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Everything posted by radatats

  1. Digital_Igloo, on 21 Jan 2015 - 8:07 PM, said: While I am all in for the new amps bundle I definitely hope they reconsider this later this year. I know I am not alone in wanting newer, up to date overdrive models along with a polyphonic whammy or synth. I would shell out for an HD overdrive/distortion pack.
  2. I believe the global EQ is a 3 band parametric EQ with high and low pass and is separate from your patch EQ modules. It is basically applied to the output after your complete signal processing so you can make changes to suit the particular venue or environment you are playing at without changing each patch.
  3. not disputing the topic but considering that the UK is about the size of NY/NJ together but much more densely populated, I don't see how its so tough to find a dealer... then again in the US I don't think twice about a 100 mile trip... use the dealer locator...
  4. The Firehawk architecture seems pretty similar to the HD300/400 so maybe there will be something down the road... it does seem like they have been able to meld the X3 and the HD firmware to some degree...
  5. I will be interested to see just how the old non HD amp models actually sound next to the true HD amp models... either way I will get the full bundle...
  6. from what they have already said in other threads, the older POD amp models are not reworked to be HD, the other new amp models are full HD. They are releasing the model packs for the 500X series first and the 500 will be able to get them soon after. Must be something a little different in the coding... Read through all the other threads regarding NAMM and you will see everything you need to know...
  7. yep, it was just announced at NAMM but it won't be available to install until March timeframe... will also have new amp model for purchase... POD HD 2.6 Global EQ—Three fully parametric bands plus low and high cut filters, available from an additional Setup menu page; we had to do quite a bit of clever optimization to fit Global EQ, and you might see a tiny bit of extra DSP for other blocks (a few percent perhaps) Metal Pack ($49)—Peavey 5150 (block logo), Bogner Shiva, Remastered JCM800 (model 2204), plus favorite POD Farm models Insane, Big Bottom, Varaic'ed Plexi, Purge, Aggro, Smash, and Octone Vintage Pack ($49)—Orange OR-80, Roland JC-120, Fender Champ (Tweed), VOX AC30 Fawn Normal, VOX AC30 Fawn Bright, JC-120 cab, Fender Champ cab, plus POD Farm Acoustic Bass Pack ($29)—Ampeg SVT Normal, Ampeg SVT Bright, Gallien-Kruger 800RB, SVT 8x10 cab, SVT 410 HLF cab Fully Loaded ($99)—All three packs We're hoping to have 2.6 available by the end of March for HD500X and HD Pro X, with support for HD500, HD Pro, and HD (Bean) shortly thereafter.
  8. Firehawk FX at Sweetwater...
  9. Check the settings for the disabled amp. When you turn the amp off you still have Bypass volume instead of Channel Volume (same knob). Make sure that the Bypass volume is turned up to where you need it.
  10. fair enough... at least its good to see there are actually other options and I am glad the technology is taking root... I built a Heathkit radio way back when... nice little kits for the DIY hobbyist...
  11. and yet they are apparently supplying the guts to Shuriken (Twelve Foot Ninja) for their new line of custom guitars... interesting...
  12. I noticed the Firehawk has 5 FS too. I love that since I often run out of FS and don't always want to use the FS1-8 configuration. I wonder if its possible in a firmware update to allow the user to disable the looper (which I never use anyways) and get a fifth FS instead?
  13. As far as I can tell, the 2.6 firmware update adds the global EQ and makes the necessary adjustments to allow loading of the model packs. Must be some recoding either to the firmware or the older POD models to allow them to be loaded and used. I wonder if all the old amp models can then be used since the new firmware is compatible? Especially since the Firehawk seems to be a melding of both HD and Amplifi coding... I would not expect future units to ship with the model packs installed; they would still be an additional purchase. This is the same procedure as with previous products and it seems to be a win win for both the customer and Line 6. I personally am glad to see this as its something we have all been asking for ages. Hopefully it works so well they are inspired to keep offering new model packs for effects and amps... I know I can't wait to get the bundle...
  14. hahahahahahahaha... we've been bitchin for ages about no GLOBAL EQ and as soon as they announce it someone just has to complain its not good enough. WTF people? :huh:
  15. Another good reason to look forward to spring!
  16. Thanks Nico! Thanks Line 6! New amp models is just what the doctor ordered... 5150, new JCM800! nice... Glad I got my JTV, I am not so impressed with the new variax. I will wait and see though...
  17. nobody downloaded or saved the PDF? man, turn my back for a minute and miss all the action... lol...
  18. The Zoom MS-70 CDR is the ticket for me. Has a great 7 band stereo EQ, a stereo noise gate, a separate true bypass module with level control and a ton of great chorus, delays and reverbs. I put it in the FX Loop after the mixer and it works great. You can run up to 6 FX at the same time so the gate and EQ can be on every patch as a global effect.
  19. I love this forum... I learn a little and laugh a little every day...
  20. no your logic is fine but no need. If the signal is too hot into the POD use the PAD switch, I think you will be good to go. In any case you won't hurt it; see what sounds best to you.
  21. forget the POD FX loop for what you are doing. Just go into the Guitar In and use the 1/4 out and you will have no issues. The switch you are asking about controls POD FX Send levels anyways.
  22. Good luck in your searches. If you find that better gear in a similar price range be sure to keep us posted... ;)
  23. I love that idea too... I have a few other things in the budget right now but the H9 Max is still on the wishlist... ;)
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