that have to be done to get a certain sound or two, and some other bizarre shortcomings but it beats having to lug the entire garage of equipment around!
  15. Very much so, as well as what sound you're going for. For anything high gain I use dual amps: PV Panama/Tread cab/57on and Big Bottom/Uber cab/409, sometimes boosted with a tube comp, and always boosted and bass cut with the screamer (gate after). Because of the two pre gain stages, I keep both amp gains under 45% most of the time. I also use a PEQ to cut an annoying high-mid frequency. This is what I'd use for a basic starting rhythm tone, adding effects at this point when and where necessary. Sometimes I hit the DSP ceiling and need to cut the BBottom amp. For low to mid gain tones I like a lot off different amps. The orange, all the marshals for different reasons, the Super O for gritty fuzz tones and the regular old Blackface for cleans
  16. What I would do (and actually do) is run one of the 1/4 outs into the fx return of the amp head. YMMV, but I run full models in studio/direct this way and it sounds fantastic through my Carvin 4x12 with Gt12-75s. Just know that if you're trying this, start with the Pods master volume at 0. This Knob will control your overall output volume from your amp head.
  17. Is most of the noise coming from the horns? A lot of PA speakers hiss from the horns. It can be a little off-putting, especially if you're used to actual guitar speakers.
  18. Les Paulish, Gretchy.. I love it
  19. Just plug the headphones into the headphones jack. Mind the ohms law.
  20. are you using the pod for just the fx while getting amp sounds from the Kemper? If so, then why not just have one patch with amps off, with all the fx you want, and do all the channel switching via the Kemper? of course I've never used my pod as a midi controller, so it's just a theory
  21. I first got into modeling as a young teen, when I got a Digitech RP300 (turn of the century). I recorded with it, jammed with it and even played a few gigs with it. This was all before I was an adult. Strangley enough, it wasn't until earlier this year that I've come back to modeling, with a 500x, only because after almost ten years of the same amp and an ever growing pedal board to tap dance on, I decided to lighten my load and diversify my sound with the abundant pallette this device has to offer.
  22. Well I've only used the Pods headphone jack a handful of times and messing with the mixer doesn't help. I never run stereo and eye center both paths. I've tried plugging the headphones into each of the 1/4" Jacks as well, and eye either get left or right (which is correct). I really hope I'm either overlooking something or someone can figure it out..
  23. Wow.. My 500x isn't even that old! I've even rtfm this morning and no info about this..
  24. The cans are Audio-Technica ATH M30xs and both sides work fine with other devices. I checked on some other speakers i have and some earbuds that I have, and plugged them into an adapter with the two rings on it (the M30xs came with one as well) to no avail. Happens with all patches, preset and user made
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