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Everything posted by TheRealZap

  1. Same to you! Enjoy your new setup.
  2. the paper fix here is in regards to a variax and not a pod.
  3. i believe you have to uninstall current driver via terminal and reinstall older driver: (from package?) (the versions may not be up to date... but the process will be the same) To remove driver 1- On a terminal run this command sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtaudio.package (enter) 2- Then this sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtmidi.package (enter) 3- Reboot
  4. it's just a black hole time of year mostly... everyone trying to use up the last of their vacation time... not that i know anything about the address or 3rd party company... just do alot of work for offices and they are ghost towns this time of year...
  5. I think there's hope... i've flashed the m5 many times! which would seem strange considering that there's only been one released firmware... but it took a few beta releases to get there!
  6. If you're shopping for an interface, try and look for one with a SPDIF input... you can send dry out SPDIF and record the processed audio separately... or keep the audio digital via SPDIF depending on your workflow... (i personally like having the dry tracks available also)
  7. i would try a different midi interface... preferably an m-audio uno with the m-audio drivers installed... many issues like this are related to poor quality or cheap midi/usb devices.
  8. just curious as to why you would bother doing 4CM with a solid state amp? just seems like you would be able to best the built in preamp like 50 times over with the models in the pod.... i genuinely do not mean to offend... i seriously, just don't know what your amp would have to offer that's going to rival the pod's offering. clearly... your tone is your tone... you like what you like... .and my post isn't much help in your efforts to accomplish this... just to possibly be helpful though... here's a 4CM visual
  9. run the license manager (part of monkey) log into your account, and authorize your device.
  10. Hasn't been supported for a long time. However it should still work. It's based on Java so having the right version of that is probably the answer. Apple makes that hard sometimes.
  11. pretty sure it only pairs with one at a time.. you can't have both ready to go... you just have to pair it to the one you want to use.
  12. hardware will have a limited version... unless you get a used x3 then it will have platinum (i say used because they arent made anymore...) it would have pod farm 1, though and not 2.x and require you to have a large device plugged in to use it... (wont work without device plugged in) sounds like your life would be happier and simpler just getting the software platinum license.
  13. actually you can record with the amplifi now... they posted ASIO drivers for windows and the latest firmware works natively on a mac.
  14. i meant no left handed variax models! haha didn't even check the poster for them! but yes, you're correct!
  15. oh but they're not.... when it's sitting on the desk on front of you... everything including the 5way and the direction of the guitar (for right handers... obviously there are no left handed models anyway...) are orientated as the should be. looks wrong if you thing wallmount poster... but for sitting in your studio... it's great.
  16. i think they are mostly the same.. i've never heard of any notable difference in the hardware... BUT... software wise its not just different pod farm versions... the studio model comes with ableton and reason... for example.
  17. you're correct... at this point in time. (no idea about the future....)
  18. contact support:
  19. the pod XT has been out for like 15 years now... i'm sorry to say... but windows 8.1 is completely unsupported... and there wont be any driver updates specifically to address that...
  20. the important bits of line6 software can be downloaded here: highly recommend that you do so... since the cd's tend to be out of date. the rundown line6 monkey: updates line6 software and drivers pod farm: the plugin or standalone modeling software the other non-line6 disks ableton - recording software reason - midi software line6 does not have those for download.... however i suspect you can probably download them directly from the web and use the keys that line6 gave you.
  21. There will be no further updates to the gearbox software, it is now considered legacy. Sorry.
  22. actually.... Q1: functionality no longer exists... it did with the older firmwares but was removed on the HD firmwares... reset now is re-flashing through monkey. Q2: yes you can use a network cable... but you risk damaging the ports because they lack the proper neutrik ends... will work... at your own risk... be careful. Q3: use the supplied workbench interface or any variax port equipped pod. and yes you can can use the same ethernet cable for this.
  23. actually, you can create an aggregate audio device on your mac products... (not the iOS devices) that allows you to use different devices for inputs and outputs... BUT... the most normal and correct use is to use a single device for both input and output.
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