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Line 6 Expert
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Everything posted by TheRealZap

  1. I think a bass pack would be great. it's possible of course, but after 4 years since release i'm not very hopeful. request it here:
  2. yes, if you buy another piece of equipment you can have another amp model. :D
  3. Always liked Dr Who, got hooked during the Tom Baker years, K9 is just iconic to the era, very lo-fi/sci-fi it's kind of cool the way they did so much with so little in the way of special effects back then. I'm also somewhat impressed that they didn't gloss up the special effects too much on the reboot... still retro lo-fi without being lame. no worries, glad to see you stuck around.
  4. it's my understanding that unlike the windows version that has separate 32 and 64 bit plugins... the mac plugins are a single version of the plugin that is universal... meaning one set of files that would work on 32 or 64bit perhaps the software you are trying to use identified the files as 32bit? you might have options if you right click the vst's do "get info" i've seen other programs have a 32/64 bit option (older version of logic comes to mind)
  5. you dont really have to register it.... just go here and get the drivers yourself:
  6. I don't think they plan on any new bass products... just been a while... the HD does have some bass capabilities and models... but it's a little lean. the x3 has all the models from the bass pod XT, and can do dual tones giving you more options... it's at least a little newer...
  7. its just a power save feature, when running on batteries it turns off with no cable plugged in. if you were using a pod with a VDI cable you wouldn't need to have a 1/4" jack because the VDI cable would be supplying power and not the battery.
  8. have you made sure the volume is up and that a standard 1/4" jack is plugged into the guitar as well?
  9. no gearbox does the same thing as pod farm in this instance... its a complete standalone program. i'd advise simply forgetting gearbox... you don't need it... its just a different/older software interface that was replaced by pod farm.
  10. gearbox controls gearbox, the sounds are on your pc.
  11. Both can use gearbox. But pod farm has technically replaced it and there are not likely to be any gearbox updates.
  12. the UX2 is essentially just an interface... HOWEVER, it has specific drivers and specific engineering to accommodate Line6's proprietary "tonedirect monitoring" which reduces the latency for the line6 apps... gearbox/pod farm. the older toneport and newer pod studio models have the same functionality.
  13. the only supported pedal is the line6 ex1, the mission engineering line6 pedal may work... but the bass pod xt is so old i'm not sure they officially support it.... i'd simply try it if its an option... i know that the internal potentiometer of the pedal should be 10k and other pedals have worked for other people (unsupported)
  14. i tend to leave the input z at auto. if it somehow changes your tone to be more pleasing to change it... go for it... but auto, makes the effects chain behave more authentically. so i get what i'd expect out of the effect modeled...
  15. Yikes! might consider it an opportunity and see about getting a custom refinish.. i'm sure that the wood can be repaired... you could have the worlds only known hot pink variax! :D
  16. i doubt that a used one would have any warranty... possibly if the previous owner gave you the original receipt... but i think that'd be a judgement call for someone other than myself.
  17. no problem at all... they are close enough that i probably would have traded you even if it was something i wanted... but i deal with craigslist alot and some people want a penny for penny match..... generally i'm in it for making music not money... so i can deal with close enough... if it was something i wanted.
  18. you don't need the ilok.... buy the standard pod farm 2.5 license and authorize your computer.... then you can use all the model packs... the ilok license is all or nothing and won't use the model packs... but with the new license manager the ilok is not needed... and you can still use any ASIO interface.
  19. that's proprietary info that they don't share.... but i can tell you from my experience testing them etc, it's not as easy as it seems... each channel needs modeled separately, each control, all the internal interactions, the pre-amp, the amp, and on and on.... like all companies they have limited resources and likely have those resources on other projects at the moment... the pods were released 4 years ago, and only a handful of models have been added since and that was at least a couple of years ago. just saying... if it does happen, don't count on it being soon... some people have probably waited the whole 4 years for that model... you might just work through this: he's managed to do plenty of metal tones without getting hung up on this model or that model.
  20. no way to check them before hand that i'm aware of, I also doubt the converter would make any difference. pure speculation on my part... but i think that they have refined the required DSP for the models over time and possibly some combinations that were ok on previous firmwares don't get what they need now... (or vice versa) or some variation of that, because the tone files are essentially just text files that tell what gets turned on and the settings to use. i just dont think converting the file would change those selections or their settings. it may be some part of the tone that isn't used the same as well... because it also seems that recreating a tone works fine... so maybe the older firmware (or older version of edit) inserted some bad info. as i said alot of speculation on my end... but i've seen the issue a few times and it usually gets traced back to this sort of scenario. although i imagine it could be just as possible if your own personal tones were created on an older platform and you upgraded... that's why it's best to backup before updating and to stay updated... part of the monkey update process can be made to modify your tones... BUT... if you update from say version 1.2 to 1.9 or whatever (i made the numbers up...) you might be skipping a conversion built into a 1.7 upgrade process... again my theory...
  21. this tends to happen if you load a tone from customtone that was created on an older firmware. eliminating the questionable tone can also eliminate the issue... just FYI.
  22. because those amps were modeled the old way for the old pods.... and the newer pods require a different newer modeling method, which simply was not done on all the same amps... they did not commit to modeling the same amps through all eternity simply because they modeled it in the past.
  23. options are good won't deny you that.... although i do find that too many options sometimes slows down my creative efforts... i still think you're painting alot of people with your personal brush though... i could just as easily say that the majority of metal players probably don't know what IR's are... no more or less scientific than your statement... perhaps among those that know what IR's are, your statement could be an obvious truth... but it's all just best guesses on our part.
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