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Everything posted by Lachdanan0121

  1. I am FRFR all the way. Though let me state I am not a touring musician. For the foreseeable future I have opted out of that for personal reasons. I am however not just a guitarist, I am also an amateur composer, and producer. My plans are professional, just as a studio musician. I have my own studio now, and I use Event BAS 20/20 Studio Monitors, these are what have my Helix Rack hooked up to. They are indeed FRFR. I do this because this best suits my needs. (for the price) That said, I am not against a sub-forum of what you describe for anything other than FRFR. What about a permanent sticky thread, or something near the top, that shouldn't disrupt much?
  2. You again make a valid point. Though, I wasn't derailing, or invalidating, just showing the criticisms in a larger context. It was a contrast merely to context. To deny myself a post at that would infringe upon the "everyone is entitled to their opinion." Right? Now seruiously Cruisinon2. I know you have a reanimaton machine. Its only a matter of time before you have Ted over for Xmas dinner. Lol
  3. Sorry for the double post, but im on mobile atm. I couldn't agree more with you, its so true. We are reaching a point where it is evidently clear we need a re-evaluation of our values. They are not even sustainable for the near future, much less anything further out. At Dunedindragon. No worries, I dont mind the jabs at a younger generation as long as history is realized. :-) Sorry for my contribution to derailing OP.
  4. while I agree. Thats not what I am saying. I am saying at least be consistent. The new generation can be blamed and criticized for a decent amount of things... However it pales in comparison to previous generations. Attack the new generation if you want, just know that the generations that came before were much worse in a lot of ways. Nice discussion, but we seem to be near the end of it. Not much left to say.
  5. At Cruisinon2. Touche` I really was just voicing the lack of consistant conviction. Where one blatantly dismisses the transgressions of the generation they are a part of, or identify with, yet is free to bash another. Its just tribalism, fueled by things like tradition, and often ignorance. Its just as much human nurture, as human nature.
  6. This. I have had my Helix as my audio interface with win 10, since I got it. No latency as I monitor with Helix, not thru the DAW. No guitar fading...
  7. Same here. I also use the same process in my DAW when I am mixing, and even composing if I feel its core to the tone. I start with amp and cabs first. Get that about how I like. I typically dial in fx after that. I create a usable quick tone that works ok enough for the song... For the Name of guitar, as I create patches for specific guitars. For instance I create a semi high gain lead patch. It says Cyan - lead. I record dry, and ReAmp. With the song playing and the dry guitar already recorded. I send the guitar out to the helix patch I have setup. I then dial in the tone further while doing this in the context of the song I am working on. It allows me to dial in my patch faster, and is far nore flexible for the mix of the song. Then I save that patch as a new patch. It becomes a song patch Cyan- lead "song name or abbreviations."
  8. Sure its not at all like previous generations which are completely meritable, and havent largely contributed to many of the problems we face today... oh wait a second... ;) I am not defending the guy who did the test, I am just tired of the generational bias. As far as the vid. I have had podx3, and Eleven Rack. I was never impressed with the pod, the 11r was nice, but Helix is significantly better than both, at least that is my experience.
  9. I unfortunately cannot. It only happens once every hour or two. No way to narrow it down with that. But I suspect your unlikely thought may have merit. Nothing im worried with as TVs do this, computers do it as well. Its not unheard of. Now if it were to happen every few minutes, I would be worried.
  10. I think I hear a little click in mine once I have it on for a while. It will happen maybe once, or twice a session, no more than 3 times in a session so far since I had it. My sessions can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. So Its there, but its no where near minutes apart for me like boynigel above says for him, its more like every 45 minutes to an hour and a half for me. Nothing I really concerned myself with. As I get great sound for everything I have really tried with so far. The issues bugs I had before I don't have an issue with as updates on DAWs, and FW for HELIX fixed a good portion of it. Not to mention I learned how to work around/temp fix most of the little quirks. I have mine plugged into a rather nice, and expensive Furman power conditioner. Especially since other users here report similar then I don't think I will let it weigh on my mind at all anymore.
  11. Honestly, the unit needs some vocal specific effects. I agree that it is a guitar processor first, and that is where the grand majority of the focus should be. However, a few vocal FX will not hurt. That being said I would rather them work on other things first. Like the midi improvements, bug fixes, and HX reverb. But why even have a mic input, mic pre and phantom power if there is little to nothing specifically geared for that in the box? At that point it becomes a waste of resouces, dev costs, and cost to the customer. There are already a decent amount of the guitar effects that work well enough for wet monitoring, but I repeat a few geared towards that WILL NOT hurt, especially once most of the bugs, and function are worked out.
