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Line 6 Expert
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Everything posted by TheRealZap

  1. I think this one went largely unnoticed due to the rarity of the issue it fixed... well at least it wasnt a common complaint... :)
  2. no real reason to upgrade for your purposes.... pod farm 1.12 is a free upgrade for you... and you can have both gearbox and pod farm installed.... it's just a more modern looking version of the same thing... not really any more complicated just different. ... and the sounds are the same!
  3. they are aware of the issues refining searches and are working on them... it's been a while though, that's all i know.
  4. the pre-amps are identical, there are no benefits to what you suggest... just a more complex, more limited setup.
  5. gearbox originally had access to guitarport online built in, they've discontinued the service. you can get tones at:
  6. I would recommend opening a support ticket: some of the models with neck issues were replaced under warranty (IIRC), I've not heard of any USA models with the issue... but support will be able to advise, as they would be more likely to hear about the issue than us on the forums.
  7. According to the L6 Service guys, the amp very specifically likes the EH tubes that come stock. they've explicitly stated it a few times, but never stated what the consequences of alternate tubes would be....
  8. it does have left/right balanced analog outs as well... you might want to use both... sound strange? you can switch the spdif to send a dry signal, that you can add effects to later.... that way you'd have your original as performed track... and a fallback track in case the original track doesn't sit in the mix like you want it to... its a little extra effort and storage space... but i like recording the dry track also for this reason... of course... you don't have to... and it adds some complexity you may not want... just an option.
  9. spdif should work... it's just an RCA cable, really.. a spdif cable might have higher tested specs but your average RCA tends to do the trick.
  10. maybe i'm misunderstanding... but the HD does not use or support the use of ASIO4ALL, they have their own drivers. that and it's entirely irrelevant for mac use since it uses coreaudio and not the ASIO standard.
  11. the sounds are identical, all the sound is processed by the pod... the tool you used to edit it has no bearing on the sound that comes out of your pod. but the problem is making java work on your mac, if you want edit.. some people prefer it. you might try checking onto an apple or java forum.
  12. Fact: There isn't an app. Opinion: I can agree with you that an app for windows/mac/linux/android would be great. Truth: it will either happen or it won't... i'm fairly certain that have or will be looking into the possibility. your English is great, no worries... I'm quite certain you're not alone and no one here would be upset if lots of different apps became available!
  13. noone said they aren't working on other apps and devices being compatible... it makes perfect sense to release it working with iOS if they had it that far and continue working on other apps etc... i can't confirm that they are working on anything... in which case... it makes even more sense to release it iOS only if that's all it was ever going to be... i do however agree that the android limitations shouldn't matter as much when you are only editing.... but i'm not a developer... and it's always more complicated than us users think.
  14. might work for your windows sounds... won't work for a recording software... as that will require ASIO drivers... and that will require that you use the GX out.
  15. No, you can't assign them to change patches, but you can assign what effects they turn on/off.
  17. i'd suggest calling Line6 or finding a service center: I'm sure that they can direct you to the part number, or help you get it sorted.
  18. your life will be easier if you just use gearbox instead. it's much newer, and does pretty much the same stuff.
  19. wrong... always re-bias if changing power tubes... preamp tubes you can change freely with no bias required.
  20. i hope you guys are contacting line6... noone on the forums will be able to help you with this:
  21. There will be a knob next to the display for bypass or mute options when the tuner is selected. Toggle that. The tuner is likely set to mute which can be preferred for tuning on stage.
  22. Easiest way is just to engage the tuner. But much depends on your objective. So the easy answer may not apply.
  23. true... even with a powered hub you'd need the computer on.
  24. you can always try an authorized service center.... they will have access to a much larger database of issues and their corrections... may be something really simple... or maybe not... but it's likely worth knowing!
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