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Everything posted by TheRealZap

  1. in another thread they stated that the variax standard would only support 2.0 firmware or better... (the equivalent at least... might be called variax standard fs 1.0 for all i know.) but there will be no version available to that variax with the earlier models.
  2. maybe you guys should buy visa gift cards in USD and protect your money ;)
  3. hum is a very important part of recreating a vintage amps sound and feel.... turning the hum all the way off sounds digital and empty to my ears... the hum warms it up and sounds more natural. the knob in the middle (default) is as modeled... meaning the real amps hum as well... all of the deep edit parameters exist more as an amp tech adjustment rather than a typical tone per tone setting.
  4. yes... 100$ for all 3 packs separately: 50 for metal pack 50 for vintage pack 30 for bass pack
  5. i fall into the same trap! :) i know i'll at least want to check out whatever comes out for myself....
  6. coming soon. at last word, all pod HD's except 300/400
  7. not a fan of the visuals on this new model myself. kind of a throwback to those vintage peavey guitars..with a bit of the modern low end yamaha thrown in. but options are always good! and maybe there's more to come? (i have no idea) i'm pretty certain that the model packs will have a 30 day return policy like the current offerings though. go here and add ideas for effects packs: the current offerings are from the M series, and i believe the HD pods have all the models the M series offers. perhaps there is some X-series models you miss? (tape eater?) or even new models.... in any case throw together a list and get some votes... that will get their attention.
  8. even if that's the case.... you're talking about 100$ for model packs vs at least 500$ if they announce an HD replacement... Which they've already stated they aren't making the HD end of life... and the firmware release itself shows they still have an interest in adding value/continuing with the HD pods also. and then there's always the fact that just because something new comes out.... doesn't make what you have now any less than what it is....
  9. don't discount the potential DSP benefit of running the older models.... you might be able to inject the "flavor" of these older models into a dual path scenario that would be otherwise impossible if both models were HD. that and those older models have never been on a platform with M-series effects... just saying... there's alot of wait and see here.... and i'm sure that they'll have the 30 day return policy like they have with other model packs.
  10. if it says pedal you need a line6 "floorboard" or FB4 (NOT FBV4) sorry... your pod won't work with any FBV models...
  11. it would be an amazing deal at 5$ a model.... which probably just goes to show what an amazing deal it is for the whole bundle. they don't owe you anything... and you got a great device at a great price to begin with... apparently the model packs aren't for you.. but rest assured they are not intended to make you mad either.... many will be quite happy with them.
  12. what Phil said... that and the 199$ price was a closeout... that pod HD was 399$ originally..... having said that... i find the prices reasonable... but if it's not worth it to you... then by all means, the pod HD is pretty solid as is.... AND you're still getting the firmware update for free minus the model packs.... we're all winners here.
  13. there is a preamp model already in there.... it's called "Vintage Pre" and it's in the EQ category.
  14. pretty sure that there is zero chance of this happening on the pod HD's.... perhaps the firehawk fits your needs.
  15. whatever you do though... for the love of god dont turn up the distortion.... i can think of no control on any amp that's less musical...
  16. if you buy one of the model packs... you can use it on up to 4 devices and computers at one time... so you would have no problem using it for your UX1 and your XT both.
  17. no you can't share anything that was included with a product... only licenses that you've purchased independently.
  18. likely have the same rules as existing model packs.. (up to 4 devices)
  19. I actually think that the XT amp models will be very welcome.... think about the lower DSP usage and how that will open up dual amp use for some signal chains.... something that might not fly if all the models were HD... and an HD+XT model might compliment each other rather well... as in the HD model responsiveness might help boost the XT model into some new turf. anyway.. i guess time will tell.. the HD500 can get the packs
  20. you may have tone2 locked.... there twist the third knob under the display... should see a padlock opening and closing right above it... when padlock is open... change tones and you should be free. this setting will persist even after resets/flashes... so it's kind of sneaky.
  21. Final versions are still freely available for download... Windows download: Mac Download: not sure where you are going wrong.
  22. uhm... JC = jazz chorus... it's intended audience.. i know that it's been hijacked by many genres... but it had to be somewhere... and one side of the aisle was gonna complain.... besides... you had to balance the packs... which amp would you have given to the vintage pack from the metal pack to replace it?
  23. dont think it's getting the model pack models... migt be an option for them as well though? not sure... most likely not right way though.
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