  12. There is an alternative for buying a new set of headphones is there not? What about running one of the outputs either headphone, or 1/4 line out into a small headphone amp. This should get around the impedance issue should it not? It should also be cheaper than buying a new set of good headphones.
  13. Hmm I was under the impression that it came from the POD series? I could be wrong on that. So many amp models and alternative names to remember. Actually I think I was confusing it with the Electrik, or Doom amp. If this is the only one then I would still like one more. Though I don't expect it any time soon lol, just some time along the Helix lifespan. Thanks for pointing out this Fatality amp, I don't think I have used it yet, I will give it a go!
  14. Aren't most of them basically remakes of ones from the POD series? I mean I would like a high gain amp, like he did with the litigator (original) that is not from a previous series. Something entirely new for the Helix.
  15. I would really like to see him do an original higher gain amp in a somewhat similar manner.
  16. You sure it isn't happening in the guitar? For instance maybe a truss rod buzz? As they are more dominant on the lower notes. Maybe someone else can help further.
  17. Vocal effects. Harmony, and vocoder, perhaps a vocal specific compressor. Higher quality reverbs. (Which I think are coming at some point.) Auto-vol. Some more original sounding reverbs. A stereo enhancer. Perhaps a double tracker.
  18. hmm, I wonder... I will give this a go later on. But thanks for the insight. If this in fact is the case this is a good bit of info.
  19. Of course someone had to perpetuate this fallicious stereotype. >.>
  20. Its basically phase cancellation. If they are the same then there will be no sound. Only works if properly laid in time, not one ms difference. Military, and MIC have experimented with this to try and create silent helicopters. Mics positioned at the rotors to capture the sound and output it through speakers on bottom of craft after phase inversion. It didnt work as desired in that application, however for this test it should... provided the timing isnt off at all. Good idea Willjrock!
  21. Ah I see what you mean more clearly then. Yes, if you remove the religion aspect itself then it largely removes what I was referring to, and does move it closer to the same realm. But it doesn't completely as the message in P&W is to be taken all too seriously, so the influence there is quite a bit more still. Kinda hard to remove that aspect from it. However, we digress lol.
  22. This is a good point. I will have mine backed up to the same external HDD that I keep all my DAW, music, and project files on. Then I plan on getting an external HDD to be a back up, of the already existing external HDD. May even be smart to keep them at two different locations, but not too far from each other. I guess that is true if they are organized there like HonestOpinion posted above. However I would still keep them in with the back up of my other music files. On that aspect I find it better to be safe than sorry.
  23. I'd have to say that is a false equivalency as the influence, and consequences have never been anywhere near equal. Especially in dealing with the fraud aspect. But I don't mean to offend as it is just a truthful statement. Now on to the OP, and his issue. The global settings is more than likely where your problem lies. I noticed I had to reset input PAD options, XLR out was set to LINE, but I prefer a MIC level going to my studio monitors as they are freaking loud. I don't use a Global EQ, but may do, and some seem to set it and forget it. So you could double check that. OR it could simply be an IR ordering issue. If it is the factory presets that you needed, you could try the following: Load up a previous FW, back up those factory presets. (I assume this is possible, I wouldn't see a reason why it isn't) Then load up the new FW, and load the original factory presets into a user defined folder. As for things sounding different since the new FW, I cannot confirm, or deny. I haven't used it enough since I updated to give an answer with merit on that. Though I would think that Line 6 would have a statement for that, or something. However, you would have your problem solved faster if your more specific about your issues, and less relying on calling people slugs, and trying to put down bedroom players as that has no bearing on the talent, or potential in relation to you. You know some just don't want the headache of touring at all. But that is another conversation.
  24. Nice, super duper Nice! I really like the additions in the amp department, very good choices on the modelled and on the choice of doing a completely original. (I would like to see a bit more of that honestly. A Bogner XTC, and I think I am tapped out on which amps I could recommend, other than more originals from L6. Way to go L6. I look forward to updating my Helix. Also if this is what you call a "minor" update I can't wait to see what you call a major update that you hinted at in the coming year. ;)
  25. Device manager on pc. Show all hidden. Locate all the greyed out usb connections. Uninstall/delete them. Your pc will auto load back what it needs. Also make sure your mobo drivers,and maybe even BIOS are up to date.
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