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aaronlyon last won the day on March 13 2018

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  1. The pot shaft is bent out of shape? Or there's dried beer in it? :) DeOxIt is a good choice; D5 would be best (contains a little solvent). But if it's a bent shaft, you'll have to replace the pot.
  2. aaronlyon

    Big Sur

    FWIW, I installed Big Sur on Saturday, and am using Helix Native in Logic Pro with no problems.
  3. Two steps: open a new (empty) preset, choose Amp+Cab > Fullerton Jump. Bingo. Oh, step three: Play Cinnamon Girl album track and jam along.
  4. OP, I apologize for my snark. I wasn't joking about wanting higher-resolution images. I'm still curious--is this a hardware failure, like delamination of layers of the LCD? Or is it a foreign substance, like dirt or mold? I can see that the blemishes are outside the bounds of the pixels on the LCD, so it's not dead pixels. How does it look when powered down, under bright illumination? Do the blemishes cast a shadow?
  5. It appears some of the solid gold innards are leaking out! Or you've got a nice mold. Time to get out your USB microscope and snap some closeups!
  6. You say you're running the Helix into your power amp input, which means the Katana is acting as power amp and speaker cab, so you do NOT want to emulate those components with the Helix. Choose an amp model WITHOUT cabinet.
  7. Chiming in on this Tuner bug. Using Helix Floor, v2.90. Engaging the Tuner shortly after boot causes a variety of processor A crashes. Either the tuner simply does not work (mutes sound but does not display note); or after exiting tuner, all block on path A no longer work (but block on path B are OK); or total system freeze. Happens on all patches, empty or not. Happens reliably every time, as long as I engage tuner within about 20 seconds of boot. Otherwise, works fine!
  8. Yes, this. Highlight the Output block, and you will see the meters. I love this feature, especially for the 3-band compressor (LA Studio Comp? I'm not in front of my Helix). The meters revealed that my settings were compressing the mid band only, with no effect on the high or low bands.
  9. Could be sample rate mismatch. Like, Helix set for 44.1KHz, computer set for 48KHz.
  10. That's a great idea! Let us know what you find!
  11. I solved a similar issue in a very DIY fashion. I want an external expression pedal AND a Line 6 G50 wireless receiver to be permanent parts of my pedal board, along with my Helix Floor. My solution was to build a plywood pedalboard to support the EXP pedal and G50, along with two footswitch buttons, powered by a 1SPOT which is secured under the board. Power comes in to the board via an IEC inlet, and I have cables running from the board to the Helix. Finally, if I ever want 9vDC for other pedals, it's available on the 1SPOT string. You can see photos of my rig here:
  12. "have the volume on the LT turned down" -- this is part of the problem. You want your LT volume turned up high--not high enough to distort, but as high as possible so your signal to noise (hiss) ratio is best.
  13. 4. The Helix Floor can sound just like a real, vintage tube amp, by using amp emulation only (no speaker cab), then taking output from the helix into a simple power amp, then into a guitar speaker cabinet. You don't need anything fancy--I have built several 200w power amps from components available online for under $100. They sound great at home and on stage.
  14. There is only a single loop. You can overdub as many times as you like, building up the layers. The most recent overdub can be cancelled with the Undo button (toggled is a better word, which is a feature some people exploit when looping to do kind of verse/chorus thing).
  15. I told myself I'd wait at least a week to let you bleeding edge types work out the bugs. And then I went ahead and updated. Everything went smoothly! I'm especially impressed with the new distortion blocks. Really, really great.
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